This is a recent progress report from a PATHS customer:
Oh I do love this module and I think it's a basic I think everyone should start with this module. This module worked quite quickly for me, I started feeling differently about myself and better about myself, but I found that I still behaved the same way around other people as I always did.
When it really started to do tons of work for me was when I paired it with Trauma Free, I think these 2 modules really go well together. For people who are starting Paths and would like some suggestions as to how to start, I think they are a very good starting place for everyone.
Trauma Free
Amazing module! It's a slow-moving one for me but that is nice because it was also deep for me. It is like taking an emotional roller coaster ride but after that it helps you get rid of negative emotions that you might have had for a long time. It made me very very very very sad, not sad as in suicidal or depressive but rather sad as in when someone you love has died. But I have felt sad all my life for no reason, because I haven't really had a sad life, but I was always sad anyways.
After this module I no longer feel sad all the time. I don't want to forget what it feels like to feel sad because I think sadness is one thing that makes people human and gives them compassion, but I just simply no longer spend my life feeling sad all the time for no reason. This is another module I'd like to get back onto some time, but when I'm not so busy trying to solve more pressing issues.
Successful Living I
This module is really hot! It's another slow one for me, I didn't really notice any effects from it at all for a long time (1+ months), but then one day all of a sudden I realized that I wasn't anywhere near as negative as I used to be before. I've always tried to be positive, to have positive self-talk and all that stuff, but that didn't stop me from FEELING negative, pessimistic, etc. Or from slipping negative comments into conversations, either conversations with other people or with myself, even though I was making a conscious effort to speak positively all the time, but you know, when you don't really believe in something good, when you don't feel good about something, you can't help mentioning it at some point.
So for example, maybe people would complain about the economy and I wouldn't be able to help saying something like, oh yeah sure like I'm ever going to be able to find a job with these times! I wouldn't mean to say it, I would mean to only say positive things like for example, well things have got to get better some time. But deep inside I would be feeling like, yeah right and the moon is made of green cheese!
But after being on this module for a while one day I suddenly found that, it had been a long time since I last felt this way or slipped out negative comments of this sort in conversations. Because I really didn't feel negative, pessimistic, cynical, etc. anymore! I realized that when I talked to myself I no longer said snide things to myself anymore. I no longer got mad at myself. When people said the same negative pessimistic things they were always saying, or when they complained, I realized that I no longer agreed with them. And of course feeling so much more positive, speaking to myself in a so much more kinder way, has made it possible for me to embark on projects I would never have dared to even think of in the past, because in the past I would have been certain that they would've failed so I wouldn't even touch them. It's also helped me to see who I am really interested in having as friends, as being around people who are complaining all the time no longer makes me feel good, I don't enjoy their company and I am bored around them.
Business Productivity
Oh this one is a real winner! A big thumbs up for this one. I LOOOVE this module! It's absolutely amazing! It totally blows me away how effective this module is! I wasn't expecting a lot from it, my Affiliate had used it and it didn't do too much for her. I also don't have a business at the moment but I am trying to set up one. Well this module is absolutely SHATTERING! It's given my work in setting up my new business SUCH an amazing boost, it's really fast forwarding my work on it.
I'm not very organized and I always have problems trying to figure out what to do next or what the next step should be, and this module has helped me to see SO CLEARLY what it is I am supposed to be doing next, helping me to plan all the steps, I can see things so thoroughly and clearly and they seem so obvious to me now. They've also helped to bring in some absolutely astounding synchronicities into my life, every time I had a problem trying to do something in my project it was like someone just handed me the solution on a silver platter. This module is really a bomb! I mean like a fireworks bomb. Like a big fireworks show.
Oh I do love this module and I think it's a basic I think everyone should start with this module. This module worked quite quickly for me, I started feeling differently about myself and better about myself, but I found that I still behaved the same way around other people as I always did.
When it really started to do tons of work for me was when I paired it with Trauma Free, I think these 2 modules really go well together. For people who are starting Paths and would like some suggestions as to how to start, I think they are a very good starting place for everyone.
Trauma Free
Amazing module! It's a slow-moving one for me but that is nice because it was also deep for me. It is like taking an emotional roller coaster ride but after that it helps you get rid of negative emotions that you might have had for a long time. It made me very very very very sad, not sad as in suicidal or depressive but rather sad as in when someone you love has died. But I have felt sad all my life for no reason, because I haven't really had a sad life, but I was always sad anyways.
After this module I no longer feel sad all the time. I don't want to forget what it feels like to feel sad because I think sadness is one thing that makes people human and gives them compassion, but I just simply no longer spend my life feeling sad all the time for no reason. This is another module I'd like to get back onto some time, but when I'm not so busy trying to solve more pressing issues.
Successful Living I
This module is really hot! It's another slow one for me, I didn't really notice any effects from it at all for a long time (1+ months), but then one day all of a sudden I realized that I wasn't anywhere near as negative as I used to be before. I've always tried to be positive, to have positive self-talk and all that stuff, but that didn't stop me from FEELING negative, pessimistic, etc. Or from slipping negative comments into conversations, either conversations with other people or with myself, even though I was making a conscious effort to speak positively all the time, but you know, when you don't really believe in something good, when you don't feel good about something, you can't help mentioning it at some point.
So for example, maybe people would complain about the economy and I wouldn't be able to help saying something like, oh yeah sure like I'm ever going to be able to find a job with these times! I wouldn't mean to say it, I would mean to only say positive things like for example, well things have got to get better some time. But deep inside I would be feeling like, yeah right and the moon is made of green cheese!
But after being on this module for a while one day I suddenly found that, it had been a long time since I last felt this way or slipped out negative comments of this sort in conversations. Because I really didn't feel negative, pessimistic, cynical, etc. anymore! I realized that when I talked to myself I no longer said snide things to myself anymore. I no longer got mad at myself. When people said the same negative pessimistic things they were always saying, or when they complained, I realized that I no longer agreed with them. And of course feeling so much more positive, speaking to myself in a so much more kinder way, has made it possible for me to embark on projects I would never have dared to even think of in the past, because in the past I would have been certain that they would've failed so I wouldn't even touch them. It's also helped me to see who I am really interested in having as friends, as being around people who are complaining all the time no longer makes me feel good, I don't enjoy their company and I am bored around them.
Business Productivity
Oh this one is a real winner! A big thumbs up for this one. I LOOOVE this module! It's absolutely amazing! It totally blows me away how effective this module is! I wasn't expecting a lot from it, my Affiliate had used it and it didn't do too much for her. I also don't have a business at the moment but I am trying to set up one. Well this module is absolutely SHATTERING! It's given my work in setting up my new business SUCH an amazing boost, it's really fast forwarding my work on it.
I'm not very organized and I always have problems trying to figure out what to do next or what the next step should be, and this module has helped me to see SO CLEARLY what it is I am supposed to be doing next, helping me to plan all the steps, I can see things so thoroughly and clearly and they seem so obvious to me now. They've also helped to bring in some absolutely astounding synchronicities into my life, every time I had a problem trying to do something in my project it was like someone just handed me the solution on a silver platter. This module is really a bomb! I mean like a fireworks bomb. Like a big fireworks show.
