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60 days on PATHS - 2 motnh overview

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  • 60 days on PATHS - 2 motnh overview

    I have been on PATHS for two months. As they claim effects will be seen after a month of regular viewing and take lasting effects after 2-3 months if they dont stimulate biological functions. Every 7 days is a must but you can watch it every day. You have to take spirulina for amino acids and drink plenty of water. This is the only self development tool to help you grow really fast by using it only for a few minutes a day. You could say it is a life saver in some situations. I am still using PATHS but I change modules to Mood Elevation, Successful living phase2, Stimulate intuition and insight, Academic super charger. I will do comparison after one motnh of viewing too. You can check my older modules in my previous posts. As I promised I made a comparison before and after two months. I graded results from 1–>5. First number is before PATHS and the second is after two months on PATHS.

    Increased Business Productivity & Creativity
    Business Solutions - Increases creativity & productivity for the Self Employed

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Creative problem solving 5–>5
    Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly 5–>5
    Increased mental focus 5–>5
    Increased energy 5–>5
    Increased motivation 4–>4
    Creating profitable opportunities 3–>3
    Increased confidence 5–>5
    Increased desire to be organized 5–>5
    Increasing company sales 3–>3
    Stimulation of creative thinking 5–>5

    Not much noticeable changes in my second month with this module except Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly. Eventhough PATHS office adjusted this module so I can benefit from Creating profitable opportunities and Increase company sales more, nothing happened. Also there has been recession on those two. First month amazing.

    Self Esteem ~ Confidence Builder
    Removes doubt & self-destructive thought patterns

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Increased self certainty 5–>5
    Increased confidence 5–>5
    Increase in serotonin secretion and absorption 5–>5
    Increased endorphin secretion and absorption 5–>5
    Increased chi 3–>4
    Stimulate sense of humor 4–>4
    Feelings of safety 4–>4

    Changes happened only in Increased CHI. I have more daily energy. I have less negative toughts and can guide my thoughts to be more positive. And that is also a benefit from Successful living phase 1. First month amazing.

    Stimulate Intuition and Insight
    Boosts Perception & Insight in daily life

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Stimulates intuitive perception 4–>4
    Increased psi muscle function 4–>4
    Increased overall perception 5–>5
    Stimulate insight 4–>4
    Stimulate intelligence 5–>5
    Expanded wisdom 5–>5
    Increased psychic abilities 2–>2
    Quick, sharp mental clarity 5–>5

    No noticeable changes in my second month. I m still using this module. First month amazing.

    Successful Living Phase 1
    Mastering Your Thoughts and Habits

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Increased awareness of thoughts and feelings 5–>5
    Increased control of thoughts 4–>4
    Heightened sense of gratitude 4–>4
    Increased ability to let go of negativity 4–>4
    Increased confidence that you will achieve your goals 4–>4
    Increased ability to focus on the good 4–>4

    I benefit from this module the most in my second month. Not much changes but except in Highten sense of gratitude and ability to let go of negativity. First month amazing.

    Sleep module (included for free)

    My sleep is still excellent. I wake up before set up hour. This doesnt bother me in any way. PATHS recommended to use melatonin but I m not a fan of to many food supplements. Dreams are still vivid.


    The second month didnt bring a lot of noticeable changes. I dont know why is that. Maybe the second month was more about all the instructions settling in my subconscious. The first month was all about amazing and fast changes. Now I m allready used to all the changes. I asimilated them with my subconscious and conscious.

    All I can say it is still great development tool and I m happy to use it and will use it in the future. Benefits are huge and also it brought amazing people in my life through ESM forum (worth every penny).
    Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn΄t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed

  • #2

    Thanks for taking all the time on this

    I think it is helpful if readers can see your first month results. I found them
    and have them below.

    One thing, when you wrote :

    As I promised I made a comparison before and after two months. I graded results from 1–>5. First number is before PATHS and the second is after two months on PATHS.

    Don't you mean the First number is after your first month on PATHS?

    30 days on PATHS - before and after
    I have been on PATHS for one month. As they claim effects will be seen after a month of regular viewing and take lasting effects after 2-3 months if they dont stimulate biological functions. Every 7 days is a must but you can watch it every day. You have to take spirulina for amino acids and drink plenty of water. This is the only self development tool to help you grow really fast by using it only for a few minutes a day. You could say it is a life saver in some situations. I am still using PATHS and I ll be on the same moduls another month than I ll change to others. You can check my modules in my previous posts. As I promised I made a comparison before and after a month. I graded results from 1?>5. First
    number is before PATHS and the second is after a month on PATHS.

    Increased Business Productivity & Creativity
    Business Solutions - Increases creativity & productivity for the Self Employed

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Creative problem solving 4?>5
    Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly 3?>4
    Increased mental focus 4?>5
    Increased energy 2?>5
    Increased motivation 3?>4
    Creating profitable opportunities 2?>3
    Increased confidence 3?>5
    Increased desire to be organized 4?>5
    Increasing company sales 2?>3
    Stimulation of creative thinking 3?>5

    I m very happy with the results. Some issues improved gratly and some profound. But in general I can say this module did a great job after a month. Havent made me a milionare yet but I m getting there and I have to work on allowing success into my life.

    Self Esteem ~ Confidence Builder
    Removes doubt & self-destructive thought patterns

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Increased self certainty 3?>5
    Increased confidence 3?>5
    Increase in serotonin secretion and absorption 3?>5
    Increased endorphin secretion and absorption 3?>5
    Increased chi 2?>3
    Stimulate sense of humor 4?>4
    Feelings of safety 3?>4

    I wasnt really sure if I wanted to go with the Self esteem module but I read few books about what a lack of self esteem does to people. I m sure everyone thinks that he has enough selfesteem. Yes, maybe it does seem so to outside world but most of us doubt about something. This module will help you release those doubts as it did for me. I love this module and it did a great job in only a month.

    Stimulate Intuition and Insight
    Boosts Perception & Insight in daily life

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Stimulates intuitive perception 3?>4
    Increased psi muscle function 3?>4
    Increased overall perception 3?>5
    Stimulate insight 2?>4
    Stimulate intelligence 4?>5
    Expanded wisdom 3?>5
    Increased psychic abilities 2?>2
    Quick, sharp mental clarity 3?>5

    I m not psychic yet but I have got a clearer bigger picture. I can predict some things will happen, I advise much better to people around me. I havent played any lottery to see if I can predict numbers. Maybe I ll do that. In general this module helped me a lot in dealing with customers and people around me. I can avoid stressfull situations and people with great ease.
    I recommend this module along with the Self esteem.

    Successful Living Phase 1
    Mastering Your Thoughts and Habits

    Issues addressed in this module:
    Increased awareness of thoughts and feelings 3?>4
    Increased control of thoughts 2?>3
    Heightened sense of gratitude 1?>4
    Increased ability to let go of negativity 2?>4
    Increased confidence that you will achieve your goals 3?>4
    Increased ability to focus on the good 2?>3

    This is a great module for general personal growth. I have eliminated negative toughts from my thinking pattern. Sometimes I still catch myself thinking negative but as soon as I do, I guide my toughts to positive. I have intent to complete the whole 3 phases. This module is highly recommended if you want to change your life to better. Remember there is always room to improve yourself.

    Sleep module (included for free)

    My sleep has improved, my dreams are vivid, I sleep less because I dont wake up during the night. In mornings I am refreshed and full of energy and I cant wait to get out of bed and start my day.

    In a month there have been big changes in my toughts and feelings. I have become more positive, grateful, happy, content and confident. Life became a great fun for me.
    I have a great insight in what goes around me without really talking to people. I can destinct people just from the way they look, walk, talk. I have more success with my business and I was invited to several other business ventures.
    All the four modules are working for me and I made the right decision. I will continue to use this four modules and change them after another month. I will monitor my changes after every 3 days as before.

    This is one of the best self development tools I have every used. People around me see changes, I can feel changes if I compare before and after. It wont solve all your issues, you have to do some work on yourself but it is much more fun this way.

    From my blog where I monitor my progress.
    Holmed market - Holistic medicine trading community

    PATHS - Change your life
    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      Yes, there was a typo . Sorry for that!
      Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn΄t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


      • #4
        Tried to edit that but editing doesnt work for me .
        Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn΄t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


        • #5
          No probelem! Thanks for the clarification
          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #6
            What a great overview, Jure! I am going to do the same thing with my modules, only I think I'll wait until at least six months have passed. I am on two of the same modules as you (see below) so I hope that we can compare notes. I have been on PATHS for nearly two months, and I am very happy with my results so far.


            • #7
              Jure zdravo,

              zanima me, če še vedno uporabljaš Paths in kakšne imaš rezultate. Jaz sem komaj začela in zaenkrat še ni nič drastičnega.

              Lp, Katja


              • #8
                @ Katja

                Zdravo Katja,

                Kako dolgo nazaj ste začeli? To traja nekaj časa, vendar če je bil nekaj časa, se obrnite na urad, pri in od njih zahteva, da prilagodijo module.

                Prav tako ste ob najmanj 4 gramov Spirulina na dan?


                P.s. Se opravičujem, če je ta prevod je grozno. Uporabil sem google prevajalec.


                Hi Katja,

                How long ago did you start? It does take time but if it has been a while, you should contact the office at and ask them to adjust the modules.

                Also, are you taking at least 4 grams of spirulina a day?

                Take care,
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  I'm grateful

                  Hi Aaron, Zdravo Katja

                  I just felt an immense wave of gratitude to you, Aaron, for translating what you wrote to Katja.

                  Small things like that change the world.

                  Thanks mate

                  I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
                  David Icke

                  My website PATHS-Life4Living How PATHS Works


                  • #10
                    thank you!

                    My pleasure Vic!

                    I'm glad the translation was good enough to make sense!
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      Hello Aaron,

                      that became very funny translation thanks. Well I started first with free module and I felt like there is something, so I continued with 2 modules in November 2008. These modules were: Take it off and Organized. Take it off module didn't get me the wanted results, so after 2 months I have changed it to Eat right, and after 20 days I have finally noticed decrease in apetite. So now for two days I have some results also in that area. As for the organized module, I havent seen any drastical change, but I'm slowly, very very slowly getting more organized. In January I also added Busines productivity, Mind set for money, Hooponopono and academic supercharge. Well in financial area I'm still not good, actually for a while I was even worse, my survival fears regarding money have come to the surface and now for the last week I'm quite better. Hooponopono has been great and it's very good addition to my normal Hooponopono cleaning. I'm not sure that academic supercharge is right for me, I thought that it would help me with my master thesis, but nothing is hapening here. So I'm thinking about changing it with SLP1. So if I draw a line, I have noticed some changes, but I would like results to be quicker. You mentioned that paths staff can adjust modules for us, could you explain this a litle bit?

                      As for Spirulina, I'm taking now 12grams of Spirulina, because I'm on 7 modules, is that too much? I read in the instructions that you can increase Spirulina if you feel bad, I'm feeling very tired every day and exhausted, but I can't eat more Spirulina, because also this quantity gives me stomach ache. I take tablets, because I can't get Spirulina in any other form. Do you think that's enough Spirulina?

                      Thanks and warm regards

                      Last edited by katka20; 02-03-2009, 02:48 PM.


                      • #12

                        Until Aaron posts again I wanted to mention that if you are on PATHS and very tired you either need more spirulina, more water, or more sleep. See if drinking more water is helpful. . . .It's just bc your mind is processing so much it needs as much fuel as it can get. I would consider that a good sign that PATHS is working

                        As far as PATHS staff making adjustments, they really aim to please. Even if you don't have the custom module, writing in to them at is really helpful. Let them know your concerns and they will give advice and/or add some so called "boosters" to your account(s).

                        I'm not sure if anything can be done about the speed of your changes. Your subconscious may be protecting you by making the changes at the best rate for you, but it doesn't hurt to ask PATHS about that, or any other specific issues.

                        XO Jessica
                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #13
                          Hi Katja,

                          Being tired, irritable or groggy while using PATHS are all signs of a lack of nutrients. If you are having trouble taking more Spirulina, there are other options. They are Zrii and E3Live.

                          You can find them here:

                          Zrii - Home

                          E3Live Home Page

                          Either of these are capable of taking the place of Spirulina.

                          Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep and drinking enough water. During the initial time of using PATHS, these may need to be increased.

                          Please do take a moment to email us at and explain to us your situation (what areas you are wanting to improve, what areas you feel need more support, etc.) and we will optimize your Theater for you.

                          Here is a good link to read more about boosting Modules:


                          Happiness & Health,

                          PATHS, S.A. Staff



                          • #14
                            Difference between Increased energy and setting goals module

                            Few days ago I added new module Increased energy and I just can't believe how much energy I have every day, It's a great feeling like 2 months nightmare of tiredness an d bad mood has ended and sun is shining again . If only my finacial modules worked so fast .

                            Could anyone tell me what is the differenec between Increased energy module and setting goals module, when I was comparing the description they are very similar, but probably is there some difference behind, a difference that makes a differrence?


                            • #15
                              Hi Katja,

                              These Modules are both powerful catalysts for getting things done, but the difference in them is how they do this.

                              The Increased Energy and Motivation Module is designed to help you clear blockages that can be inhibiting your physical and mental energy potential, as well as increasing your motivation and mental clarity to help you take advantage of this new found energy.

                              The Effective Goal Setting and Achievement Module is designed to enhance your ability and desire to reach specific goals you have set for yourself by assisting in the development of traits such as organizations skills, problem solving and motivation to finish set tasks.

                              If one is simply looking for increased energy and motivation all around, then the Increased Energy and Motivation Module is ideal.

                              If you are looking to help yourself accomplish specific goals, then the Effective Goal Setting and Achievement Module is for you.

                              And together they can really pack a punch!

                              Here are the full descriptions for comparison:

                              Increased Energy and Motivation

                              This Module is designed to aid your mind in eliminating energy obstructions that may prevent you from having the good clean energy you need to get through the day with energy to spare, without any negative side effects.

                              Unlike caffeine and other “energy supplements” there are no ups and downs or jittery feelings...just increased clarity and motivation to get your tasks done quickly and efficiently. Supercharge your life naturally, while maintaining your balance and health.

                              This Module can support your mind’s ability to:

                              # Increased motivation to finish jobs quickly

                              # Stimulate serotonin production

                              # Stimulate serotonin absorption

                              # Boost energy

                              # Increased vitality

                              # Stimulate energetic physical activity

                              # Increase organizational skills

                              # Increase quick sharp mental clarity

                              Effective Goal Setting and Achievement

                              This Module has been radically upgraded!

                              This Module is designed to assist you in increasing your ability to set and reach your goals while enhancing your insight and motivation.

                              When you acquire these traits, you will be more able to take advantage of opportunities presented to you, by finding creative and efficient ways to maximize your productivity.

                              This Module is especially effective when used in conjunction with the Increased Synchronicity and Faith Modules.

                              In addition, this Module helps you increase your willingness to get things done, in both business, and personal affairs.

                              This Module can support your mind’s ability to:

                              # Increase chi

                              # Expand overall perception

                              # Increase efficient organizational skills

                              # Increase motivation to finish tasks

                              # Increase creative problem solving

                              # Have greater wisdom

                              # Increase productive creativity

                              Happiness & Health,

                              PATHS, S.A. Staff


