Back in ’07, when I first began using PATHS, one of my first mods was Successful Living. I switch out each of the Successful Living series mods about every three months.
When I started, I had zero income and was housebound by Lupus and other physical problems. Believe me, I needed some Success in my life.
You can read about my financial success with the Money Mod in another post.
But this post is about what happened with what I perceived to be successes directly due to the Successful Living mods.
Within a few weeks, I met a doctor (online and without leaving home). I didn’t know who he was at the time, but later found out he was nationally known for his newsletters and health supplements. Duh! Anyway, we struck up a business friendship that still goes on today. He has introduced me (over the phone because we do not live in close proximity to one another) to several of his friends. These friends are well-known in their own right. I am incredibly blessed to have received and given many trades for health related issues with these people. I have learned amazing new techniques in the healing and alternative medical fields (my arena of study).
I TOTALLY give credit to the Successful Living mods for these miraculous things that have happened to me. I mean, how in the world could someone sick and housebound, with no money to spend, meet and make friends with some of the leaders in the health industry???? Now I call that ‘Successful Living’ beyond my wildest dreams. (Remember never to put limits on what, when, where and how things come to you).
I want to put a plug in for one of my new and amazing acquaintances. Her name is Jacquelyn Aldana, and she is the author and facilitator of the Fifteen-Minute Miracle. Welcome, Magnificent One
I believe you will see a new, enhanced website from her in the future. She also does something called the One-Minute Miracle, and she gives weekend ‘Playshops’ (instead of workshops). I have done some of her private One-Minute Miracle sessions and this woman KNOWS how to get rid of old traumas and stresses, all within a short amount of time. She is a genius with words, and for anyone trying to change their dialogue more positively, she is the woman to show you how. She gives a money back guarantee on everything, even her Playshops. I don’t think anyone has ever asked for their money back, she’s that good.
Anyhoo, thanks again PATHS for changing my life completely
When I started, I had zero income and was housebound by Lupus and other physical problems. Believe me, I needed some Success in my life.
You can read about my financial success with the Money Mod in another post.
But this post is about what happened with what I perceived to be successes directly due to the Successful Living mods.
Within a few weeks, I met a doctor (online and without leaving home). I didn’t know who he was at the time, but later found out he was nationally known for his newsletters and health supplements. Duh! Anyway, we struck up a business friendship that still goes on today. He has introduced me (over the phone because we do not live in close proximity to one another) to several of his friends. These friends are well-known in their own right. I am incredibly blessed to have received and given many trades for health related issues with these people. I have learned amazing new techniques in the healing and alternative medical fields (my arena of study).
I TOTALLY give credit to the Successful Living mods for these miraculous things that have happened to me. I mean, how in the world could someone sick and housebound, with no money to spend, meet and make friends with some of the leaders in the health industry???? Now I call that ‘Successful Living’ beyond my wildest dreams. (Remember never to put limits on what, when, where and how things come to you).
I want to put a plug in for one of my new and amazing acquaintances. Her name is Jacquelyn Aldana, and she is the author and facilitator of the Fifteen-Minute Miracle. Welcome, Magnificent One
I believe you will see a new, enhanced website from her in the future. She also does something called the One-Minute Miracle, and she gives weekend ‘Playshops’ (instead of workshops). I have done some of her private One-Minute Miracle sessions and this woman KNOWS how to get rid of old traumas and stresses, all within a short amount of time. She is a genius with words, and for anyone trying to change their dialogue more positively, she is the woman to show you how. She gives a money back guarantee on everything, even her Playshops. I don’t think anyone has ever asked for their money back, she’s that good.
Anyhoo, thanks again PATHS for changing my life completely
