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Speeding up PATHS results?

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  • Speeding up PATHS results?

    After almost three months on PATHS, I am pretty sure I am seeing some results. Most recently, I had an incident last weekend revolving around someone's rejection of me which would have absolutely cut me up a few months ago, but now I am just mildly upset and embarrassed about it.

    However, I've come nowhere near as far as I thought I would have by now. Maybe because I haven't been making an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle? Or maybe because I'm not as focused on self-improvement as i was before - before PATHS I spent loads of time, money and effort on different kinds of self-help and therapy (eg EFT), but after I started viewing the modules I decided I could stop focusing so much on self-improvement and just let them do the work for me.

    Have any of you noticed any ways of making Paths work faster? Perhaps viewing modules more often, visualising or stating affirmations while viewing modules, leading a certain lifestyle, etc? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Also, I'd like to hear about which modules were fast-acting for you and which took a longer time. The mood elevator worked instantly for me, but the effects of that were cancelled out by the massive healing crisis that I think I may have gotten from the Self Esteem module, which started about two weeks after my first viewing. I expected the Increased energy and Motivation to be fast for me, but I only felt it after two weeks, and after a month (or more?) on it, I still don't really feel much oomph from it, so perhaps it's a slow one for me.

  • #2
    You might think about swapping your mood for the positive attitude mod.

    They are very similar but the positive attitude might help you mentally handle the changes you go through.

    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      I already have Positive Attitude in another theatre. And in any case, I just asked to swap Mood Elevator and Self Esteem with Grow your gratitude, and Ho'oponopono. Not because I feel I'm entirely done with the two former modules, but just because I feel I need a break from them, focus on somethign else for a while.

      But the healing crisis is not what's getting me down right now, but simply the fact that it's working so slowly!! Anyone have any suggestions? I used to watch the modules once every couple of days, but lately it's been once a week as I have a busy work schedule.


      • #4
        I'm sorry you feel you've hit a bit of a wall. Watching more often may help but I suspect your subconscious is working on something a bit deep and something it may not be in your benefit to rush through.

        Once you experience some awesome results with PATHS it's hard to accept when it doesn't transform everything just how we want it right away. I'm sure we can all identify with how you feel.

        One example is the financial peace mod for me. The thing I first noticed on that mod is I got $1,000 out of no where. It was unexpected retirement $ from a job I had last worked at in 2003! I sure didn't see that coming.

        But the next thing I noticed was that it seemed to be challenging me. I am a landlord with 3 rentals and at that point all of my tenants discussed moving with me. That surely did not seem like progress but here is how it turned out. The first tenant had gotten an internship out of town but he ended up leaving all his stuff in the rental, giving me checks ahead of time for the summer months, and signing a lease renewal for when he returns.

        The second was going to move into a property owned by his friend but their relationship started declining as they tried to move forward and he ended up saying not only did he want to stay but he would be willing to sign a two year lease renewal if I would let him do so.

        The third did turn over but I have a much better tenant now and even get a little more rent.

        Then it seemed like as soon as I got those situations resolved I got challenged in another area regarding money.

        So it seems that PATHS is helping me progress more than if I wasn't on it but it doesn't make everything super easy all the time. Sometimes it makes me face things that I guess would be better off changed. But I'd rather that than stagnate and maybe decline without it

        XO Jessica
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5
          Hi cassiopeias_dream,

          Sounds like you have received some good benefits---

          absolutely cut me up a few months ago vs. just mildly upset and embarrassed about it

          Generally I have been a very slow responder to almost all PATHS Modules.

          A few exceptions for me (ones that I have responded more quickly to) are:

          Sleep Module
          Synchronicity Module

          Regarding how to get faster response, here are a few thoughts-

          Take a LOT of spirulina...the amount is different for each person, but it is pretty easy to experiment and find the optimum amount. It is surprising how much is the optimum for some much as 20 grams a day!

          This is really important. Without enough neurotransmitters to process all the instructions, it can really bog a person down, bad mood, tired, mimic a healing crisis, etc.

          Sometimes I will feel less than optimum and it is almost always a reminder to me that I forgot to take as much spirulina as I need for neurotransmitter production.

          Remember that it took years (or probably decades) to get to where we are, so a few months or even a year to re-write decades old imprints on the subconscious is really quite fast.

          I try and only address one issue at a time that is likely to produce a healing crisis or cognitive dissonance. Then the other mods are support to that.

          Switching up some of the modules every month or so is good too, makes the subconscious more flexible to changes.

          Getting enough sleep cannot be overstated. It is very important for both physical health and for giving the subconscious time to interact with the conscious mind and get more into synch.

          I find it best to choose the Modules and then not worry about the the end of a month or so I can spend some time analyzing the results and making adjustments, but if I am thinking about it constantly it can have opposite the desired result because of the law of attraction...whatever we think about we attract. So if I am thinking about how xyz is not getting better as quickly as I would like, I would actually be reinforcing the opposite of what I want.

          THIS IS NOT to say that I do not analyze results objectively, I do, but only after a month or two.

          I mentioned the Synchronicity has been a VERY calming Module for me.

          It is a bit difficult to explain in a post...but it seems to synch my current self with my future self and thus results in my current self having less stress, maybe because on some level my current self knows that the future holds good things.

          The previous paragraph is my theory of the Synchronicity Module...I am not sure that is how/why it is working. What I objectively know about myself is that the Synchronicity does have a calming effect on me.

          Wow, just wrote a lot.

          Hope you find some interesting tidbits for yourself in it.


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6
            Brain Gym

            Hi everyone,
            I just had a thought about using Brain Gym before you view your theater. I have been using this in my classes because people working in warm water get noticeably fuzzy in their thinking. It is used in schools with children to help them learn. It is simple and easy. Here is a web page with some exercises on it: Brain Gym® Exercises

            One of my favorites is The Elephant: holding your arm next to your ear and making a figure 8 with your whole upper body, crossing the midline with your arm with each loop. Of course you can make the elephant noise for effect and increase the silliness factor.

            Any time you cross the midline of your body with an appendage it hooks up the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Check out the "Hook-up" exercise, I would add putting your tongue of the roof of your mouth to hook-up the conception and governing vessels (Chinese meridians).

            If you do muscle testing you can test which foot to cross (right over left at the ankle or vice versa) to get the best whole brain state while you are watching your theater.

            Another method I found helpful is chanting a mantra while watching. And if you REALLY want great results try out a Platinum!! It ROCKS big time!

            I hope this helps!
            for gratitude, Inika



            • #7
              Thanks for the replies.

              I have a Platinum actually, I got it a month ago. It's mostly biological instructions, but a few others as well. The only really obvious result i've seen is regarding my search for a studio flat. Before my Platinum, looking on the internet at available studio flats I'd be hard pressed to find anything below £600 (including bills). Since I added that instruction, the prices seem to have dropped and I've seen many ads for flats that cost £500 all inclusive. I still haven't found the 'perfect' one yet, and I'm in no hurry, but I'm hopeful.

              One thing I've found lately is that i've become pretty agressive!!!! I suspect the Self Esteem module - being relatively low self-esteem my whole life, I've never really been an angry person, if somebody did something bad to me i'd always on some level feel I deserved it and I wouldn't get upset. Well lately I've been becoming progressively more short-tempered and likely to express it. This didn't really worry me before as I assumed it would pass relatively quickly, but yesterday I nearly got beaten up by a random crackhead when I was out with my friend! He didn't hit me or anything, but he was close to it, for hardly any reason. I was a bit drunk admittedly, and perhaps displayed a bit of atitude, but I didn't provoke him enough to warrant an attack like that, he just randomly started swearing at me, poked his finger into me quite violently, grabbed my wrist really hard and threatened to bite me - had to push his head away to stop him from doing so. A taxi driver ended up intervening, and my friend called the police. It's a bit scary, because I've lived in London for four years, and although this kind of thing happens all the time here, I've never encountered it even when walking alone at night in dodgy areas. I have the feeling that me becoming more agressive has opened me up to more agressive vibes, thus attracting agressive people.I hope the Ho'oponopono kicks in soon, because I may not be as lucky next time!!!!!


              • #8

                You may be luckier!

                Expectations have a tremendous influence on outcomes!


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #9
                  Well, the agressiveness seems to have passed. I'm having a lo of new insights but am still stuck in many of the old negative patterns. (However, I did find the perfect little studio flat that I'm moving into in 2 weeks!)

                  I get the feeling that a part of me is blocking Paths from working. I know that people say that it works whether you believe it or not, but even though I have had shifts happening that I can't ignore, a large part of me still feels it's too good to be true, it can't work this easily... Is it possible that these thoughts are hindering my progress? If so, how to change them? I suppose I could always ask for instructions added to my Platinum about this...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cassiopeias_dream View Post
                    Well, the agressiveness seems to have passed. I'm having a lo of new insights but am still stuck in many of the old negative patterns. (However, I did find the perfect little studio flat that I'm moving into in 2 weeks!)

                    I get the feeling that a part of me is blocking Paths from working. I know that people say that it works whether you believe it or not, but even though I have had shifts happening that I can't ignore, a large part of me still feels it's too good to be true, it can't work this easily... Is it possible that these thoughts are hindering my progress? If so, how to change them? I suppose I could always ask for instructions added to my Platinum about this...

                    Hi CD,

                    It took x number of decades to create and strengthen your current patterns. Not only will it take time to replace those patterns, but it is basic subconscious nature to protect current patterns. It is a self preservation mechanism.

                    A great tool that you can consciously use to help speed subconscious pattern replacement is the Emotional Guidance System. You can find a copy of it it here-

                    I believe conscious doubt can slow down/partially impede some of the benefits of PATHS instructions. So now it is not as easy as you think...with a little work you can build your Faith/belief that it does work and lessen your conscious impeding of the instructions.


                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
                    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                    ESM Forum Support Link


                    • #11
                      One thing that I noticed on my journey so far that has helped out with my results is to "simple" get out of my own way. Now I admit this was the hardest thing for me because I am the type of person who was always questioning things;( when is this going to work, why is it not working fast enough). But I found that when I chose to stop asking myself those questions all the time and just and instead chose to relax and enjoy my journey is when I noticed almost instant results.


                      • #12
                        Hi! I've been having pretty fast results (only tried 3 modules so far though lol!). But the Self-Esteem module started working almost immediately, the Trauma Free one I only started noticing changes in 2 weeks and I just started the Successful Living one about 3 days ago and I'm already beginning to realize things I didn't know before. Started the Project 1 World module a few days ago too but so far don't notice anything from it, don't feel any more peaceful than before for example hehe! I watch the modules pretty much every day, sometimes if I'm really tired I might skip a day but I try to watch them every day, and when a module is new I will sometimes watch it twice a day, so I'm sure that helps a lot too .
                        Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                        Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by serenac View Post
                          Hi! I've been having pretty fast results (only tried 3 modules so far though lol!). But the Self-Esteem module started working almost immediately, the Trauma Free one I only started noticing changes in 2 weeks and I just started the Successful Living one about 3 days ago and I'm already beginning to realize things I didn't know before. Started the Project 1 World module a few days ago too but so far don't notice anything from it, don't feel any more peaceful than before for example hehe! I watch the modules pretty much every day, sometimes if I'm really tired I might skip a day but I try to watch them every day, and when a module is new I will sometimes watch it twice a day, so I'm sure that helps a lot too .
                          That is GREAT!

                          I am finding that the Meditation Module will supercharge your Modules even more!


                          PATHS For Healing
                          Energetic Science Ministries
                          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                          ESM Forum Support Link


                          • #14
                            Speeding up the results of the moduals

                            Just a thought and some math....
                            It is recommended the the moduals be viewed at least once a week. And at this rate changes may be noticed in about 60 days ( 2 months, or 8 weeks ) . Or, in 8 viewings .
                            Now, if I watch my modual once a day for 8 days, I should start noticing results? Or if I watch my modual twice a day, in under a week I should start noticing results? And further to that thought, what If I watched the modual, once an hour for 12 hours, Or 16 hours for a regular waking day? What would happen? There must be a limit, or curve of diminishing returns, or maybe not.
                            I'm fairly certain , that if I played the Medition modual, all day, which I finaly tried once this morning, I would be the calmest most buterfly loving individual around. after I wolk up of course. lol, seems I'm in major need of the sleep modual.

                            Andrew T.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                              Just a thought and some math....
                              It is recommended the the moduals be viewed at least once a week. And at this rate changes may be noticed in about 60 days ( 2 months, or 8 weeks ) . Or, in 8 viewings .
                              Now, if I watch my modual once a day for 8 days, I should start noticing results? Or if I watch my modual twice a day, in under a week I should start noticing results? And further to that thought, what If I watched the modual, once an hour for 12 hours, Or 16 hours for a regular waking day? What would happen? There must be a limit, or curve of diminishing returns, or maybe not.
                              I'm fairly certain , that if I played the Medition modual, all day, which I finaly tried once this morning, I would be the calmest most buterfly loving individual around. after I wolk up of course. lol, seems I'm in major need of the sleep modual.

                              Andrew T.
                              Hi Andrew! Oh I think I read somewhere something about this, someone actually did try to do this once, they listened to their Theatre like about 5 times a day for a while. After a few days they started to get a headache so they stopped watching the Theatre as much and the headache went away. The way my Affilate explains it, your brain is like a cup and the module information is like water. If you watch your module once a week maybe it will fill your cup up only one quarter part. You drink up this quarter part during one week and then the next time you watch your module, next week, you fill your cup up again a quarter full. But if you watched your module every day you would be filling it up every day a quarter full, so in 4 days your cup would be full. It would still take you one week to drink up everything that is in your cup, so maybe the water that you pour into your cup the remaining 3 days just overflows and does no harm.

                              However if you watch your module every day in the course of the week your cup gets filled up, so then your brain has more information to process during the week, so you see results faster.

                              Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                              Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:

