I have been on PATHS for two months. As they claim effects will be seen after a month of regular viewing and take lasting effects after 2-3 months if they dont stimulate biological functions. Every 7 days is a must but you can watch it every day. You have to take spirulina for amino acids and drink plenty of water. This is the only self development tool to help you grow really fast by using it only for a few minutes a day. You could say it is a life saver in some situations. I am still using PATHS but I change modules to Mood Elevation, Successful living phase2, Stimulate intuition and insight, Academic super charger. I will do comparison after one motnh of viewing too. You can check my older modules in my previous posts. As I promised I made a comparison before and after two months. I graded results from 1>5. First number is before PATHS and the second is after two months on PATHS.
Increased Business Productivity & Creativity
Business Solutions - Increases creativity & productivity for the Self Employed
Issues addressed in this module:
Creative problem solving 5>5
Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly 5>5
Increased mental focus 5>5
Increased energy 5>5
Increased motivation 4>4
Creating profitable opportunities 3>3
Increased confidence 5>5
Increased desire to be organized 5>5
Increasing company sales 3>3
Stimulation of creative thinking 5>5
Not much noticeable changes in my second month with this module except Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly. Eventhough PATHS office adjusted this module so I can benefit from Creating profitable opportunities and Increase company sales more, nothing happened. Also there has been recession on those two. First month amazing.
Self Esteem ~ Confidence Builder
Removes doubt & self-destructive thought patterns
Issues addressed in this module:
Increased self certainty 5>5
Increased confidence 5>5
Increase in serotonin secretion and absorption 5>5
Increased endorphin secretion and absorption 5>5
Increased chi 3>4
Stimulate sense of humor 4>4
Feelings of safety 4>4
Changes happened only in Increased CHI. I have more daily energy. I have less negative toughts and can guide my thoughts to be more positive. And that is also a benefit from Successful living phase 1. First month amazing.
Stimulate Intuition and Insight
Boosts Perception & Insight in daily life
Issues addressed in this module:
Stimulates intuitive perception 4>4
Increased psi muscle function 4>4
Increased overall perception 5>5
Stimulate insight 4>4
Stimulate intelligence 5>5
Expanded wisdom 5>5
Increased psychic abilities 2>2
Quick, sharp mental clarity 5>5
No noticeable changes in my second month. I m still using this module. First month amazing.
Successful Living Phase 1
Mastering Your Thoughts and Habits
Issues addressed in this module:
Increased awareness of thoughts and feelings 5>5
Increased control of thoughts 4>4
Heightened sense of gratitude 4>4
Increased ability to let go of negativity 4>4
Increased confidence that you will achieve your goals 4>4
Increased ability to focus on the good 4>4
I benefit from this module the most in my second month. Not much changes but except in Highten sense of gratitude and ability to let go of negativity. First month amazing.
Sleep module (included for free)
My sleep is still excellent. I wake up before set up hour. This doesnt bother me in any way. PATHS recommended to use melatonin but I m not a fan of to many food supplements. Dreams are still vivid.
The second month didnt bring a lot of noticeable changes. I dont know why is that. Maybe the second month was more about all the instructions settling in my subconscious. The first month was all about amazing and fast changes. Now I m allready used to all the changes. I asimilated them with my subconscious and conscious.
All I can say it is still great development tool and I m happy to use it and will use it in the future. Benefits are huge and also it brought amazing people in my life through ESM forum (worth every penny).
Increased Business Productivity & Creativity
Business Solutions - Increases creativity & productivity for the Self Employed
Issues addressed in this module:
Creative problem solving 5>5
Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly 5>5
Increased mental focus 5>5
Increased energy 5>5
Increased motivation 4>4
Creating profitable opportunities 3>3
Increased confidence 5>5
Increased desire to be organized 5>5
Increasing company sales 3>3
Stimulation of creative thinking 5>5
Not much noticeable changes in my second month with this module except Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly. Eventhough PATHS office adjusted this module so I can benefit from Creating profitable opportunities and Increase company sales more, nothing happened. Also there has been recession on those two. First month amazing.
Self Esteem ~ Confidence Builder
Removes doubt & self-destructive thought patterns
Issues addressed in this module:
Increased self certainty 5>5
Increased confidence 5>5
Increase in serotonin secretion and absorption 5>5
Increased endorphin secretion and absorption 5>5
Increased chi 3>4
Stimulate sense of humor 4>4
Feelings of safety 4>4
Changes happened only in Increased CHI. I have more daily energy. I have less negative toughts and can guide my thoughts to be more positive. And that is also a benefit from Successful living phase 1. First month amazing.
Stimulate Intuition and Insight
Boosts Perception & Insight in daily life
Issues addressed in this module:
Stimulates intuitive perception 4>4
Increased psi muscle function 4>4
Increased overall perception 5>5
Stimulate insight 4>4
Stimulate intelligence 5>5
Expanded wisdom 5>5
Increased psychic abilities 2>2
Quick, sharp mental clarity 5>5
No noticeable changes in my second month. I m still using this module. First month amazing.
Successful Living Phase 1
Mastering Your Thoughts and Habits
Issues addressed in this module:
Increased awareness of thoughts and feelings 5>5
Increased control of thoughts 4>4
Heightened sense of gratitude 4>4
Increased ability to let go of negativity 4>4
Increased confidence that you will achieve your goals 4>4
Increased ability to focus on the good 4>4
I benefit from this module the most in my second month. Not much changes but except in Highten sense of gratitude and ability to let go of negativity. First month amazing.
Sleep module (included for free)
My sleep is still excellent. I wake up before set up hour. This doesnt bother me in any way. PATHS recommended to use melatonin but I m not a fan of to many food supplements. Dreams are still vivid.
The second month didnt bring a lot of noticeable changes. I dont know why is that. Maybe the second month was more about all the instructions settling in my subconscious. The first month was all about amazing and fast changes. Now I m allready used to all the changes. I asimilated them with my subconscious and conscious.
All I can say it is still great development tool and I m happy to use it and will use it in the future. Benefits are huge and also it brought amazing people in my life through ESM forum (worth every penny).