PATHS may cause you to attract exactly what you ask for!
Think about the old adage ‘Be careful what you ask for’.
This applies to the PATHS modules you choose.
Here is what happened to me when I first began using PATHS. I had zero income. I chose the Increased Business Productivity and Creativity mod because I had just begun taking clients for my Quantum Biofeedback practice and needed to begin generating business.
I got exactly that. Within several weeks, I had a full schedule of clients. I did this all through word-of-mouth on the internet. I didn’t pay for advertising, and I didn’t leave my house. I was very amazed at the quick success. (I’ve found over the years that PATHS works very quickly for me).
After a short while of working very hard with my clients, I realized that I did not want to work that much. I re-thought what I really really wanted in life. Did I want business success, or did I really just want money? Guess what, I really just wanted money---without all of the hard work. About that time, the Mindset for Money Module came out, and I changed the Business mod for the Money mod.
I did not put limits on HOW the money would come to me.
Within about two weeks, my husband got a substantial raise at work. Wow. I soon found other ways to make unexpected income in super easy ways (no hard work involved). Now, I’m not going to tell you how much money I have currently, but after a year on the Money mod I no longer have to work for a living. We have all new cars and a fantastically custom re-landscaped yard with a waterfall and in-ground spa. I've also remodeled the game room, which is complete with stone fireplace and pinball machine. I am also able to support my daughter fully in her living and college expenses. I also sent her to Japan for two weeks. I have everything I pictured in my mind for years. I know it sounds like a fantasy, but it has been a dream-come-true for me and my family.
Guys, I did this without ever leaving home and with a beginning income of zero. I fully give credit to the Money mod. (Other modules I was watching were the Successful Living series)
As a side note:
Please do not buy into the fear tactics of the media. Do not buy into the “lack consciousness” they are peddling right now. Make up your mind to KNOW that supreme abundance and prosperity are ALWAYS available in unlimited amounts, at all times. Use the Money mod, the Financial Peace and Prosperity mod and the Inspired Luck and Good Fortune mod to help you release any of those subconscious blockages to your own personal abundance. Give thanks every day for the things that you do have.
I give thanks to PATHS for allowing me to open up to all things possible.

PATHS may cause you to attract exactly what you ask for!
Think about the old adage ‘Be careful what you ask for’.
This applies to the PATHS modules you choose.
Here is what happened to me when I first began using PATHS. I had zero income. I chose the Increased Business Productivity and Creativity mod because I had just begun taking clients for my Quantum Biofeedback practice and needed to begin generating business.
I got exactly that. Within several weeks, I had a full schedule of clients. I did this all through word-of-mouth on the internet. I didn’t pay for advertising, and I didn’t leave my house. I was very amazed at the quick success. (I’ve found over the years that PATHS works very quickly for me).
After a short while of working very hard with my clients, I realized that I did not want to work that much. I re-thought what I really really wanted in life. Did I want business success, or did I really just want money? Guess what, I really just wanted money---without all of the hard work. About that time, the Mindset for Money Module came out, and I changed the Business mod for the Money mod.
I did not put limits on HOW the money would come to me.
Within about two weeks, my husband got a substantial raise at work. Wow. I soon found other ways to make unexpected income in super easy ways (no hard work involved). Now, I’m not going to tell you how much money I have currently, but after a year on the Money mod I no longer have to work for a living. We have all new cars and a fantastically custom re-landscaped yard with a waterfall and in-ground spa. I've also remodeled the game room, which is complete with stone fireplace and pinball machine. I am also able to support my daughter fully in her living and college expenses. I also sent her to Japan for two weeks. I have everything I pictured in my mind for years. I know it sounds like a fantasy, but it has been a dream-come-true for me and my family.
Guys, I did this without ever leaving home and with a beginning income of zero. I fully give credit to the Money mod. (Other modules I was watching were the Successful Living series)
As a side note:
Please do not buy into the fear tactics of the media. Do not buy into the “lack consciousness” they are peddling right now. Make up your mind to KNOW that supreme abundance and prosperity are ALWAYS available in unlimited amounts, at all times. Use the Money mod, the Financial Peace and Prosperity mod and the Inspired Luck and Good Fortune mod to help you release any of those subconscious blockages to your own personal abundance. Give thanks every day for the things that you do have.
I give thanks to PATHS for allowing me to open up to all things possible.
