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No spirulina

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  • No spirulina

    I am not allowed to take spirulina due to a restricted diet I am on right now. Does it make sense then to start with PATHS?

  • #2
    AFA instead...

    Hi Slawek,

    Your brain will need more than the average nutritional supplementation when utilizing the PATHS modules and spirulina provides the amino acids necessary to give the brain the sufficient nutrition to handle the increase in brain activity which occurs when using PATHS. Whenever the networking inside the brain is processing more than usual, more nutrients will be needed to maintain function. Without these amino acids the brain will literally starve and will not have enough energy to function properly. Spirulina is recommended because of its amino acid profile and content and also because it is easily obtainable and low in cost. However, the next best source of aminos for the brain is the blue-green algea AFA (aphanizomenon flos-aquae "invisible flower of the water"). It is more nutritious and absorbable than spirulina, but it costs more. I would check with your doctor to see if AFA is allowed in your diet, but it is highly unadvisable to start with PATHS without supplementing your diet with these essential amino acids.

    I hope this helps, Dear Slawek, but do post again if you would like further information. If your doctor allows you to take AFA, we will be happy to help you find the best supplier of this magical supplement!

    With Love and Gratitude,

    My PATHS Website
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    My Paintings As Prints
    My Facebook


    • #3
      Probably Slawek means he is on low protein diet. Than he cant take AFA either. Hm,...I dont think you should go with PATHS at the moment.
      Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


      • #4
        it is a generally restricted diet

        But the way it is restricted is that all the foods have to be consumed in the right amount and the right proportion (proteins to vegetables) and very minimal carbs. The preliminary answer I got is that it is a likely no. The doc will do some research and let me know a definite answer. For those curious about the diet you can find some info here Weight-loss and Wellness through Nutrition - Cohen's Lifestyle Clinic

        In the meantime I did some searching on the blue-green algae and I found this. It says there is no demonstrated benefits from it. Does it mean that these people have not studied this organism from the point of view of the brains nutritional requirements, or is there another explanation.
        UC Berkeley Wellness Guide to Dietary Supplements: Blue-Green Algae


        • #5
          I have had my first session with PATHS and I must admit i feel great but have some early morning headaches since, I have just ordered some Spirulina which should combat this.



          • #6

            You wrote,

            Does it mean that these people have not studied this organism from the point of view of the brains nutritional requirements, or is there another explanation.

            We are not saying to take the algea for it's benefits on it's own. The people who wrote the information in that link were not writing about taking it in conjuntion with PATHS, they meant just taking it.

            The important part for you is what Pamela wrote,

            spirulina provides the amino acids necessary to give the brain the sufficient nutrition to handle the increase in brain activity which occurs when using PATHS

            Afa blue green algae does the same thing. (The lower the life form, the easier it is for us to break down the amino acids in it.)

            If the afa blue green algae is not ok with your diet I would suggest e-mailing to ask if there is anything else you could take.

            I would also recommend letting the affiliate of whoever's PATHS site you sign up with know about your situation so they can work closely with you.

            If you didn't catch this link in the thread I started about it here, it would be good to take a look at this clip to give you some idea of some of the things that are going on in the brain and why it needs certain fuel on PATHS :

            YouTube - What The #$*! Do We Know!? - Part 6 of 10

            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #7

              Amino Acids are proteins. The only way to increase the amino acid intake is to increase the amount of protein consumed. The spirulina is recommended because of the amount of protein in it, and because it is so easily digested and absorbed. The same with the blue green algae.

              Last edited by Flattlander; 05-22-2007, 12:44 PM.
              Real products that activate dormant spiritual abilities


              • #8
                definite no

                So my doctor came back with a definite no to the algae, and even said that it can be harmful to my body.


                • #9
                  other ways to get amino acids

                  Would one of those supplements that has multiple different amino acids in it work for you? I think they extract them from the protein, so you are just getting the amino acid molecule.


                  • #10
                    Spirulina Options
                    Happiness & Health,

                    PATHS, S.A. Staff



                    • #11
                      Have you got any particular supplemens in mind?

                      If you have any particular supplements in mind I can get them checked out by my doctor.



                      • #12
                        particular supplements

                        As the administrators suggested, amino acids can come from many other sources. There are lots of multi amino supplements at health food stores.

                        Here's the stuff my doctor had me on for a while. I have no relationship with this company except for having used their products. Your doctor can look at all the ingredients in each amino acid blend. You can even do a pee test to see which neurotransmitters are low, which helps in selecting which amino acids to use.


                        • #13
                          thank you all for the suggestions

                          Your suggestions about alternative sources of amino acids look promising. I will investigate.


                          • #14

                            Hiya adrazz

                            Hope you get your hands on some spirulina!

                            Inside the Network of Your Brain
                            The communication network in your brain is a multi-trillion maze of connections capable of performing 20 million-billion calculations per second. How does this network operate? There are three major players: Neurons, which power the message, Neurotransmitters, which create the message and Receptors, which receive the message.

                            (some amino acids are the precursor of neurotransmitters)

                            You need that green goo, not so much to combat the headaches, but to give your brain the nutrition it is looking for to create the neurotransmitters to process the PATHS cues.


                            PATHS For Healing
                            Energetic Science Ministries
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                            ESM Forum Support Link


                            • #15
                              all very intriguing

                              At first I was most intrigued (still am) by the whole PATHS commotion ;-). Well I am still intrigued, especially as I am not able to give it a whirl inside my mind. I mean it sounds fantastic (as in fantasy) as any sufficiently advanced technology does but it has a hook inside me ...

                              And I never considered the implications of mulnutrition of the brain. So I am again intrigued that if I nourish my brain sufficiently it will serve me better, etc. All very interesting, indeed.

