Martial Arts & PATHS' RDT Technology II

03/2009 Silver Medal in Kumite at the Katsu Challenge Gainesville, Florida.
PATHS | Martial Arts | Expressing the Technique
I had an experience when I was four years old that led me to feel very strong and powerful. I have already written about this experience in one of my notes on Facebook. The note where a tiny child is holding up a Car, so I won't go into the details here. I will explain more fully the feeling. It is the feeling of joy and from joy, power. It is the innocent imagination of a child mixed with the knowing and belief that what this innocent child is joyfully thinking is the Truth. The child believes and unless someone comes along and says NO, then the child continues this amazing freedom to create that which is in the child's Mind.
Unconsciously I desired to re-create this powerful feeling and this feeling has driven me ever since to create it again and again. It has motivated me and inspired me to understand what I felt, and how to create this feeling all the time. I know now that it is the power of the connection of the Conscious Mind to the Sub-Conscious Mind. What you think with feeling is what shows up in your outer world.
Prior to fully understanding this Feeling of "Joyful Power", I searched, and searched, and searched outside of myself for years! I studied the Bible as a Catholic, then I studied Metaphysics knowing that Jesus was the greatest Metaphysician I had read about. I read hundreds of books on many subjects concerning other religions and beyond.
I studied eastern meditation. Committed my self to studying A course in Miracles. I studied Paramahamsa Yogananda's Self Realization Fellowship course. I studied and worked with Two Guru's from India. Who told me things about myself that at the time was too good to be true, but now I see they were absolutely correct. I practiced Yoga. I am 2nd degree Reiki. I opened my own Aerobic Exercise studio straight out of College (called Body Heat for any one who remembers going to my studio). I was certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, and Nutrition and other organizations.
I focused and concentrated to Feel once again what I wasn't sure I was looking for at the time, but I knew it had something to do with Enlightenment. Needless to say, if it's out there I studied it. I searched and searched that I finally decided to give up. My son was 5 years old, and I was tired of searching and still 10 lbs heavier than before he was born.
I decided it was time for him to begin his Karate Training. He never asked for Karate. I just didn't realize
at the time, that I was trying to live through him. It never occurred to me that I was inspired by all the Bruce lee Movies, and the few female Martial Artists that also were in the movies. I had no idea that when I sat at the movie theater's watching all of them in action, that I was feeling that "Joyful Power"!
It never occurred to me that I was the one that needed to train in Karate. So off I went enrolling Ryan into Karate. I sat around for a week watching him take class. I began talking with the manager of the dojo at the time, and she told me that I should take the adult classes and train. I thought innocently "why not". While Ryan is in class I can at least be getting some exercise.
It wasn't long, maybe two weeks, when I had the Joyful power feeling! I thought, "what's this?", and as I continued training, I had the definite awareness of the Body, Mind, Spirit connection. Yet, with all my past knowledge on the matter I still wasn't sure. BUT IT FELT GREAT!!!!
As a yellow belt I decided I was going to Miami to enter my first Karate tournament. I was scared, but excited and Wow I couldn't believe it; I won Gold in Sparring and in Kata. I still have the two trophies and they stand almost as tall as I do. I had never seen such large trophies and I have never seen another tournament to date use such large trophies again. I didn't get it till many years later, that my "Joyful Power" Feeling was manifested and expressed in the size of those trophies.
Anyway, I was hooked. I trained and competed in as many outside tournaments I could find. My dojo at the time did not have any in-house tournaments as they do now. So I was use to going away to find larger and larger tournaments to compete in to experience this "Joyful Power". My Karate Master had asked me to teach Kick boxing classes and I was certified as a Muay Thai Kickboxing Instructor. I quickly lost the 10 pounds and gained valuable experience on what it takes to help another learn how to move their body in proper technique. Aerobics is one thing to teach, but making sure someone does not blow out their knee is another! When I finally tested for Shodan (1st degree black belt) I ran into some major life challenges that took my focus away from competing. In 2005 as a Nidan (2nd degree Black Belt). I learned about a Major Karate Tournament all the way in Argentina.
I had already been Studying Chinese Energetic Medicine as of Jan 2001, and I knew now how to use Kinesiology "Muscle Testing" to discover the Truth. So even though I was very excited to compete again, I thought, ARGENTINA?!! But when I muscle tested whether it was the correct thing for me to do, it tested Very Strong. Which meant YES! So off I went. This was my first experience as World Champion in Kata of my own Style Uechi Ryu. It was the very first Uechi Ryu World Cup for Peace. The "Joyful Power" was back!! Yay!! BUT, so was a very Big question nagging me.
"Why can't you feel joyful power all the time?"
I thought, "yeah, why can't I feel joyful power all the time?" No answer. My newest quest began. I read, and I meditated, and I searched, and I trained harder in Karate, etc. I loved the focus and concentration my Karate teaches me, and I knew that this was good but why for me personally was this so important? Was this part of the key to maintaining "Joyful Power" all the time? It certainly was helping me stay focused and Concentrated in practicing my Chinese Energetic Medicine, and I was getting some pretty amazing results with CEM. I never thought to muscle test these questions until much later, but you get the point. I was still wondering how to maintain "Joyful Power" all the time, even in the face of challenges of every kind.
Moving forward now to January 2007. I discover Paths ~ Program Authoring the Human Sub-Conscious.
It truly was Mind Blowing for me, and I have written volumes in the Energetic Forum about these past two 1/2 years (now being September 9, 2009) using this amazing technology combined with Chinese Energetic Medicine.
I was so impressed with the results that I decided to create my own Platinum Custom Module.
PATHS | Platinum Package | Customized Module Package
I designed my personal custom Module to include plenty of conscious instructions for my Sub-Conscious Mind. It included plenty of personal instructions concerning Family, Karate, and anything else I desired. All that I have placed in my Custom has been realized. Yet it was so subtle and effortless that I had to be very aware to catch the synchronicities. (By the way I am in the process of making an important post on how to create an effective Custom Module, I will post this information in all my pages, to make it easy to find)
One of my most favorite Modules of course being a winning champion is the Sports Module:
PATHS | Sports Module | Mind-Body Connection
I love this Module and I never go long before I get back on it. As I continued to Excel in Karate I realized that the "Joyful Power" was more constant than ever before. I continued reading many books a few of them two to three times a year. The most important being The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. Which I attracted after I started using Paths. In this book he shows how to maintain what I call "Joyful Power" on a moment to moment basis.
Master Key - Google Books
What is most exciting is that Now, the company Paths, has added Modules that enhance our chosen Sport. My new favorite Module is the Martial Arts Module:
PATHS | Martial Arts | Expressing the Technique
And Yes, I actually helped in designing this Martial Arts Module. I was asked by Paths to send in instructions on what a Martial Artists need to excel and succeed in this particular discipline. I was honored and very excited to give my in-put. Most of what Muscle tested strong for me to suggest were Feelings/vibrations, such as Peace, Calm, Joy, Love, but Also specifics for example "downloading" knowledge from the greatest Karate Masters ever known including of course Bruce Lee.
I was about to compete in the 3rd Uechi Ryu World Cup for Peace (June 2009) and so I was very curious and excited to experience what the New Martial Arts Module would do for me. I was very excited to Win Silver in Kumite (Sparring). What is interesting was that since being on the Martial Arts Module, my sparring had noticeably improved, but in such a different manner. In this very last tournament I was so peaceful and calm. I was interested in winning, but I was more interested in being aware of what I was experiencing as I moved and sparred in the middle of action.
I noticed that I had no fear, and I was aware of the smallest of movements. The best way to describe this experience is to say, I was able to slow down time. I felt free to think, but it was more a state of "being" free. It was freedom of fear, and freedom to enjoy the moment, and to Feel this! It was such a Joy! It was most definitely, absolutely, "Joyful Power" at its best!
Now the difference for me personally between the Sports Module and the Martial Arts Module is this.
The Sports Module makes you desire to move effortlessly in what Sport you do. The Sports Modules gives motivation to continue. The Martial Arts Module on the other hand, gives you the freedom to move as you truly desire in Peace, Calm, and with skill in "Joyful Power". It makes you Fearless.
I am very curious to know what the Martial Arts Module would do to someone who has never trained in the Martial Arts before. My guess is that it would do the same, but it would manifest by using whatever skill you are currently practicing. Ballet, Woodcarving, Dress Design etc.
I am open to discuss the Martial Arts Module here for anyone interested.
My desire is for All to experience "Joyful Power" in whatever they are doing in every moment! It is your divine right, and you were born to express your infinite potential.

Silver Medal in Kumite, Uechi Ryu World Cup for Peace 06/ 2009

03/2009 Silver Medal in Kumite at the Katsu Challenge Gainesville, Florida.
PATHS | Martial Arts | Expressing the Technique
I had an experience when I was four years old that led me to feel very strong and powerful. I have already written about this experience in one of my notes on Facebook. The note where a tiny child is holding up a Car, so I won't go into the details here. I will explain more fully the feeling. It is the feeling of joy and from joy, power. It is the innocent imagination of a child mixed with the knowing and belief that what this innocent child is joyfully thinking is the Truth. The child believes and unless someone comes along and says NO, then the child continues this amazing freedom to create that which is in the child's Mind.
Unconsciously I desired to re-create this powerful feeling and this feeling has driven me ever since to create it again and again. It has motivated me and inspired me to understand what I felt, and how to create this feeling all the time. I know now that it is the power of the connection of the Conscious Mind to the Sub-Conscious Mind. What you think with feeling is what shows up in your outer world.
Prior to fully understanding this Feeling of "Joyful Power", I searched, and searched, and searched outside of myself for years! I studied the Bible as a Catholic, then I studied Metaphysics knowing that Jesus was the greatest Metaphysician I had read about. I read hundreds of books on many subjects concerning other religions and beyond.
I studied eastern meditation. Committed my self to studying A course in Miracles. I studied Paramahamsa Yogananda's Self Realization Fellowship course. I studied and worked with Two Guru's from India. Who told me things about myself that at the time was too good to be true, but now I see they were absolutely correct. I practiced Yoga. I am 2nd degree Reiki. I opened my own Aerobic Exercise studio straight out of College (called Body Heat for any one who remembers going to my studio). I was certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, and Nutrition and other organizations.
I focused and concentrated to Feel once again what I wasn't sure I was looking for at the time, but I knew it had something to do with Enlightenment. Needless to say, if it's out there I studied it. I searched and searched that I finally decided to give up. My son was 5 years old, and I was tired of searching and still 10 lbs heavier than before he was born.
I decided it was time for him to begin his Karate Training. He never asked for Karate. I just didn't realize
at the time, that I was trying to live through him. It never occurred to me that I was inspired by all the Bruce lee Movies, and the few female Martial Artists that also were in the movies. I had no idea that when I sat at the movie theater's watching all of them in action, that I was feeling that "Joyful Power"!
It never occurred to me that I was the one that needed to train in Karate. So off I went enrolling Ryan into Karate. I sat around for a week watching him take class. I began talking with the manager of the dojo at the time, and she told me that I should take the adult classes and train. I thought innocently "why not". While Ryan is in class I can at least be getting some exercise.
It wasn't long, maybe two weeks, when I had the Joyful power feeling! I thought, "what's this?", and as I continued training, I had the definite awareness of the Body, Mind, Spirit connection. Yet, with all my past knowledge on the matter I still wasn't sure. BUT IT FELT GREAT!!!!
As a yellow belt I decided I was going to Miami to enter my first Karate tournament. I was scared, but excited and Wow I couldn't believe it; I won Gold in Sparring and in Kata. I still have the two trophies and they stand almost as tall as I do. I had never seen such large trophies and I have never seen another tournament to date use such large trophies again. I didn't get it till many years later, that my "Joyful Power" Feeling was manifested and expressed in the size of those trophies.
Anyway, I was hooked. I trained and competed in as many outside tournaments I could find. My dojo at the time did not have any in-house tournaments as they do now. So I was use to going away to find larger and larger tournaments to compete in to experience this "Joyful Power". My Karate Master had asked me to teach Kick boxing classes and I was certified as a Muay Thai Kickboxing Instructor. I quickly lost the 10 pounds and gained valuable experience on what it takes to help another learn how to move their body in proper technique. Aerobics is one thing to teach, but making sure someone does not blow out their knee is another! When I finally tested for Shodan (1st degree black belt) I ran into some major life challenges that took my focus away from competing. In 2005 as a Nidan (2nd degree Black Belt). I learned about a Major Karate Tournament all the way in Argentina.
I had already been Studying Chinese Energetic Medicine as of Jan 2001, and I knew now how to use Kinesiology "Muscle Testing" to discover the Truth. So even though I was very excited to compete again, I thought, ARGENTINA?!! But when I muscle tested whether it was the correct thing for me to do, it tested Very Strong. Which meant YES! So off I went. This was my first experience as World Champion in Kata of my own Style Uechi Ryu. It was the very first Uechi Ryu World Cup for Peace. The "Joyful Power" was back!! Yay!! BUT, so was a very Big question nagging me.
"Why can't you feel joyful power all the time?"
I thought, "yeah, why can't I feel joyful power all the time?" No answer. My newest quest began. I read, and I meditated, and I searched, and I trained harder in Karate, etc. I loved the focus and concentration my Karate teaches me, and I knew that this was good but why for me personally was this so important? Was this part of the key to maintaining "Joyful Power" all the time? It certainly was helping me stay focused and Concentrated in practicing my Chinese Energetic Medicine, and I was getting some pretty amazing results with CEM. I never thought to muscle test these questions until much later, but you get the point. I was still wondering how to maintain "Joyful Power" all the time, even in the face of challenges of every kind.
Moving forward now to January 2007. I discover Paths ~ Program Authoring the Human Sub-Conscious.
It truly was Mind Blowing for me, and I have written volumes in the Energetic Forum about these past two 1/2 years (now being September 9, 2009) using this amazing technology combined with Chinese Energetic Medicine.
I was so impressed with the results that I decided to create my own Platinum Custom Module.
PATHS | Platinum Package | Customized Module Package
I designed my personal custom Module to include plenty of conscious instructions for my Sub-Conscious Mind. It included plenty of personal instructions concerning Family, Karate, and anything else I desired. All that I have placed in my Custom has been realized. Yet it was so subtle and effortless that I had to be very aware to catch the synchronicities. (By the way I am in the process of making an important post on how to create an effective Custom Module, I will post this information in all my pages, to make it easy to find)
One of my most favorite Modules of course being a winning champion is the Sports Module:
PATHS | Sports Module | Mind-Body Connection
I love this Module and I never go long before I get back on it. As I continued to Excel in Karate I realized that the "Joyful Power" was more constant than ever before. I continued reading many books a few of them two to three times a year. The most important being The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. Which I attracted after I started using Paths. In this book he shows how to maintain what I call "Joyful Power" on a moment to moment basis.
Master Key - Google Books
What is most exciting is that Now, the company Paths, has added Modules that enhance our chosen Sport. My new favorite Module is the Martial Arts Module:
PATHS | Martial Arts | Expressing the Technique
And Yes, I actually helped in designing this Martial Arts Module. I was asked by Paths to send in instructions on what a Martial Artists need to excel and succeed in this particular discipline. I was honored and very excited to give my in-put. Most of what Muscle tested strong for me to suggest were Feelings/vibrations, such as Peace, Calm, Joy, Love, but Also specifics for example "downloading" knowledge from the greatest Karate Masters ever known including of course Bruce Lee.
I was about to compete in the 3rd Uechi Ryu World Cup for Peace (June 2009) and so I was very curious and excited to experience what the New Martial Arts Module would do for me. I was very excited to Win Silver in Kumite (Sparring). What is interesting was that since being on the Martial Arts Module, my sparring had noticeably improved, but in such a different manner. In this very last tournament I was so peaceful and calm. I was interested in winning, but I was more interested in being aware of what I was experiencing as I moved and sparred in the middle of action.
I noticed that I had no fear, and I was aware of the smallest of movements. The best way to describe this experience is to say, I was able to slow down time. I felt free to think, but it was more a state of "being" free. It was freedom of fear, and freedom to enjoy the moment, and to Feel this! It was such a Joy! It was most definitely, absolutely, "Joyful Power" at its best!
Now the difference for me personally between the Sports Module and the Martial Arts Module is this.
The Sports Module makes you desire to move effortlessly in what Sport you do. The Sports Modules gives motivation to continue. The Martial Arts Module on the other hand, gives you the freedom to move as you truly desire in Peace, Calm, and with skill in "Joyful Power". It makes you Fearless.
I am very curious to know what the Martial Arts Module would do to someone who has never trained in the Martial Arts before. My guess is that it would do the same, but it would manifest by using whatever skill you are currently practicing. Ballet, Woodcarving, Dress Design etc.
I am open to discuss the Martial Arts Module here for anyone interested.
My desire is for All to experience "Joyful Power" in whatever they are doing in every moment! It is your divine right, and you were born to express your infinite potential.

Silver Medal in Kumite, Uechi Ryu World Cup for Peace 06/ 2009