Here is a PATHS customers experience with the Mind Set for Money Module:
The Mindset for Money has been SUPER OUTSTANDING for me!
I got a much wiser, efficient and effective way of looking at money and managing money from it, which has lead me to improve a lot of my spending habits, and as a result even though I haven't (as yet but hopefully someday) started earning any more money than before, I find that I still have more money now for things that really interest me.
I don't squander as much money on silly useless things, which I wasn't really aware of doing before. I've also learned not to just throw away all the money that I have in a happy-go-lucky kind of style like I used to.
Used to be that if I still had some money left I would actually go out and look for something (usually something silly and useless) to spend it on, just because I still had some money.
But I don't do that anymore after using this module, I've gotten addicted to the feeling of having money in my pocket and not feeling the compulsion to spend it, so I feel richer now and I can keep money for emergencies or for things that I really do want or need.
I've learned to save money and not feel deprived, and I no longer finish the month with 0 euros in the bank because I now enjoy the feeling of having money in the bank and not spending it!
The Mindset for Money has been SUPER OUTSTANDING for me!
I got a much wiser, efficient and effective way of looking at money and managing money from it, which has lead me to improve a lot of my spending habits, and as a result even though I haven't (as yet but hopefully someday) started earning any more money than before, I find that I still have more money now for things that really interest me.
I don't squander as much money on silly useless things, which I wasn't really aware of doing before. I've also learned not to just throw away all the money that I have in a happy-go-lucky kind of style like I used to.
Used to be that if I still had some money left I would actually go out and look for something (usually something silly and useless) to spend it on, just because I still had some money.
But I don't do that anymore after using this module, I've gotten addicted to the feeling of having money in my pocket and not feeling the compulsion to spend it, so I feel richer now and I can keep money for emergencies or for things that I really do want or need.
I've learned to save money and not feel deprived, and I no longer finish the month with 0 euros in the bank because I now enjoy the feeling of having money in the bank and not spending it!