Special #1
Experience the Power of the Platinum Package for Free!
This month we have a Special unlike any we have ever offered before.
For the very first time we are offering the opportunity to test out the Power of the Platinum Package for Free!
That’s right!!!
This month Only, when you buy any 4 Module Theater you will receive customized instructions on any subject you want!
How it works:
1. Buy any new 4 Module Theater
2. Send us an email ( info@paths-vx.com ) letting us know the One subject you would like to be addressed in your Platinum booster
3. We will have our Expert Platinum Programming Team take your request and convert your desires into fully customized instructions that will be added into your new Theater.
Platinum instructions are different than regular instructions because they address You by name and Your specific desires in as detailed a manner as possible!
You can even have someone else’s name plugged into the instructions!
If you have been considering a Platinum and would like to test it out before buying it or just have something you need to be addressed that isn’t found in the Module list, this is your chance!
You will be able to keep these instructions for as long as you would like!
An example of some subjects would be:
My sister Jenny and I are moving to Paris and we want the move to go smoothly and to be able to find jobs when we get there. I work in PR and Jenny works as a chef. We are moving in October 2009.
I have a company called Harold’s wall clocks and I would like to strike a deal with a big manufacturer, Sprockets, to produce my clock faces. The president’s name is John Smith.
My husband and I are preparing to kiss our son goodbye as he goes to college 2,000 miles away. We would like help letting him go and being supportive of his decision. My husbands name is Joe and my sons name is Jack.
Your will be given multiple custom instructions made especially for you to cover your subject!
Click here to read what people are saying about their Platinum Packages!
Special #2
Affiliate Sign up Bonus!
Affiliate Sign up Bonus!
Have you ever thought about becoming a PATHS Affiliate?
August 2009 is the month to do so!
If you choose to become a PATHS Affiliate this month, you are eligible for a $150 Cash Bonus.
How to get the $150 Cash Bonus:
· Sign up as a PATHS Affiliate this month.
· Have 3 Customers on your website by March 31st. (your Theater can count as one of the three)
That’s it! You will then receive a $150 Bonus!
Need more information on becoming a PATHS Affiliate? Click Here