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suggestion for combining modules to shift money issues

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  • suggestion for combining modules to shift money issues

    This is my suggestion for combining modules to deal with money issues:

    Financial Peace & Prosperity

    Depending on your particular issues you could add a career specific module or the Inspired Luck and Good Fortune or even Ho'oponopono Healing if there is family or cultural stuff involved. Just Relax can be good as well, if your anxiety is high or Mood Elevation if depression is a problem.

    Most people who are coming to me for sessions lately want to focus on money issues. Obviously we are dealing with survival fears on a collective level, and probably, our stuff is coming up in response to more people getting into the ideas around the law of attraction.

    Wherever there is fear of survival, there is unresolved trauma. There's also usually a loop that stops you from deconstructing the fear: your fear vibration around money causes you to keep creating circumstances that reinforce it. It's hard to get into the zone where you can switch the worry off yet you need to do that in order to change lanes. Most people with money fear have a hard time finding the thoughts that will help them stop worrying. (Which is why Abraham-Hicks suggests just stop thinking about it, so you stop activating that vibration.)

    The trauma-free module can help you internalize the feeling that 'the need to stress about survival is over'. The deserving module can help you resolve issues around money, that aren't strictly about money - ie associations with lovability, belonging, power, loyalty etc. Financial peace and prosperity can help you in your direct dealings with money.


  • #2
    Hi, I was wondering, what is the difference between the Mindset for Money module and the Financial Peace and Prosperity one?
    Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
    Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


    • #3
      The best way to tell the differences is to look at the description pages on a site.

      I wanted to also recommend positive attitude mod for this. I've found I've had a lot of movement on the financial peace mod. Sometimes it's just a nice free-bie. But sometimes it entails overcoming a challenge.

      The positive attitude mod helps through all the changes

      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #4
        Hi! I read through the descriptions of the 2 modules a few times, but even though I can see some differences between them they also both seem to be quite similar. It seems to me that the Mindset for Money module is more for helping you to be aware of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about money and to help you have a more positive attitude towards money, while the Financial Peace module is more for helping you to MANAGE your money properly?

        But it seems that both are supposed to help you become more prosperous and successful financially?

        Which module would you recommend to help remove blocks, whatever sorts of blocks, that prevent you from making money? Well first to help you become aware of what these blockages are and where they are, and then removing them? Maybe they are subconscious limiting beliefs about money, maybe they are feelings of guilt about having money or feelings of not deserving money, I don't know what it is but that is what I would like to find out. I'd really welcome any suggestions by anyone! Thanks to all!
        Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
        Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


        • #5
          I had the Financial Peace and Prosperity module in my Platinum for a while, but noticed very little effect (if anything, I got poorer!).

          Then I switched over to the Mindset for money module, and I can feel *something* happening. I'm not becoming any richer, but I notice my blockages more. I think something may be starting to shift. I'd recommend anyone with money issues to do this one first, just to clear away any serious blockages.

          And here's a bonus that happened to me a week ago: I used to have quite a generous student loan paid into a second account of mine every term. I usually transferred the bulk of money into my savings account just to safe-keep it, since I've been a victim of card fraud before. But I'm not a student any longer, so over the summer I finally used the last of the money - or so I thought. I logged onto my account the other day and saw that I still had £1,500 left in my savings account that i had deposited back in February! What boggles me the most is that I had managed to completely forget about it, and fail to notice it the many times I checked my account previously to see how much I had left. I'm sure it was there and I must have missed it, but sometimes I like to daydream that the universe did something strange and put the money there.

          Technically it's not my money, as I have to pay a part of it it back later, but it came at a time when I definitely needed it!!!


          • #6
            I think the thing about the financial peace mod is I think it will cause you to confront certain issues that may need to be confronted before you can have financial peace.

            I've had some for sure ups, and also some times which seemed challenging at first but so far have always turned out well in the long run.

            I would rather continue making progress towards financial peace right now so I am staying on it but I think I'd agree that it might be helpful to do the mindset for money mod first, or at the same time. (I had actually done that one first because it came out before the financial peace one was available).
            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #7
              My first Theater

              Not yet purchased. Of all things I'm having trouble getting my ' Affiliate ' set up. Hehe, just bought a fax machine, good thing it comes with instructions. ( I'm not counting the Meditation Theater, I have this ).

              Enyhoo, I sent in a letter to Paths, with my suggestions for my theater, and they looked at my letter, then gave me a suggestion of a totaly different set of theaters. Who am I to argue, specialy since I've spent the last 3 days looking at the Theaters, and at my self.

              Thier suggestions are...Faith....Successful Living Phase 2....Self Esteem and Confidence Builder.....and ....Break Through to Enlightenment.

              My suggestions were .....Academic Super Charge....Memory....Meditation...and.... Increased Buisness Productivity and Creativity. As you can see they are very similar

              I totaly agree with Paths suggestions, I've got some internal issues which need addressing. However, I worry that the projects, and buisnesses which I'm in the midst of, are never going to get done, let alone show a profit. And therefor I 'm having a hard time coming to turms with the 2 sides of me. there are so meny moduals, some seem to over lap, but not realy. Hard to decide.

              Am I procrastinating again ?
              Andrew T.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                Not yet purchased. Of all things I'm having trouble getting my ' Affiliate ' set up. Hehe, just bought a fax machine, good thing it comes with instructions. ( I'm not counting the Meditation Theater, I have this ).

                Enyhoo, I sent in a letter to Paths, with my suggestions for my theater, and they looked at my letter, then gave me a suggestion of a totaly different set of theaters. Who am I to argue, specialy since I've spent the last 3 days looking at the Theaters, and at my self.

                Thier suggestions are...Faith....Successful Living Phase 2....Self Esteem and Confidence Builder.....and ....Break Through to Enlightenment.

                My suggestions were .....Academic Super Charge....Memory....Meditation...and.... Increased Buisness Productivity and Creativity. As you can see they are very similar

                I totaly agree with Paths suggestions, I've got some internal issues which need addressing. However, I worry that the projects, and buisnesses which I'm in the midst of, are never going to get done, let alone show a profit. And therefor I 'm having a hard time coming to turms with the 2 sides of me. there are so meny moduals, some seem to over lap, but not realy. Hard to decide.

                Am I procrastinating again ?
                Andrew T.
                Hi Andrew! Well my Affiliate always recommends Self-Esteem-Confidence first for everyone, sure is working for me but then it was already what I needed to work on first anyways since I was and suppose still am but getting better, one of those people who have always hated myself. The Successful Living modules are supposed to be great for any sort of projects, I just started on one right now so too soon to see any results yet. My Affiliate tried the Business Productivity module and didn't get too many results. I'm not using it either for the moment.

                And I guess the other 2 would depend on what you are trying to accomplish or work on right now. CS really knows their thing anyways!
                Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                • #9
                  I had some financial problems in the past, but now things are slowly getting better. Now I'm on this modules:
                  Financial Peace and Prosperity
                  Increased Business Prod.
                  Setting and achieving goals
                  Energy and motivation
                  Succesful living 1,2,3 (rotating)
                  Stand out at work
                  Good luck
                  Trauma free

                  Before I was for 6 months on MS Money module and Get organized for 3 months. Biggest turning point regarding financial issues happened to me after getting on good luck module. I also managed to close one business that didn't make any money, but I was emotionally attached to it, so this was hard but wise decision. I know that I would not be able to make this decision on my own.
                  If I would have to sigle out 4 most important modules for financial issues, I would say:

                  Mind Set for Money (I felt it like it changes negative beliefs about having money)
                  Financial Peace and Prosperity ( changes beliefs that you have to work hard and long to get money)
                  Trauma free (reduces fear for survival and gives you more energy to seeze oportunities)
                  Good Luck ( Brings oportunities nad right people for doing business).

                  That is how I experienced this modules.



                  • #10
                    Thankyou for the Reply

                    Originally posted by serenac View Post
                    Hi Andrew! Well my Affiliate always recommends Self-Esteem-Confidence first for everyone, sure is working for me but then it was already what I needed to work on first anyways since I was and suppose still am but getting better, one of those people who have always hated myself. The Successful Living modules are supposed to be great for any sort of projects, I just started on one right now so too soon to see any results yet. My Affiliate tried the Business Productivity module and didn't get too many results. I'm not using it either for the moment.

                    And I guess the other 2 would depend on what you are trying to accomplish or work on right now. CS really knows their thing anyways!
                    I don't hate myself, I'm just extremely frustrated over my inablility to get important matters taken care of. Money, Love.. that kind of thing. There are small things too, but, not important enough to mention. something holds meback, Lazyness, Fear, Procrastination,extreme exhastion? I realy have no idea, but I need it fixed.

                    Doctor! Is there a Doctor in the house?
                    Brain on pause here!
                    Hellooo ooooh!
                    Andrew T.


                    • #11
                      Great thread.

                      Money had been my biggest (by far! ) issue, and I had tried sooooo many things before Paths, none of which worked at all. When starting Paths, my focus was of course, to try and clear the financial blocks. I started with the Business module, thinking it would increase my income, however, a few days later I realised the connection between lack (of anything!) and low self esteem. So I swapped the Business module for the Self Esteem one.

                      My financial circumstances certainly improved, but were still sporadic with dramatic low-points. It was more of a roller-coaster ride than the swamp it had been before, but I still couldn't seem to completely shift it. I had added various other modules (including Mindset for Money), but there still seemed to be blocks.

                      I then asked Paths CS for their reccomendation to specifically address money issues, and they suggested combining the Trauma module with the others I'd been using (I'd never have thought of using that one for money if they hadn't suggested it). This module, I would say, was definitely the most effective for me.

                      It's different for everyone, and you should always go with what feels good for you, but based on my own experience, my reccomendations for money issues (in order) are:

                      * Trauma Release
                      * Self Esteem
                      * Mindset for Money
                      * Successful Living

                      And what has really added to the Power of the effects of this, is the process described in the thread:

                      I haven't won the lottery or anything lol (yet ) but for the first time in my life, I'm not struggling financially. I'm able to pay my bills (I've even had my rent early for the last two months! - usually I'm struggling to get it after it's due!). And it continues to improve.

                      I do believe the Trauma module has been crucial - most, if not all, of us have some kind of trauma from childhood - even if we're not aware of it, and even if it's something that is trivial when observed through adult eyes. No-one knows how a child interprets certain things (least of all the child itself), and no-one knows what will affect which child in what way. So if you have any issue that just won't seem to budge, try using the Trauma Module combined with the Self Esteem one - and that should just about cover it.

                      Love and Light and Magic xxx
                      Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                      Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                      Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                      • #12
                        Hi Odille! I'll write to you soon!

                        Anyways I just started with the Mindset for Money module about a week ago. No new and unexpected money suddenly manifested into my life (yet, still crossing my fingers hehe!) but I'm still amazed at how quickly and effectively this module is working its magic for me hehe!

                        It's pointed out to me so cleeeeearly some of the things I've always been doing which have been kicking money out of my life all my life. It's soooooo amazing (and this seems to go for all Paths modules I've tried so far on any topic not just this module in particular) how the modules seem to make you see things sooo clearly that before you never ever realized! They make you see the things so crystal clear that you wonder how on earth it was ever possible that you had never realized these things about you before, they just become so obvious to you! It's as if before your brain was always living in a fog and you just couldn't think clearly or understand anything before.

                        Anyways I realized that among other things a main reason why I never had money and was always unemployed, was because I always insisted on working in jobs which I hated. I always felt a lot of pressure to work ONLY at jobs which I hated, I always had the kind of idea that it was sort of like morally wrong, sort of like a sin, to work in something that you liked, so if you were a good, kind, decent person and you didn't want to be selfish, there was NO WAY you could EVER be caught actually working in a job that you LIKED! Oh how selfish! So I never ever ever dared to look for a job that I liked. Results: endless unemployment, always being broke, having no home, living on the street, having nothing to eat for weeks except flour and lentils etc.

                        I didn't like living this way but at least my conscience was clear, I wasn't being selfish, I wasn't preying off of other people like a parasite by doing a job that I actually LIKED!

                        I knew intellectually that people always say that you will never get rich doing things you hate and that we should go after our passions, but deep inside I always felt that that was wrong and selfish, regardless of what I knew rationally.

                        But now I realize that those ideas that made me live that way, work at jobs that I hated, were lies, just lies. Maybe good-intentioned lies that people who thought they were right erroneously believed in, but they were still lies all the same.

                        That's one difference, I think, between Paths and other self-improvement modalities that I've tried like for example therapy, with therapy I realized some things intellectually but deep inside I didn't really believe in them at all, I couldn't believe in them, I still FELT like a selfish sinner. But with Paths I realize deep inside what I always knew on an intellectual level, I realize that what I used to feel was wrong and that what I knew intellectually was the truth. Then my feelings deep inside start to agree with what I already knew to be the truth on an intellectual level.

                        And now that I've discovered this I'm free to create a different future for myself, a better future!

                        Asides from that well this module hasn't brought an unexpected rain of fortune into my life yet, I haven't won a lottery ticket yet (but then again I haven't bought one either lol!) but I seem to be discovering all kinds of ways to save money that I had never been aware of before. A few weeks ago as I waited to get paid for a temp job (the one and only temp job I've had up to date) I visited the secondhand store for some audio equipment for a project, I saw some for a good price but at that time I hadn't gotten paid yet, so I couldn't buy it yet. Well today I went by the store and the equipment I had seen wasn't there any more, but there was the same kind of equipment and it was BRAND NEW still in its original box and it was 40 EUROS CHEAPER than the equipment I had seen a few weeks ago!

                        And I found out about a phone company that's a bit cheaper than the phone company I was with, so I was able to change companies right away but still keeping my phone number. So now I'll have a lower phone bill from now on as well!

                        So yay! My advice: go get the Mindset for Money module! It rocks!
                        Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                        Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                        • #13
                          Serena, as always, your insight amazes and impresses me! You really have a Brilliant ability there!

                          And CONGRATULATIONS on those couple of manifestations!! That's a Great start!

                          Love and Light and Magic xxx
                          Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                          Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                          Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program

