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Positive Attitude / Spritual Enlightenment / Intuition Modules?

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  • Positive Attitude / Spritual Enlightenment / Intuition Modules?

    Hi all,

    I haven't heard much about these. Has anyone done anything with the "Positive Attitude & Vitality" module?

    Also, I'd be interested to hear what your experiences are with the enlightenment and intuition modules. I'm going to add one of these, but I haven't decided which yet.


  • #2
    Hi Joe -

    I have been on the intuition module and am experiencing amazing results. I have been on it for about six weeks I believe.

    Two huge examples happened for me yesterday.

    First, I was walking in the hallway of my office and I saw one of the managers, Jane, walking around with a fan of color chips. Have you ever seen the ones that professional house painters use? They are on long cardboard strips and there are usually about 100 or so strips connected with a metal ring. I wondered why she was carrying them and the phrase "summer promo" flashed thru my brain in a split second. I am in advertising sales and each year we offer have a summer promotion to increase sales through the slower months. However, no one has mentioned the summer promo (it usually starts late June or early July) and I saw no connection between that and the paint chips. So, not wanting to seem weird, I asked Jane if she was getting her office repainted. She said no, she had the color chips to pick out colors for the summer promo materials!

    Then last nite I was in a bar with a bunch of my friends and we were playing one of those trivia-type games with a keyboard and television monitor. Even though I only really "knew" the answers to a couple of questions, I consistantly chose the correct answer. I won all the rounds and by a long shot. Interestingly enough, each time I initially chose one answer but had second thoughts and entered another answer, I was wrong.

    Many other things have happened with my using this module as well. I am finding I should usually stick with my first thought when needing to make a quick decision.

    For me, this is definitely a module I want to keep for good.
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    • #3
      Positive Attitude


      I think that the Positive Attitude is a great module. I've recently had a number of situations in my life and feel like this module has really helped.

      I'm normally a positive person, but in every single situation I've instantly looked for the good. Just so you know, my cousin was recently minutes away from death from an accident, my relationship had a significant hiccup, my mum was diagnosed with cancer and I had someone drive into me and write off my car.

      In every one of these situations I've seen only the positives. Sure I've felt a range of emotions, but the only ones that have stuck around are overwhelmingly positive. I'd recommend the Positive Attitude module to everyone.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
        I am finding I should usually stick with my first thought when needing to make a quick decision.
        you know, I've heard some spiritual teachers suggest that when we are meditating for solutions to our problems from a higher source, we should take up the first thought or suggestion that comes up and stick to it.

        of course, this is assuming that you are well connected with the higher source, not imagining things or in the warming up zone.


        • #5
          The first answer

          As far as picking the first answer that comes to mind, I agree with that in most instances. I used to work in the human resources department of an ambulance company, (before I became a paramedic myself) where the employees had to take continuing education tests which I sometimes graded. I found that almost every time someone changed an answer on their test, they changed it from a correct answer to a wrong answer. Whenever I talk to someone that is about to take some kind of exam or test, I always tell them to stick with their origianl answers unless they know for SURE that they picked the wrong one.

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          • #6
            Intuition and Spiritual Mods

            Myself, and many of the people that I work with, have had fantastic results from the Intuition Module.

            It did not happen overnight, but over the last year my intuitive flashes have been steadily growing. They are to the point now where it is not unusual to get several a day, every day.

            It was probably 4-5 months before this started happening. However, it was almost immediate that the module improved TRV data.

            This module is a keeper for me. I am very much looking forward to how much further it will take me.

            The one thing I have noticed with it, which is pretty typical of my experience with all modules. Their are periods of growth, followed by periods of plateau...sometimes even a bit backwards before another growth spurt. This is the normal course of life.

            I am also using the Spiritual Enlightenment Module. I have definitely had an increased awareness of my spiritual being and spiritual truths. The implementation of these is not as quick as I would like it to be. However, it is steady.

            I have never used the Positive Attitude & Vitality mod...can't speak to that. But have heard many good reports!

            Have fun!


            PATHS For Healing
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            • #7
              Positive Attitude Rocks!

              Oh, Kevin....

              I think you should consider giving the Positive Attitude and Vitality Module a try... Now, don't get me wrong, Dear Kevin... I'm not saying that you actually NEED it, as it is crystal clear that you are one Happy Big Boy.... But all you have to do is look to my posts on THIS forum, as well as the ones on PI to know that I am convinced that THIS Module ROCKS!!!! You might be surprised at the Positive Heights this module can take you to and THEN, before you know it, you will be making wild and crazy posts just like me!!!!

              I don't think I EVER want to be without THIS Baby!!!

              With Much Love and Gratitude,

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              • #8
                Pamela & the PAAVM!

                Hi Pamela

                Interesting little synchronicity. Today, the same day you post about me trying out the PAAV mod, I get a message from a previous co-worker. Check out my 05-09-07 post in my blog. (link below)

                I might give the module a try, just for grins and giggles

                I have to admit a bit of trepidation at the thought of starting to post like you do!

                Seriously though, I am just kidding around with you!

                Have lots of fun!


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

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