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i just recieved the letter thats posted over at the powerful intentions forum and am in shock.i can;t believe this is a hoax.i have been experiencing changes that were most definate..please discuss ,talk,console..
Perhaps the shock you are feeling is because any "letter" stating that PATHS is a Hoax, or does not work for the majority of people is simply not true, as you can attest by your own experience.
Many of the PATHS Affiliates, and most of the ESM staff is in Vegas right now at a PATHS Affiliate conference.
We have meetings for the next several hours, then some of us that have internet access here will read this letter and I am sure there will be some responses.
i don;t understand the letter.can someone please explain.does it claim that the whole paths program is placebo effect or does it claim that the instructions are actually being sent like radiowaves and the theatre is just a front?
my results were just too measurable to think nothing was going on.my skin improved(could have been spirinula),my confidence improved.my energy felt more at home in my body(a lot,lot more),my income trebled..these changes were just too definate.i have tried everything with mixed or little results.if the theatre presentation did not contain instructions,i honestly think i was recieving them from somewhere.
I'm sorry, the thread is in the Pavlina forum is still there, but Angela who posted over there is very upset about this. She knows it's the truth.
I believe I am the only "Angela" that has posted on the Pavlina forum, so I assume Donna means me.
For the record: correction to Falsehood #1: I am not at all upset about what's going on. I'm keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings, am surprised at a couple of posters' frog-in-a-blender reactions, and wrote a post at PI which I thought was humorous, but I can see where a frog-in-a-blender would not be amused. (I think there's a couple of humor modules the frog could try!) But I must say, when someone declares as fact what they think are my thoughts and feelings, her credibility in my eyes becomes seriously negated.
correction to Falsehood #2: I know only my truth: I've had lots of marvelous results on PATHS, including some visible stuff and some internal stuff. I am watching with interest to see what comes up during this whole melee, but I'm certainly not convinced by what I've seen so far. Meanwhile, I continue to do my PATHS, undisturbed by the noise of the blender.
Because I suspect that some people are unable to read through my lines and see my consistently light heart, here is the smiley recipe that best represents my disposition, from the small range of choices I've got:
You state that you have experienced results that you thought were attributable since starting PATHS. Listen to yourself & be guided by your own gut feeling. Are you feeling better than you did before you started PATHS? Were you happier until you let this doubt cast its shadow over you?
I have noticed results in the 2 weeks since I began PATHS. I know that those changes weren't there before. I started taking spirulina several weeks before I began & I experienced no changes, so I know that did not bring about the improvements that I've seen.
Is it a placebo? I don't care. Are the messages being delivered through the computer or coming straight from the matrix? (Notice that I don't believe that I am not receiving some form of instructions)Again, I don't care. I know that I am experiencing changes & so long as I "get them" I am open minded as to how they are delivered. I know that I could not create these changes in myself as quickly as they have occurred. I've tried painstakingly for many months to overcome certain thought processes & I've just been unable to do so permanently & consistently. I am happy in the belief that I've created that PATHS will be the tool to catapult me to achieving success & to enable me to develop myself to my maximum potential.
I know that there is a lot I don't understand about quantum physics but the little bit I have gleaned is enough for me to believe that there is a lot of wonderful possibilities out there & a huge reservoir of knowledge just waiting to be tapped into.
Finally, Donna. Ever heard the saying "presumed innocent until proven guilty?" Was the opportunity given to Aaron & Kevin to view this "letter / email" & state their side of the story BEFORE it has started doing the rounds of the world wide web & attacking their characters? There are always 2 sides to every story. A pity they were not given the means to do so until after the effect.
This is all very interesting, but I'm not sure any of it matters. I think I'm with Sharyn.
I stumbled on a PATHs affiliate website three or four months back. After reading all the marketing hype, and not being able to get my hands on any REAL information on the science behind this technology I thought "What a hoax." I did a lot of research trying to talk myself out of wanting to try... And beleive me, I came up with plenty of reasons (just like they did on Steve Pavlina's forum) to completey dismiss PATHS.
But right before making the decision to try it, I chose to not let it matter. Is PATHs a hoax? Maybe. Who cares. Honestly, I was at the end of my rope physically for ~several~ years with more health problems than I care to recount (which is sad - I'm only 28!). So I decided I'd try PATHs for as long as it helped me. And if it didn't help, then I would have wasted $200. So what?
And you know what...? I"m amazed. I feel better than I h ave in years. Maybe I received instructions from the theater, maybe from some other link in the collective unconcious, or maybe I received no instruction at all. Or maybe it's the mass quantity of spirulina I've been taking!!! Or maybe - just maybe, and would this really be such a bad thing, I healed myself? But so what... If I needed to believe that I was receiving instructions from PATHS in order to heal myself - great. I'm just glad I found something that worked. Because I tried a lot of things over the years, and this is the first thing that worked on me.
I just hope that I don't loose the placebo effect now that all this other information has surfaced!!! Maybe Aaron or one of the others can enlighten us, or AT LEAST feed our imaginations a wild story of how we actually ARE receiving instructions so that we can continue to have the benefits that we have become accustomed to.
I for one have no desire to go back to chronic daily pain. I have no desire to go back to having zero energy. I have no desire to go back to feeling completely at the mercy of my LACK of health and well being. When I signed up for the $34 a month, I recognized then that I would gladly pay that amount for the rest of my life to feel well - even if it was placebo.
So Donna, seven of you remain anonymous for privacy reasons yet the same privilege is not granted to other people until the claim has been investigated & verified. Interesting!
- I wonder why I caused myself to have the worst week's sleep in my entire life, where for several nights I was literally awake all night, if I was receiving nothing from nowhere. Surely as creator of my placebo effect I would have ensured I had wonderful sleep from the first night. And no it was not the spirulina ,as I mentioned earlier I had started it prior to PATHS with no effect. I was also only taking 2G for the first 3 days that I started PATHS until I increased it. My sleep was affected from the very first night.
-I wonder why so many people experience headaches, fatigue & cognitive dissonance to begin with (myself included) if they/we are not receiving anything from nowhere. Pretty amazing that a large proportion of users can all drum up the same symptoms if our brains are not receiving anything! If we are creating a placebo effect then why not create a pleasant time with boundless energy to take on board these new thoughts & feelings without the discord?
- From the posts about the Ultimate Body module it seems clear that several people have reported feeling their muscles "burning" as if they have exercised & noticed toning of areas without exercising, again all due to receiving nothing from nowhere. Some placebo!
- I wonder why most people have to keep increasing their spirulina intake
once they begin PATHS if they are receiving nothing from nowhere. Surely we could just as easily convince ourselves that we only needed a low dosage to create our placebo effect?
Well the jury is still out & I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
And even if it were to be proven to be otherwise, I still won't regret having paid my money because I will have discovered that I am then responsible for causing all these placebo effects. So that discovery alone would make it worthwhile, & it will still all be due to starting PATHS!
hmmmmm, interesting
Donna that is too bad that you feel this way...
first off i don't believe anything will work for someone who is not open and willing to experience change....
second, i go with my gut....and this feels right, and makes sense to me...many things work for some and not for others...don't you have buisness of your own to attend to???? "when i am pointing a finger at others, i need to look at the three that are pointing back at me"
personal responsibility is a very grown up thing.
If paths was a placebo, it be the best damn one out there, and freakin cheap for what is asked in cost...if this is all it took to make huge leaps and bounds emotionally, and spiritually....then so be it...one has got to believe in something hey Donna...what do you believe in??? please do share, and then let us all know how that is working for you!! eh, from this canadian.....
Perfection is not a reality (although that is a totally different subject) god would life be boaring, i get the sense that there are people out there that are expecting 100%...hmmmm, is there anything that is a 100%.
i know i have had amazing experiences, and growth from paths and things that i have no explanation for, as well as had no idea what to expect if anyhting at first...
hmmm....hope you find all you are looking for and more, the peace, love and happiness...that i am getting, but more of it and first.....
I don't feel like i am being harmed, and i trust god, and god directs me.
and my wishes are for all of you that didn't find paths work for them, and ps....LOA Rocks...and there is so much more out there..outside the box (yeah, i know...this scares some)
i feel for the first time that i have gotten a hold of something that stimulates me....
Did you TRV this?
ok enough, and lots of love
to Donna and her crew....cheers....AdrienneTheGreat
Oh ya TRV was government funded....as for throwing the twist of the the authorities in there....welllll, wait and see right...and we are all very aware of how government sweeps what ever the hell they want under the rug...and all poisons us for money.....sorry no faith there
but faith in god, the sourse or what ever....perceptions and concepts on that one can be difficult, deepending on past influence and the capability to be honest, open, willing humble, and bla, bla, bla.
i am posting, cuz i have feelings and thoughts about this...and i don't feel the need to explain, but it is as though our reasons are different than yours...hmmm, personal belief and passion...same as anyone who has posted from the non-happy people side....
Let god be the judge...
nope not preaching...just interpreting 'the sourse' to be your understanding of god.
And in helping others, all you can do is post, and some will take and others will leave it...there/our choice...
And i didn't check the times, but i am sure they are aware of this thread...and if it is given attention...hmmmm...well it seems real negative to be barging in, although i am sure the intent is noble...but honey....look in your own back yard, befor snooping in others, then perhaps one may be able to actually here you, cuz you have something to really offer...thanx anyhow.
Someone told me about this thread and I just read it. It has been an incredible weekend and I'm very tired. After this weekend, I'll have more time to read this thread in more detail and will also have time to read this letter on PI.
I hope everyone is having as great a weekend as we are here!
Aaron, I'm feeling confused about it all. The letter indicates that instructions aren't being delivered through the theater presentation but that they are still delivered. Is this true? And how is it done?
Hello all my good friends (and a very special hello to you Allen
I just this very minute returned from a most fabulous trip to Vegas. I have to say I have never before been surrounded by such love and light and joy. I actually had tears in my eyes this morning when I had to leave for home.
We have some very wonderful things in store and I and the rest of us can't wait to share them with you all.
However, since I have been up since 5 this morning, I must call it a night.
I know I can speak for everyone who was in Vegas at the conference, we love you all immensely and the best is yet to come
I am sitting in the airport in Las Vegas after a truly ... well .... for once I am without the word to describe it .... phenomenally wonderful interlude with wonderful, loving people each of whom is the soul of integrity. I don't have the mental clarity to respond right now (hi Joy!! ) but will tomorrow.
I do want to say this. I was made aware of the Huge Drama brewing behind the scenes about 24 hours before I was set to fly to Las Vegas. I was, understandably, deeply concerned. Like every single other person there this weekend, the last thing I'd do is get involved in a con. So I went with my Gut wide open. I am VERY tuned in in that way and I was completely neutral about what I would discover. I am also EXCEPTIONALLY tough minded and can walk away on a dime when something doesn't sit right with me.
Absolutely everything I experienced, every single moment, confirmed the integrity of everybody involved and I've come away 100% committed to PATHS and to my PATHS family.
If I weren't so brainfried I'd say more....but now I have to board the plane.
Blessings to all of you...the best is yet to come..