Hi My Sweet Ones...
Are you ready for some fun? Yeah? I thought so...
Thanks to all of you for waiting so patiently for this thread with the pics I snapped of Las Vegas and the inside stories... I got back late Wednesday to a slew of emails that needed my attention and it took much time to cut all the pics down to size. I am Happy and Grateful to tell you that I am finally "unwound" from that whirlwind trip, yet still reeling from the AMAZING Loving Energy that was shared by this FABULOUS group of people that I am so honored to be a part of. I LOVE you all and I cannot wait for the next PATHS conference. To those of you who missed this historical event, I hope you find the pics and stories much fun and that they will give you the inspiration to make a serious intention to join us for the next one!!! This trip was undoubtedly one of the greatest highlights of my life!!!
So....I started my journey to this convention early and left Connecticut on Tuesday, the 29th of May to fly to Cleveland to meet up with my oldest friend Frank. We used to hang out now and then in Vegas some 30 years back and he will grab any opportunity to get out of cold Cleveland and venture to the Southwest for the sizzling temperatures that he thrives on, so when I mentioned Vegas a few months ago, he jumped at the chance...
We flew out of Cleveland early Wednesday morning and made it to Vegas by 10:30 am (Vegas time)...As soon as we landed, I pulled out my cell phone to call Gracie and learned that she was having flight troubles and wasn't sure if she would arrive that afternoon as expected.
I told her to keep me posted and proceeded to the baggage claim area where Frank got his bag immediately and I was left to sweat it out as mine was one of the last to show up. Before it did, I started to worry that it might be lost and that was putting my knickers in a twist, but Frank told me to not concern myself and to "Live In the Now"....Of course I said "Yeah, right..." as I thought of all my nice dresses in that suitcase, but then I finally spied it and my blood pressure began to return to normal....
So we make it out into the Las Vegas heat (104 degrees!) to grab a cab to the Stratosphere Hotel. As we walked through the doors into the main casino area, we both were struck by The Noise.
Yep...Were talkin' REAL Noise, my Lovies... Noise that is LOUD and NEVER ENDS. Apparently there is a well-inforced law in Vegas that requires that Noise must be available for everyone at any given moment and it is VERY difficult to find areas where there is no Noise...
The sounds from the slot machines coupled with the music is something I am NOT used to...You all need to remember that I am a country girl who spends her days in a quiet art studio and in the woods with my dog, so this Noise really made my eyes cross. Thankfully, an escape from this Noise was found in the lovely hotel rooms, so I was able to uncross my eyes while I unpacked my dresses...
But then...Gracie called again to tell us that she was STILL stuck at the airport in Dallas and did not know when she would get on a flight. We had planned on having dinner together that night and I was REALLY looking forward to this, so my knickers were in a bit of a twist, but Frank told me to "Relax and Live in the Now." and this time I decided to listen to him and we went off to have a great lunch
Frank and I had a great afternoon and went exploring some of the other hotels that evening...Las Vegas has GROWN since I was there last and there are masses of people EVERYWHERE you go and AlWAYS the inescapable Noise!!! By that night it was pretty clear that Gracie was not going to get a flight out of Dallas, so we made some Powerful Intentions together on the phone that she would be able to get on one the first thing in the morning. I knew that Pammie would be checking in late that evening and that we would meet up in the morning, so I was really looking forward to that. By 10:00pm, I was happy and grateful to get back to the quiet of my room and have a good sleep after the long and Noisy day!
And the next morning I got a call from Pammie who told me she was at the pool! On hearing that she was here and only moments away, I got all excited and started to run towards the elevators so we could find her. Frank told me to "Slow down and Live in the Now." and I told him "Yeah, right!" again as I pushed him onto the elevator. Oh, My Sweet Ones...It was SO AWESOME seeing our Pammie for the first time.... And it was as if we had known each other since our sandbox days! There she was...Baking in the sun like the Goddess that she is, but with NO sunscreen!!!
You better believe that I read her the riot act right off, but she seemed unconcerned and rolled her eyes at me and continued on frying in the sun while Frank and I found a shady spot right next to her to sit in. Then Pammie and I did some MAJOR tongue wagging while Frank enjoyed doing some poeple-watching.... Oh...Okay...I KNOW...Enough of my bantering on and on.... YOU WANT PICS, RIGHT???
Okay here's a few to start, but there's plenty more and I will be back soon with more of them...
Here's the pool area and Pammie.... Enjoy, My Lovies!!!
PoolsidePammie.jpg Just click on the links below to open the rest!
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Are you ready for some fun? Yeah? I thought so...

Thanks to all of you for waiting so patiently for this thread with the pics I snapped of Las Vegas and the inside stories... I got back late Wednesday to a slew of emails that needed my attention and it took much time to cut all the pics down to size. I am Happy and Grateful to tell you that I am finally "unwound" from that whirlwind trip, yet still reeling from the AMAZING Loving Energy that was shared by this FABULOUS group of people that I am so honored to be a part of. I LOVE you all and I cannot wait for the next PATHS conference. To those of you who missed this historical event, I hope you find the pics and stories much fun and that they will give you the inspiration to make a serious intention to join us for the next one!!! This trip was undoubtedly one of the greatest highlights of my life!!!

So....I started my journey to this convention early and left Connecticut on Tuesday, the 29th of May to fly to Cleveland to meet up with my oldest friend Frank. We used to hang out now and then in Vegas some 30 years back and he will grab any opportunity to get out of cold Cleveland and venture to the Southwest for the sizzling temperatures that he thrives on, so when I mentioned Vegas a few months ago, he jumped at the chance...
We flew out of Cleveland early Wednesday morning and made it to Vegas by 10:30 am (Vegas time)...As soon as we landed, I pulled out my cell phone to call Gracie and learned that she was having flight troubles and wasn't sure if she would arrive that afternoon as expected.

So we make it out into the Las Vegas heat (104 degrees!) to grab a cab to the Stratosphere Hotel. As we walked through the doors into the main casino area, we both were struck by The Noise.

But then...Gracie called again to tell us that she was STILL stuck at the airport in Dallas and did not know when she would get on a flight. We had planned on having dinner together that night and I was REALLY looking forward to this, so my knickers were in a bit of a twist, but Frank told me to "Relax and Live in the Now." and this time I decided to listen to him and we went off to have a great lunch
Frank and I had a great afternoon and went exploring some of the other hotels that evening...Las Vegas has GROWN since I was there last and there are masses of people EVERYWHERE you go and AlWAYS the inescapable Noise!!! By that night it was pretty clear that Gracie was not going to get a flight out of Dallas, so we made some Powerful Intentions together on the phone that she would be able to get on one the first thing in the morning. I knew that Pammie would be checking in late that evening and that we would meet up in the morning, so I was really looking forward to that. By 10:00pm, I was happy and grateful to get back to the quiet of my room and have a good sleep after the long and Noisy day!
And the next morning I got a call from Pammie who told me she was at the pool! On hearing that she was here and only moments away, I got all excited and started to run towards the elevators so we could find her. Frank told me to "Slow down and Live in the Now." and I told him "Yeah, right!" again as I pushed him onto the elevator. Oh, My Sweet Ones...It was SO AWESOME seeing our Pammie for the first time.... And it was as if we had known each other since our sandbox days! There she was...Baking in the sun like the Goddess that she is, but with NO sunscreen!!!

Here's the pool area and Pammie.... Enjoy, My Lovies!!!

PoolsidePammie.jpg Just click on the links below to open the rest!
With Much Love and Gratitude,