Did you know that When you watch the PATHS Theater Presentation, your mind receives MILLIONS of instructions in just a few minutes?
Think about how long would it take you by regular methods to read, listen to, speak or repeat a million instructions. During the minutes you are viewing, your subconscious mind is storing up to, or more than, 6,854,400 instructions. Each instruction is an average of 8 words. That is 54,835,200 words worth of instructions in 3-12 minutes!!!
Books on tape are 150-175 words per minute, slide presentations tend to be closer to 100 wpm. Conversations are around 200 wpm, and although research has demonstrated that while adults can listen with full comprehension at 300 wpm, even auctioneers can only speak at about 250 wpm.
What does this mean? It means that for 91,392 minutes or 1523.2 hours or 63.47 days you would have to repeat affirmations non-stop to get the same amount of information that you get from PATHS in just a few minutes.
With literally millions upon millions of instructions going into your subconscious mind to help you in whatever area you want improvement, it is no surprise that results are manifested much faster than anything else in existence. This is how the learning curve is dramatically reduced with PATHS.
In regards to health benefits, this is also why the body is able to acclimate for you to start getting better sleep so much quicker, skin rejuvenates faster and the aging process is reversed, and muscles gain strength and definition without even working out.
These wellness benefits are made possible by PATHS communicating directly to the subconscious mind in the exact same language that it communicates to the body.
Repetition is the mother of all learning, and whatever method gives the most amount of repetition in the shortest period of time will gain the benefits the fastest. PATHS RDT technology is the quintessence of rapid learning for health, wealth and happiness!
Think about how long would it take you by regular methods to read, listen to, speak or repeat a million instructions. During the minutes you are viewing, your subconscious mind is storing up to, or more than, 6,854,400 instructions. Each instruction is an average of 8 words. That is 54,835,200 words worth of instructions in 3-12 minutes!!!
Books on tape are 150-175 words per minute, slide presentations tend to be closer to 100 wpm. Conversations are around 200 wpm, and although research has demonstrated that while adults can listen with full comprehension at 300 wpm, even auctioneers can only speak at about 250 wpm.
What does this mean? It means that for 91,392 minutes or 1523.2 hours or 63.47 days you would have to repeat affirmations non-stop to get the same amount of information that you get from PATHS in just a few minutes.
With literally millions upon millions of instructions going into your subconscious mind to help you in whatever area you want improvement, it is no surprise that results are manifested much faster than anything else in existence. This is how the learning curve is dramatically reduced with PATHS.
In regards to health benefits, this is also why the body is able to acclimate for you to start getting better sleep so much quicker, skin rejuvenates faster and the aging process is reversed, and muscles gain strength and definition without even working out.
These wellness benefits are made possible by PATHS communicating directly to the subconscious mind in the exact same language that it communicates to the body.
Repetition is the mother of all learning, and whatever method gives the most amount of repetition in the shortest period of time will gain the benefits the fastest. PATHS RDT technology is the quintessence of rapid learning for health, wealth and happiness!
