Somebody mentioned EYES , seeing without contacts or glasses, as a possible modual for Paths. I've forgotten where the thread was, so I decided to start my own. ( please bear with me if this does not sound as good as the original, my computer wiped it when I hit the wrong key at the wrong time )
Most , though not all eye problems are caused by stress, stress of watching too much TV, being in front of a computer all day long, or in my case reading too meny books, late into the night, when I should be asleep.
As with all revolutionary ideas there is a man behind this one, who was ridicluled by his peers, even though some of them where able to reproduce his resaults. Dr William H Bates is his name, 1860 - 1931. Much of his work and learnings have been compiled in a book called " Relearning to See " by Thomas R Quackenbush, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California. Its a good book, well thought out and written. Giving some history, some eye geometry, some practices and beliefs, and of course a flow through of how your eyes got the way they are and how you can counter this.
So why do i wear glasses, still? I love my computer too much. I did try the practises, I actualy went cold turnkey and reduced my computer time to maybe 30 minutes a day, and did meny ( not all, never finished the book ) of the excercizes and life style changes recommended. It Worked ! Slowly, my vision was improving. Unfortunaly I could not resist my computer games ( Everquest was calling ), within a few short weeks of spending all my free time playing this game, and not getting much sleep, my eye sight not only returned to where it was before I started playing, but actualy got worse.
Here is where Paths may be able to help. Its not a matter of the difficulty of the excersizes. Its a matter of maintaining good eye practise all day long.
Don't watch TV tonight, go for a walk. Stop, do your eyes hurt, relax. Have you stayed up too late, goto bed, rest. Are you focusing on the words in the book so hard and long , maybe you should look away for a few minutes. change your focus, near things, far things. And much more which I'm just not qualified to go into detail.
In time, all things are possible
Andrew T.
Most , though not all eye problems are caused by stress, stress of watching too much TV, being in front of a computer all day long, or in my case reading too meny books, late into the night, when I should be asleep.
As with all revolutionary ideas there is a man behind this one, who was ridicluled by his peers, even though some of them where able to reproduce his resaults. Dr William H Bates is his name, 1860 - 1931. Much of his work and learnings have been compiled in a book called " Relearning to See " by Thomas R Quackenbush, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California. Its a good book, well thought out and written. Giving some history, some eye geometry, some practices and beliefs, and of course a flow through of how your eyes got the way they are and how you can counter this.
So why do i wear glasses, still? I love my computer too much. I did try the practises, I actualy went cold turnkey and reduced my computer time to maybe 30 minutes a day, and did meny ( not all, never finished the book ) of the excercizes and life style changes recommended. It Worked ! Slowly, my vision was improving. Unfortunaly I could not resist my computer games ( Everquest was calling ), within a few short weeks of spending all my free time playing this game, and not getting much sleep, my eye sight not only returned to where it was before I started playing, but actualy got worse.
Here is where Paths may be able to help. Its not a matter of the difficulty of the excersizes. Its a matter of maintaining good eye practise all day long.
Don't watch TV tonight, go for a walk. Stop, do your eyes hurt, relax. Have you stayed up too late, goto bed, rest. Are you focusing on the words in the book so hard and long , maybe you should look away for a few minutes. change your focus, near things, far things. And much more which I'm just not qualified to go into detail.
In time, all things are possible

Andrew T.
