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My personal experience with PATHS

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  • #46
    free memory foam mattress

    It is pretty wild all the things that have lined up recently...I bought a house at the end of last November and I'm so busy I haven't even moved into it yet! lol

    If I have a few hours here and there, I'll get over there to do what I want to do then leave maybe come back a few days later, repeat. Anyway, just waiting to get some high speed access hooked up until I really move in and that will probably happen next week sometime...I'm just going with the flow because it is too good not to!

    I always wanted a memory foam mattress..a full one and not just a topper because I enjoyed my topper the last 10 years I wanted the full deal. I ordered a 12" thick one..actually 5" of memory foam on 7" of air flow support system. These mattresses are not inexpensive!

    When I got it, it had the nice removable cover and when laying down on it...I just sink in nice and slow but not too much too fast....I ordered one that was a little firmer. It isn't tempurpedic name brand but as long as you get 5.0 or more pounds per cubic foot density, then you have a good quality memory foam.

    When I got it, it was compressed and rolled into a tube about 1.5 feet diameter and as long as the bed is wide. Opening it up was like putting those little foam toys in water and watching them grow to 10 times the size!!!

    I had it a few days and something told me, remove the cover and look at the side profile to make sure it was the right one that I ordered.

    I did and they goofed! There is a 90 day trial as long as I pay return shipping...well, I could fit an elephant in my glove box easier than I could pack that mattress back up. Because it was their error, they gave me a 100% refund and told me I could just keep it. It isn't the one I ordered but it is almost as good!

    Anyway, what a manifestation!
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #47
      new oil furnace

      I was going to spend up to $3000 for a new oil way interested in gas. I have an older oil furnace and was going to upgrade the burner. Found out that the heat exchanger in some older furnaces aren't that good, would have to change the combustion chamber, etc...

      Then I was going to spend up to $3000 to just upgrade the whole furnace (keeping existing duct work of course). Found some I was willing to go with. Had several estimates, etc... had someone help me inspect the current furnace I have and the heat exchanger is way more durable than the new ones and I have a ceramic combustion chamber...pretty much good for life and all I need is the oil burner.

      I was told I needed a certain clearance from the center of the burner pipe to the burner is so old it is upside down from the now day ones and if a new burner was installed flipped the other way, I might need to crack out some cement from the basement floor to make room for the housing.

      Turns out, the new one I want, a Beckett AFG (easy to convert pump for pure biodiesel that I make myself), will most likely fit so the whole thing will only cost $750 + tax saving me about $2200 that I was going to spend! This was very good news...even if I have to wind up chipping some cement out, it is only about 1 foot square and maybe 1-2 inches big deal and free...just a bit of elbow grease. Anyway, things keep getting better.

      I haven't posted much in the forum lately just been busy but these things are happening non-stop!!
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #48
        lecture spot opened up

        A few times a year Holistic Festivals has a few expos around the year in the local area. I helped them out with some web stuff before and really support what they do. I was going to apply for a booth and to be a speaker but thought I had something else planned.

        I find out I didn't so got a booth to promote my book The Quantum Key and to network with other like minded people and to promote my PATHS website.

        The festival is Sunday the 30th. Turns out at the last minute a speaker canceled and now I have the spot to give a talk on my book. I'll be sharing mostly about open and closed systems and how it applies to LOA or at least showing there is a valid principle in physics which allows more to come to us that we put out to the universe and will let them know that PATHS can help achieve that in an even more profound way!
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #49
          new phones lines

          Almost a week ago, a cable was laying on my back yard from the telephone pole. I saw the power lines looked fine, the coax cable looked fine and if this was the phone line, wasn't like one I've seen. VERY thick.

          Between the pole and my roof, there is a big spruce tree...very dense and is a nasty job to even attempt climbing up that thing.

          I climbed up cutting a tunnel out of that madness to get to the wire where it was snagged or something and found this:

          Pretty crazy! It is flossing between two branches, there has been fire and over 1 foot of insulation is completely missing from the wire.

          I called the phone company and explained the 2 WIRE situation and they swore up and down it wasn't there and asked me to call the power company. I could easily see the power lines were just fine but called anyway. They came out and confirmed it was an old phone line. It was good they came out because the power line was also rubbing into a branch and would have been a nasty situation not too long from now! They cut away some branches for safety and off they went.

          I called the phone company back to have them come fix the line they tried to pawn off on the power company. A lineman came out and replaced the line to the roof, down the wall and installed a new phone box. This wire was so old, there was no phone box, it was piped directly into the basement.

          Amazingly, the phone worked with the line on the ground as the 2 wires were not shorting together. Phone lines are low voltage so there "shouldn't" be any sparking, but anyway the phone worked fine before the line was replaced.

          After the line was replaced and the wire from the box was connected to the old 2 line wire going into the basement...I tested out the phone and it didn't work. I inspected the basement box and it looked fine...I just wished that he would have replaced the wire from the box to the basement terminal box with new wires because if you saw the mess I had, it was a nightmare. I went upstairs to show him that nothing had changed down there. He looked around and swore the house had a short somewhere but I said it worked earlier. He was surprised. He then rewired the wires from the brand new phone box outside with new wire from there to the old terminal box in my basement!! Not his responsibility unless I pay for it since it is "inside" the house.

          We find out the cordless phone even though it was off, the base said in use and that was the problem. I remounted the phone because somehow, the base thought the phone was on and in use...this reset the phone and the line worked perfectly.

          How much was the inside new wiring going to cost me? Something that I was hoping he was going to do but knew it wasn't their responsibility? Well, nothing

          So, was it really an accident that the phone was off the hook somehow? I don't know but I'm definitely not going to complain about the free inside wiring job that I'm not being charged for!

          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #50
            We are all having too much fun

            Today I was going to the dr. and felt sure about going a certain way for some reason. It turned out to allow me to get a great parking spot on the street with no meter. I avoided this pain in the butt parking lot where you need cash to use these vending machine like things in the medical building lobby that often don't work well, and even then it's hard to find a spot. I would have done just about anything to avoid that lot, lol.

            Aaron your stories remind me of this drainage project I worked on a little while ago. I had been on the money module for a little while and think I was in a certain growth stage in that area.

            (Sometimes when I look at my growth stages on PATHS it totally cracks me up. Like when I went on Successful Living 1 and realized I was doing the exact speed limit for a while every time I looked at my speed.

            I would notice right before that I was out of flow with traffic, but that I did not want to change my speed. Then I would look at how fast I was going and it was the speed limit to the dot and I would laugh so hard because I realized my mind was learning what successful living means to me. It's just funny if you know me well because I can be funny about liking to color in the lines sometimes, but I didn't think I was that bad.)

            Well I wanted to pay someone for handling this drainage issue and I tried really hard to, it just did not work. One guy did other landscaping work but when the drain thing wasn't handled I didn't pay for that part of the bid and tried again.

            Another guy give me some good ideas but had a bid price way too high.

            Another was a good price but didn't want to use what by now I had decided was the best idea, a combination of an idea from the handyman at my work and the expensive bid guy's idea, and proposed something involving me calling about requesting city permission.

            At this point I'm a bit exasperated but thinking, "Everything is just pointing to me doing this myself!" and so I did and it turned out to handle the hardest rains perfectly. And I laughed because my stage on the module was more like a money miser.

            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #51

              I'm curious how you make your own biodiesel? My uncle works for a waste management company in LA and they convert pure trash into biofuel. Right now they have it running at about an 85% rate, and my uncle's job is to try and improve that to 100%.


              • #52

                Hi Jamie,

                I posted this in the renewable energy section for you:

                That is a basic breakdown on the new oil burner works beautifully!! Regular diesel oil #2 with my additive in it...the combustion chamber gets about 200-250 degrees hotter than the old burner because there is a plate that holds in the flame to build up the temp even higher...that air blowing out the vents is HOTTTTT!

                Lets skype soon, would love to chat about the waste to energy solutions you mention.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #53
                  Too much fun?

                  Not enough, I say!

                  Jessica, Aaron - congrats and awesome job on manifesting!

                  Jeanie and I were just mentioning last night how amazing the last year and a half have been!

                  We found The Secret in August of 2006 and PATHS in May of 2007.

                  At the end of 2006, we had more debt than most households make in 4-5 years due to family illnesses and other matters). I was in a debt consolidation program (2.5 years already) at the time and paying half of my monthly salary to the debt fix 'em guys.

                  By March 2007, all of my past (and major) debt had been settled for about 32% of the original amounts (even the debt consolidation lawyer was astounded he was able to do so well).

                  In May of 2007, Jeanie found PATHS through the PI forum and I made her go to the Las Vegas convention. We were worried that we didn't have enough money for both of us to go to Las Vegas, let alone one of us.

                  Since then, we have been able to purchase everything we needed or really wanted without worry (we always seem to have the means when we need it).

                  We were able to continue to help my mother with her monthly expenses and to help Jeanie's mom when she was faced with the possibility of losing her house. Again we simply had the money available - for whatever reason. (OK, I'm thinking PATHS had something to with it...).

                  When I got my Platinum in September 2007, I had intended that I would be able to leave my job, still get paid and work from home. Well, this happened, but quite in the way I expected. You see I had Sciatica symptoms for years, but on September 17th, 2007 I collapsed to the floor in agonizing pain just after waking and walking into the living room.

                  After much ado (three months to find out what was wrong and another two to have surgery to make things right) turns out I had a non-malignant tumor that had damaged one of lumbar vertebra. Oh, and we got married in January of 2008.

                  So here is what happened: I got to stay home (still home!) and get disability checks (not quite full salary, but adequate) and I still have my job (the company is being very supportive). My job now is to recover and I am doing it from home and I am getting paid for it.

                  In August of 2007, we started the process of purchasing our first home. We really wanted to move to northern Arizona (we have a 36 acre lot just south of the Grand Canyon), but decided we could better afford a manufactured home on our one acre lot down south near Phoenix and that this would be an excellent first home .

                  We visited the manufacturer 2 weeks before I collapsed and the bank loan closed on December 31, 2007. We should be able to move in at the end of April or beginning of May (really soon - we can't wait!). All good things in perfect time...

                  We were concerned that we didn't have jobs in AZ. I called the disability office here in California and they said I could still receive benefits after I move. That solved that issue for me, at least initially.

                  Coincidentally, Jeanie works at the same company as I do. She was also very concerned about her income after we move. She had to talk to her boss, and she was anxious about it. Turns out he was very understanding, decided he didn't want to lose her talents and said she could work from home in AZ!

                  Then, we spoke to my boss. He also doesn't want to lose me and will try to accommodate a work from home situation for me as well (we'll see...).

                  All of the big things we have wanted over the past year and a half have come or are coming to fruition.

                  Yes, Jessica, Aaron, and all, I'd have to agree - PATHS ROCKS!
                  Blessings on the journey, Glenn
                  Handmade Ceramic Gifts


                  • #54
                    [Yes, Jessica, Aaron, and all, I'd have to agree - PATHS ROCKS!]
                    Glenn, I would have to say that you and Genie ROCK!!!!!
                    Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                    • #55
                      Yeah Glen and Jeanie CONGRATS!!

                      I'm so happy for the two of you

                      Of course not about you collapsing, but on the wedding, on you finding out a way to attend to a necessary health issue with lots of support, and for the two of you finding a way to make changes it sounds like you will both love.

                      With the land and home situation, I bet you could find some nice creative ways to live in harmony with nature too. That sounds very exiting!!

                      XO Jessica
                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by future pather View Post
                        With the land and home situation, I bet you could find some nice creative ways to live in harmony with nature too. That sounds very exiting!!
                        Thanks Pamela and Jessica -

                        This first house is conventially built (materials). When we are ready to move to our 'ranch' we will definitely go all out on a green house Well, we'll have a greenhouse also, but we'll use (or at least try to use) low or zero emission materials, all solar, wind and hydro powered, sisterns and tanks for water, etc. We'll have to as that land is completely off grid.

                        We are so looking forward to that adventure - we will definitely be picking everyone's brains for that project. And the party when it's all done - woo hoo - everyone is invited!!!
                        Blessings on the journey, Glenn
                        Handmade Ceramic Gifts


                        • #57
                          in the flow

                          Awesome examples of being in the flow Glenn!

                          Looking forward to seeing the off the grid project in the works!
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #58
                            A good friend of mine has just been promoted to a significant position in a large company.

                            It just so happens (coincidentally ~ Synchronistically) that he now has decision making authority in an area of industry of great interest to me and many people on this forum.

                            I cannot reveal his name, the industry, or the company...I do not want him to be inundated any more than he already is with his recent promotion.

                            However, once things have calmed down a bit for him I will be getting up with him and "pulling in a few favors" on behalf of Energetic Forum!

                            I know, I know, it is tacky to post this and not say who he is etc...but I am just so excited about this obvious bit of synchronicity/inspired luck/good fortune, I just had to share what I could!


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                            • #59
                              Wow, the time has just flown by.

                              I have not yet contacted Larry, but will do so before years end. He certainly should be settled into his new position now.

                              Everything in its time!


                              PATHS For Healing
                              Energetic Science Ministries
                              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                              ESM Forum Support Link


                              • #60
                                new news?


                                Any updates on this?
                                Everything is about to get a whole lot more exciting!
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

