Back 5 weeks ago I had surgery to repair a hernia.
Prior to the surgery I had several things added to my Platinum...primarily Stem Cell instructions and surgery preparation instructions.
After the surgery there was a continued emphasis on Stem Cell, tissue repair, and general surgery recovery instructions.
On my 7 day follow up with the doc, he was amazed how fast I was recovering and said I could go ahead and ride my bike, which I started doing 8 days after the surgery.
On my 4 week follow up with the doc he even called in two of his practitioner assistants...they were all amazed at the speed of the healing.
Normally there is still pain as much as 4-6 MONTHS after the surgery. At less than 5 weeks I have had no more pain!
I have never had this surgery before, so I have nothing to compare to...but the doctor I used specializes in this type of surgery...he is very impressed with how fast I have recovered!
Next time I see him, I am going to take him the PATHS brochure and explain a bit to him. Will be interesting to see what he says!
Prior to the surgery I had several things added to my Platinum...primarily Stem Cell instructions and surgery preparation instructions.
After the surgery there was a continued emphasis on Stem Cell, tissue repair, and general surgery recovery instructions.
On my 7 day follow up with the doc, he was amazed how fast I was recovering and said I could go ahead and ride my bike, which I started doing 8 days after the surgery.
On my 4 week follow up with the doc he even called in two of his practitioner assistants...they were all amazed at the speed of the healing.
Normally there is still pain as much as 4-6 MONTHS after the surgery. At less than 5 weeks I have had no more pain!

I have never had this surgery before, so I have nothing to compare to...but the doctor I used specializes in this type of surgery...he is very impressed with how fast I have recovered!
Next time I see him, I am going to take him the PATHS brochure and explain a bit to him. Will be interesting to see what he says!
