From: Aaron Murakami
Director of Marketing
PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
Dear Friend,
There are three parts to this document that will educate you on RDT Generation II. The first is a basic flowchart to show you the overall working of the technology. The second is an explanation of the ideomotor effect and how it is relevant to the technology. The third is about specifics before, during and after the actual RDT Generation II theater presentation.
Once the instructions are developed in plain English for each module, they are reworded into a proprietary verbiage that is compatible with the Universal Translator.
The modified instructions are then ran through the RDT Universal Translator, which converts them into a form that can be embedded into both the Theater Presentation and the Quantum Amplifier.
When watching the Theater Presentation, the Subconscious Mind receives the module’s instructions by way of visual and audio components.
The Subconscious Mind also receives the instructions directly from the Quantum Amplifier (hardware booster) through subspace, aether, collective, matrix or other term representing the medium through which thoughts and intentions travel.
The Subconscious Mind communicates these instructions directly to the MIND in order for thoughts and habit patterns to become more desirable.
The Subconscious Mind also communicates these instructions directly to the BODY in order for desirable biological changes to occur.
The Subconscious Mind also communicates these instructions directly back to the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS in order to powerfully attract desirable occurrences into one’s life.
While the Subconscious Mind directs the mind, body, and collective in your favor, it influences RDT Gen II to give you the OPTIMUM instructions at each given moment. This LIVE feedback effect is known as Quantum Energetic Feedback.
Again, a picture is worth a thousand words so please take a few minutes and contemplate what the flowchart diagram is showing you so you can realize how profound the RDT Generation II technology truly is.
In this next section, I’ll be explaining about what the ideomotor effect is and how it relates to the RDT Generation II technology.