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Weight loss?? I can't seem to eat enough fats and carbs!

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  • Weight loss?? I can't seem to eat enough fats and carbs!

    Are you sure PATHs circumnavigates the subconscious? I've been on the Take Off Pounds module for about 1 1/2 months and I feel more and more compelled to pig out. Way, way beyond what I might have considered normal for me. It's like can't-get-enough-fast-enough craziness. The more fat/sugar/simple carb the better. I haven't eaten potato salad in years. Now I don't stop until its gone.

    It feels as though my subconscious is having a tug o war with this new mindset and doing it's damnest to prove who is in charge - yet PATHs is suppose to skip around that part - yes?

    What's going on!

    Appreciate any help you can offer.


  • #2
    I think there has been a lot of discussion about the weight loss and about gain before lose. And there might be a little battle between conscious and subconscious - the questions is: Do I need to lose weight? Deep down you might like yourself or subconscious is just protecting you from changes.

    But if I might add my 2 cents - well, just stop eating. I really dont understand why you gain weight if you are aware you re eating to much. Why do you continue?
    Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


    • #3
      Classic fight

      Hi Bobi,

      PATHS instructions are going directly into your subconscious, and your are experiencing a classic fight between these new instructions and the resistance to follow them. This is what is called cognitive dissonance.

      Here is a good link:

      Here is another on:

      Also, it would be good to write PATHS an email at to see if they will adjust the module for you to make it a little easier for you to accept the cues.

      Energetic Forum Administrator


      • #4
        Bobi, I had this experience to a degree as well....I didn't pig out all of the time, but what i found was shortly after watching the weight loss module, I would go and eat "alot", this wasn't all of the time, but enough to see a pattern. I was on the weight loss for approx 1 1/2 months, and didn't see any results. I don't feel I have alot of weight to lose, but it is always that stubborn 10 lbs so I figured this was the way to go....and I don't eat terrible bad either, my eating habits are pretty good. So possibly even with the weight loss module telling me to eat proper etc, I was rebelling and saying, I eat proper enough, and I don't really need to lose the weight! After talking with Pamela, she suggested the ultimate body. I have been much happier with this module, it has been about 3 weeks, and I can notice I am feeling more toned. I also feel this is a better module, because you are building muscle which helps burn fat. So you will lose the weight, and gain muscle....but it won't be just about what and how you are eating. Hope this helps!


        • #5
          Thank You

          Thank you - Admin -- for your post and the links. They were very, very helpful and timely. While I am a fairly adaptable sort I am also the rebellious type when it comes to someone or something trying to tell me what to do. My "fight" does feel very "classic". Thank you, too, to all those who took part in discussion on those links. (Kevin, Donna, Rin, Grace, Pamela, et al) Your insights and personal sharing were spot on - and I could read days worth of discussion in minutes!

          I lost my "tools" yesterday. I understand healthy eating, drinking water and exercise. I am a daily meditator and generally maintain a very light and joyful disposition...until I don't Those "don't" times always surprise me. Even though we have tools for getting through - as are often discussed in this forum - this recent episode took me out at the knees. I think I'm back on my feet again - albeit a bit shakily yet. If I had waited a day I probably wouldn’t have written, but then, I would not have received the benefit of the collective wisdom here. I have much gratitude.

          Thank you for the reminder that the pigging out is an occasional thing and I think it has typically followed a viewing. I'll keep a watch on that. Another aspect - that morning I listened to my modules repeatedly while tending to other computer tasks. This is the second time trying that and I recall some subconscious backlash previously as well. oops.
          For the most part, the positive aspects of the module have been apparent with awareness of better habits, choices and desires easing their way in. I am using the Ultimate Body as well and seeing desired change.

          That would seem apparent wouldn't it? -"just stop eating." If it were such a simple matter I suspect I would have done that. Some people chew their fingernails. Some fall for people that are no good for them. Neither of those are concerns of mine yet I doubt I would suggest to them to "just stop doing that." It is more like you suggested -the deep down battle of old habits resisting change. Big resisting. Even though a habit may no longer serve, it did at some point and changing, in my opinion, is more often a process than an act.
          My feeling a bit rankled by your comment triggered the rebellious part of me. Sometimes that part takes positive action. Thank you.


          • #6
            Weight Loss Module

            Hi Bobi,

            Please don't lose heart...I have been on the weight loss module since the end of February. Initially, I had an amazing experience: I stopped thinking about food and only ate when hungry and only enough to satisfy my hunger. I lost weight. But then, about two weeks into the experience (I think) the whole thing changed and I reverted back to my previous habits. So incredibly frustrating. I contacted Paths and stayed with my program of modules...seeing nothing but weight gain...However: I have been on the Operation Success (because I was also not seeing any results on other modules I was on) for about two weeks and I am finally seeing a change! A change for the better! But YIKES! It has been a struggle and we are not out of the woods yet.

            I guess my point is that,for myself, I have come to understand that changes--especially as regards food issues-- will not come easily for me and I will have to hang in there and fight for them (sometimes against my overly defensive sub-conscious).

            If you want to discuss further please feel free to PM me or Skype me at allen.mireles. Also, please feel free to request a phone conversation with your sponsor or someone from Paths ( I have had wonderful conversations with Pammie, Grace, and Moira and short email exchanges with Pamela and Aaron...and I have to believe that Illusions would be more than happy to speak with you).

            Long-winded way of saying: hang in there!

            With gratitude and anticipation,

            With love and gratitude,



            • #7

              Hi Jure,

              BTW, love your avatar!

              But, with all due respect, the eating thing and overweight thing is SO complicated-- at least for me (and for every other woman I have ever known who has struggled with weight) I have ALWAYS wished that it was a simple as eating less and exercising more. For me,it never has been...

              Which is why, when the weight loss module worked for me,it was so incredibly exciting. I had always known (sort of like you know that monkeys like bananas and hang from trees) that there were many people in the world who ate only when hunger nudged them and then only until full. But that was never my reality: I ate for myriad emotional reasons totally disconnected from physical need. I suspect that I am not alone in this...

              Anyway, just a thought on the weight loss (and GAIN) issues of life...

              With gratitude and anticipation,

              With love and gratitude,



              • #8
                Thank you, Allen for your kind and hopeful words. I'm so glad you are seeing some change after your long and patient commitment to the module. Best wishes.

                I read some posts on the PATHS forum that were also helpful and have reguested that changes to my module be considered. We'll see how it goes.

                I might like to PM you someday but haven't yet figured out how to do that yet and Skype was one of those things I cut when needing to free up some space on my computer.

                Again, thanks - and good luck with your process.



                • #9
                  Me too

                  Hi Bobi

                  I'd like to add my encouragement to the encouragement you've already received on this subject . I only have about 10 pounds to lose and started the module thinking it would be a piece of cake (hah! just noticed the analogy...and I don't even like cake ). I did notice a remarkable ease of passing up the bad stuff at first, but then I found myself pigging out on all kinds of stuff that I haven't eaten in years (I'm already pretty good at my food choices) etc. So it was as if I regressed back to OLD habits from a LONG TIME AGO....

                  Which, I believe, I did. There's a lot that goes into our body concept and what it does for us (or to us), and the weight issue is so fraught with other emotional/psychological things. I have a long history of yo-yo dieting, etc., having come of age in the Twiggy years, and am still working on body-image stuff, even though I'm healthy weight (just want to be perfect ) etc.

                  That's a lot of baggage to be carrying around in the subconscious. I'm seeing positive changes now (ie I am not in pigout mode at all) and am realizing that this is actually NOT going to be a QUICK FIX for me, but as I work with what comes up and get aware of the patterns that are being surfaced so that I can sweep 'em away....I KNOW that down the line I'll be DONE with the WeightLossDrama...

                  It took Grace a long time to lose the 7 or so pounds she lost on this module, but it's stayed off and her habits have changed for I just keep my eye on her as a model for what's to come

                  I'm happy to offer support as well, by pm or skype....

                  hang in there!


