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Operation Success Participant's

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  • Operation Success Participant's

    Hi All Wonderful OS participant's,

    Come on Down..........

    Well I've started and would like to document publicly my results .

    I 'd love to know who else is participating,apparently there is only a small amount of us.

    Maybe we could have Pammie and the other gals and guys come over wearing there little cheerleading gear and waving their battons(or champagne glasses)

    Please feel encouraged....... WE are on the right path and WE WILL get results

    Forever Grateful ^O^

  • #2
    I will not be continuuing Mya.

    Barb xx
    Last edited by K.J.L.H.; 05-17-2007, 07:09 PM.


    • #3
      Oh Barb ,please, can you tell me why?

      My results after only 10 hours on OS.......

      I watched my new OS program yesterday morning.

      I made sure I had taken 10grams of Spirulina first thing in the morning as I had a busy day planned. The day continued without any notable results at work, yet I did feel different....... very strange..... yet not uncomfortable,placebo ?.

      Throughout the day I continued to take my Spirulina making sure I had at least 20g accumulated so I wouldn't feel tired ,anxious or get the dreaded cognitive dissonance.

      For the record I have been on PATHS since the 27th February modules are...

      Self Esteem
      Successful Living phase 2
      Shed pounds
      Defying Gravity

      No results from shed Pounds,defying gravity,self esteem....

      Forever Grateful ^O^
      Last edited by Mya; 05-22-2007, 05:35 PM.


      • #4
        Well I guess I'm the only one who is participating in OS.

        Just as a note...

        When PATHS emailed me back and told me that my OS had been implanted within my modules, nothing had changed within my theatre 100% countdown to say that a change had been made....just wondering....

        Forever Grateful ^O^


        • #5
          os instructions

          Hi Mya,

          I believe the instructions are simply added to a currently existing module.

          In my custom package for example, I only have 1 theater presentation, the SLP1 video but I have about 12-15 modules worth of instructions in there.

          I demo my presentation at a lot of lectures and I don't want people to have to watch 12 minutes. My instructions are compressed quite a bit.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Hi Mya!

            There are about 10 individuals who have started the Operation Success program in the last couple of days. You are not alone!

            Perhaps they have not read here, or wish to remain anonymous.

            We are here for you!

            The countdown you see on your screen sometimes is the time it is taking to download the graphics and audio...the programming streams as you watch it. Since you have not had any change in the graphics, nor have you turned off your computer since last watching, it is loading that out of cache, thus no countdown.

            Happiness & Health,

            PATHS, S.A. Staff



            • #7
              Mya, I'm not one of the participants, but I am wishing you and the others all the best! Please, please, please, keep us posted here. Your experiences are very valuable for the rest of us. Thinking of you!


              • #8
                Hi Mya,

                I am also participating in Operation Success. I read the ESM threads pretty much everday, but I just prefer not to post that much. I watched the presentation yesterday and have begun the worksheets. Most of the exercises in the worksheets I have utilized in the past, but not consistently, so now I am consistently using them and trying out a couple other exercises that were recommended on this thread. I wish you great success with OP and will send you out some positive vibes.

       Program Authoring The Human Subconscious


                • #9

                  I am also participating in Operation Success. I am very shy and am not very confident in my expressing myself in English, but ….here I am!

                  I watched my first OS presentation a couple of days ago. I did not feel anything different but my sleep was strange at that night. I was very sleepy but it took me 1 hour to fall asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night and stayed awake for about 3 hours.

                  I slept well last night although I could not sleep at the desired time. Self-Esteem may be working because I am writing this now in English in public for the first time in my life even though I am feeling nervous.
                  I just wish I could feel a little more comfortable.

                  I have been on the following modules, taking 6g of spirulina everyday.

                  · Successful Living 1 (2 and half months)
                  · Self-Esteem (1 and half months) after Mood Elevation (1 month)
                  · Academic Super Charger (2 and half months)
                  · Goal Setting (1 and half months) after Insight and Intuition (1 month)
                  · Sleep Boost (My desired sleep time 9:30pm, wakeup time 5:00am)

                  I am also doing work sheets. I already knew about those but I was not really doing. Thank you for reminding me of these things. I was forgetting the beginners’ mind. I will report here if there is any change.


                  • #10

                    Hi Yarimura,


                    Don't be shy, your English is excellent! I am also a shy person but everyone is so warm & friendly here. I'm glad that it looks like you are getting results with OS, even though it is early days yet.

                    I am just starting PATHS - I am just waiting for my set up to be completed as I seem to have a bit of a problem with my order going through. I can't wait until I can view the theatre presentations, I hope that I will not be too slow seeing results.

                    I noticed on your profile one of your interests is Eckhart Tolle. I have just begun rereading "The Power of Now".

                    Love & Abundance,

                    Theta Healing
                    Paths 2 Potential

                    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                    • #11
                      Hi yarimura,
                      Originally posted by yarimura View Post
                      .. I am very shy and am not very confident in my expressing myself in English, but ….here I am!

                      You're doing great. I've read much worst posts from native speaking English/American people so if you didn't tell us, I don't think anyone would have known you weren't a native English speaker

                      I'm also on operation success and doing the procedures.

                      What is interesting that although I'm generally positive/pragmatic, looking at the EGC, I found that I often wander into the 'bad' side of the chart in a minor way, (on scale of +10 to -10) around -1 or -2. But with a 3.5 yr old and 1.3 yr old around that might be normal

                      Best regards
                      Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                      Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                      • #12


                        That is a great first report!

                        Since the Operation Success program is only for people that have not experienced anything, your report that it disrupted your sleep is actually a good sign!

                        It would be expected that as things happen that there would be some cognitive dissonance.

                        What is REALLY GREAT is that you shared your experience in a post here! Changes are already happening!

                        Your English is great! Most of my neighbors down here in the South (of the USA) could not have written nearly as well as you did.

                        Look forward to hearing more from you.


                        PATHS For Healing
                        Energetic Science Ministries
                        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                        ESM Forum Support Link


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yarimura View Post
                          Self-Esteem may be working because I am writing this now in English in public for the first time in my life even though I am feeling nervous.
                          This is great, Yarimura! I'm on the same self-esteem module, and I can feel it working, although very slowly. Please do keep us posted on your OS progress, as your experiences provide valuable information for the rest of us. And as a nice side-effect, the more you post in English, the more your confidence will grow!


                          • #14
                            Hi PATHS friends,

                            I am back! I have two nice things happened to me

                            Yesterday, I found out that I will be working as a nutrition assistant, which I really wanted, in the hospital where I have been working as a part-time kitchen helper for the last 5 months. The new position is still an assistant position but it will be a big step for my future career. (I am still trying to get into a graduate school to be a registered dietitian someday in US. I was teaching Japanese most of my time in US.)

                            What was amazing was that the nutrition assistant position was not officially posted in the bulletin board in the hospital, so I was not really expecting it. And then, one of my co-workers asked me about my future plans while stripping food trays from the trucks, I told her about my plans and then, all of sudden, she started to insist on my going to see the director in the nutrition department as soon as possible.

                            I was reluctant. I stubbornly told her that there would be no new positions in the nutrition department but she even physically took me near the director’s office ignoring my fear and shyness. I finally went into the office, asked about the position and expressed my desire to work there, and her answer was a big YES. This all happened in a matter of 10-15 minutes. (There were more synchronicities involved here but I made the story short.)

                            There is another short story. After I got home I did one hour meditation using Holosync. I got extremely sleepy so I laid down. I guess I was half sleeping and half awake. I heard strange buzzing sounds from my frontal brain like unzipping line by line (left to right or may be right to left). I even felt strong vibrations there. I thought at that moment that PATHS was being unzipped.

                            I am not an energy sensitive person, I have never experienced things like this. I am very happy about these happenings so I wanted to report them.

                            Thank you,PATHS friends, for directly and indirectly encouraging me this far.



                            • #15


                              That is great news! on both counts. I am so glad that OS is showing such improvements for you. You will be going "full steam ahead" now !!

                              Love & Abundance to you,

                              Theta Healing
                              Paths 2 Potential

                              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

