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Bruce Lipton Biology of Belief

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  • #46
    I have a psychiatrist friend who is also a certified PSYCH-K instructor.

    Several years ago she gave me the book "PSYCH-K The Missing Peace in Your Life"

    After reading it I had many discussions and actual PSYCH-K work done with her.

    It is very interesting.

    She also uses the SCIO in her practice and has been using PATHS now for a couple of years with more and more of her patients.

    My read is that PSYCH-K can be an effective modality (as can all modalities that employ properly written affirmations), BUT it stops far short of communicating directly with our Subconscious, in the language of the subconscious.

    This is where PATHS is so powerfully effective, at the very core of our being.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link


    • #47
      communicating directly with our Subconscious, in the language of the subconscious.
      I'm afraid I'm not well versed in PATHS, would you mind elaborating on how PATHS achieves this a bit?


      • #48
        Universal Language

        Hi Ingram!

        Aaron explains this quite well, specifically on page 5, in the article "What's So Quantum About PATHS?". Here's the link for you!

        Let us know if you need any more info, okay?

        With Love and Gratitude,

        My PATHS Website
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        My Paintings As Prints
        My Facebook


        • #49
          Originally posted by Ingram View Post
          I'm afraid I'm not well versed in PATHS, would you mind elaborating on how PATHS achieves this a bit?
          There are many threads that address this subject. Here is one of the more in depth ones-

          Here is another useful thread-

          Here is yet another one-

          "Cliff Notes" explanation-

          At the core of the RDT technology is the ability to communicate directly to the subconscious in the native language of the subconscious. (This makes the
          spoken language of the individual completely irrelevant to the efficacy of RDT.)

          Since the subconscious mind controls so much of a persons being (virtually all
          biological processes, and it is the driver of all habits), being able to communicate directly with it makes RDT an almost incomprehensibly powerful tool.

          Important Note: The communication is embedded equally in both sides of the
          stereo audio. Therefore, someone that is blind, and can only hear out of one ear, can simply turn off one speaker, and they will receive the full benefit of RDT. (Although they will not receive the benefit of the binaural beat).

          These instructions are, for lack of a better word, "time released." Two or three minutes of viewing and listening per module are all it takes to deliver enough of these "time released" instructions into one's brain to last approximately 7-10 days.


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #50
            VERY educational! Thank you Pamela & Kevin

            Would I be wrong to assume that once the subconscious shift occurs that you do not have to constantly repeat the program? Meaning, is it a permanent change or do you have to continue to watch the module for the beneficial effects?


            • #51

              It depends on the module. Many of them will give lasting benefits after about 3 months.

              The intuition module is one of them

              If you have questions about any others, just post

              After you feel you have finished a module you may stop PATHS, or swap any module you have for any other standard one for no fee (up to once a month) besides the regular monthly charge.

              We all love that perk

              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #52
                How the subconscious influences biology

                Bruce Lipton's work is recommended to understand the subtle nuances involved with PATHS and how the subconscious can influence biology. His book Biology of Belief reads like an instructions manual on why the subconscious influences biology. Very profound work!

                The person that initiated the science by validating it with actual electronic instrumentation showing that by simply having a thought, there are impulses being sent to the muscles...that is Edmund Jacobson and his work is recommended as well! I have posted a few threads/posts about Edmund Jacobson.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #53
                  Sorry, this may seem unrelated, but I just had a little realization from reading that article about proteins and music, that the Mayan calendar must be based on the DNA/amino acid/protein structure because it runs on cycles of 4, 13 and 20. Or maybe those are just patterns that show up in nature in different places...



                  • #54
                    dna and music

                    Hi Amy,

                    What is the protein music reference? I read before that on dna sequences, if each amino is assigned a different music note and it the whole sequence is played out, it sounds like beautiful classical music.

                    I'm not sure about 4-13-20 but for example, here are the first 8 Fibonacci numbers: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21
                    You add 2 numbers to get the next so 2+3=5, 5+3=8, 8+5=13, 13+8=21 and so forth.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #55
                      I was referring to the article posted earlier in this thread by future-pather:

                      scientists convert the sequence of proteins into music

                      esp where it said "The music has a 20-note range spanning over two octaves, but with just 13 base notes."

                      I tried to find something good describing the tzolkin count but couldn't...I did find this piece mentioning the mayan calendar and the fibonacci sequence -

                      Sacred Geometry and the Mayan Calendar

                      from the intro:

                      Mayan Calendar Researcher Ian Xel Lungold explains the connection between the Mayan Calendar and Sacred Geometry. One essential point is the pattern displayed by the Mayan calendar. It is built upon a particular ratio, 13 : 20. These proportions are the true basis of all sacred geometry. In his study of sacred geometry, he found that all forms and understandings boil down to one ratio: one-third to two-thirds. This is in no way an exact number system, but a general pattern that Creation naturally follows. Our consciousness is based on this ratio.



                      • #56
                        golden mean

                        Originally posted by terranova View Post
                        esp where it said "The music has a 20-note range spanning over two octaves, but with just 13 base notes."

                        It is built upon a particular ratio, 13 : 20. These proportions are the true basis of all sacred geometry. In his study of sacred geometry, he found that all forms and understandings boil down to one ratio: one-third to two-thirds. This is in no way an exact number system, but a general pattern that Creation naturally follows. Our consciousness is based on this ratio.

                        That music breakdown sounds more like it than 4 simple notes. I remember some Japanese geneticists had played this music out and had it available as downloads online somewhere. This was quite a while back.


                        That is 'close' to the golden ratio of 1.618

                        Out of the Fibonacci #'s:

                        You add 2 numbers to get the next so 2+3=5, 5+3=8, 8+5=13, 13+8=21 and so forth.

                        You can get the same closeness to this ratio. Nature if "fuzzy" so it doesn't follow 1.625 exactly.


                        These #'s doubled are close to pi of 3.14

                        22:7 is another ratio that was used in the past as a close natural ratio to pi. 22/7=3.14 3.14/2 = 1.57 - close to the golden mean.

                        In architecture, when buildings are built with these ratios like they were in the ancient past, people sense them as being more aesthetically pleasing and don't even know why, consciously at least.

                        This graphic shows visually how it plays out and is how the spiral on pine cones grow, sun flowers, nautilus shells, the human body, galaxies, etc...

                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          Another book about the mind influencing genetics is:

                 The Divine Code of Life: Awaken Your Genes and Discover Hidden Talents: Books: Kazuo Murakami

                          The Divine Code of Life by Dr. Kazuo Murakami

                          Editorial Reviews
                          Book Description
                          For many years, genes have been thought of as immutable: “You can’t change, it’s hereditary” was the mantra. But studies now show that genes are functioning and changing, every minute, every second. According to The Divine Code of Life, dormant genes have the potential to “wake up” and transform personality and outlook. The book shows how mental and emotional factors — negatives like stress and positives like excitement, joy, gratitude, and spirituality — are also involved in switching genes on or off. Drawing on recent scientific research and the author’s own observations, this book shows that humans can bring forth their talents at any age. How? Dr. Murakami argues that a positive outlook can turn on the genes that are necessary to bring happiness and success into anyone’s life and turn off the bad genes. He calls this process "genetic thinking" — a science-based approach to controlling the genes by cultivating enthusiasm and inspiration."
                          is he related Aaron?




                          • #58

                            Hi Adam,

                            Not to my knowledge! lol

                            If his last name has the same characters (different Murakami's can use different characters), then possibly related from many generations back. But no for now
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #59
                              I'd like to thank Kevin for starting this topic and adrazz for posting,
                              which brought the topic into my view.

                              I just finished watching the video
                              Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet
                              I'll quote Kevin: "I was blown away" ..

                              Knowing a little about the bits and pieces wasn't anything like the
                              understanding I obtained from seeing this video.

                              Watching it laid out, all strung together showing how it all interconnects ..
                              Pretty Powerful Information

                              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                                I'd like to thank Kevin for starting this topic and adrazz for posting,
                                which brought the topic into my view.

                                I just finished watching the video
                                Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet
                                I'll quote Kevin: "I was blown away" ..

                                Knowing a little about the bits and pieces wasn't anything like the
                                understanding I obtained from seeing this video.

                                Watching it laid out, all strung together showing how it all interconnects ..
                                Pretty Powerful Information


                                You are certainly welcome!

                                The first part of the book was a bit slow for me...but it helped me understand the basic science that was then used in the tests showing that thoughts AND emotions have an actual, measurable, repeatable effect on our cells (physical body).

                                It is some of the most powerful information published in my lifetime...I think it is a bit paradigm challenging for many, and thus, has not caught with the general population.

                                It will though, as the saying goes:

                                “Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized In the first it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident”. Arthur Schopenhauer


                                PATHS For Healing
                                Energetic Science Ministries
                                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                                ESM Forum Support Link

