Ladies and Gentlemen,
I'm psyched that the new Paths RDT Generation II technology will soon be available.
Get ready for the Optimum Workout for the Psyche
Using Paths RDT enables us to absorb life changing information in a myriad of ways. It takes place via audio, visual, and mentally through the zone of the collective unconscious. These changes we notice as we learn new strategies is same as if we've joined a "fitness club" for the mind. I have to say it's the quickest workout I've ever experienced! After exercise, the body becomes stronger as it builds muscle to handle the extra load. Supplementing improves this process and I've seen that myself. With Paths, since you have more synapses being formed and receptor cells to handle the the firing of neurons in the brain, you need to consume nutrients and amino acids to assist the brain - your mental muscle.
Starting Paths and choosing particular programs for what you want in life is like joining a gym and choosing workouts for desired results, whether it's power lifting for strength competitions or a cardio workout that a runner or cyclist would require. Similar to Paths, the workouts are relatively standard for the scheduled progression of increased resistance towards fitness.
Now, since we're all unique individuals with different levels of development - mentally and physically, we respond accordingly to the effort required. To tell you the truth, the ultimate is having a personal trainer to observe how you are handling the workouts and the ability to tailor them for optimum results and success. In a sense, Paths is set up for a safe workout. But what if you're an individual that has their mental facilities at a high level and living in a low stress environment? In my opinion, you could handle more information than someone in a different situation. Either way it's still good.
Here's where the excitement starts with the new PATHS RDT Gen II. You now have the ability to modify the program like a personal trainer with the assistance of intuition - to fit your needs. Consciously, you think more is better and the biggest problem in exercising, is over-training! With Gen II, your intuition sneaks past the ego and selects what's "right" for you in the moment. Between the choice of colors, the kinesthetic input slider and live feedback, you have many ways to customize your theater presentation. The more emotion you have in your mental endeavors adds attention, attraction, and acknowledgment from the aether. This is just the icing on the cake. As good as the visuals were before, get ready for a new milestone in video production -- the Gen II is a real treat for the eyes. Remember, the ability of the brain to absorb and process this information that transforms the mind is where the magic is. Enjoy!
Thank you Paths for your continued research.
Douglas Coffman
I'm psyched that the new Paths RDT Generation II technology will soon be available.
Get ready for the Optimum Workout for the Psyche

Using Paths RDT enables us to absorb life changing information in a myriad of ways. It takes place via audio, visual, and mentally through the zone of the collective unconscious. These changes we notice as we learn new strategies is same as if we've joined a "fitness club" for the mind. I have to say it's the quickest workout I've ever experienced! After exercise, the body becomes stronger as it builds muscle to handle the extra load. Supplementing improves this process and I've seen that myself. With Paths, since you have more synapses being formed and receptor cells to handle the the firing of neurons in the brain, you need to consume nutrients and amino acids to assist the brain - your mental muscle.
Starting Paths and choosing particular programs for what you want in life is like joining a gym and choosing workouts for desired results, whether it's power lifting for strength competitions or a cardio workout that a runner or cyclist would require. Similar to Paths, the workouts are relatively standard for the scheduled progression of increased resistance towards fitness.
Now, since we're all unique individuals with different levels of development - mentally and physically, we respond accordingly to the effort required. To tell you the truth, the ultimate is having a personal trainer to observe how you are handling the workouts and the ability to tailor them for optimum results and success. In a sense, Paths is set up for a safe workout. But what if you're an individual that has their mental facilities at a high level and living in a low stress environment? In my opinion, you could handle more information than someone in a different situation. Either way it's still good.
Here's where the excitement starts with the new PATHS RDT Gen II. You now have the ability to modify the program like a personal trainer with the assistance of intuition - to fit your needs. Consciously, you think more is better and the biggest problem in exercising, is over-training! With Gen II, your intuition sneaks past the ego and selects what's "right" for you in the moment. Between the choice of colors, the kinesthetic input slider and live feedback, you have many ways to customize your theater presentation. The more emotion you have in your mental endeavors adds attention, attraction, and acknowledgment from the aether. This is just the icing on the cake. As good as the visuals were before, get ready for a new milestone in video production -- the Gen II is a real treat for the eyes. Remember, the ability of the brain to absorb and process this information that transforms the mind is where the magic is. Enjoy!
Thank you Paths for your continued research.
Douglas Coffman