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How To Get Started With Paths

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  • How To Get Started With Paths

    There are many affiliates who are happy to guide you through your experiences with PATHS.

    There is no particular advantage to signing up with one affiliate over another, except that you should pick one who you feel comfortable with.

    You can e-mail any affiliate (these forum members have signature lines with PATHS web sites) before starting PATHS to get an idea if you have good compatability.

    Once you have found a good match you can sign up over the site of the affiliate you chose, or contact the affiliate to be guided through the process.

    Affliates are a bit like agents. They can give personal customer service, in addition to service you receive from the company, PATHS, S. A.

    The affiliate you chose will have an incentive to make sure you get the most out of your PATHS experiences.

    p.s. For a partial list of affiliates, please visit
    Energetic Science Ministries™ | PATHS - Program Authoring the Human Subconscious
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2


    I just joined PATHS 3 weeks ago and I have some questions. However, I don't even know how to post.
    I've only looked at this site a few times, and I have seen your name often, thus I am writing you.
    I don't seem to be feeling any results yet. I am using other alternative therapies.
    I DO believe this program works as I believe and know The Law of Attraction.
    I also believe in instant healing(s). I am wondering if I am blocking the healing(s) or that there is a myriad of issues to be addressed and dealt with in my Life.
    Basically, what happened is April 30, I had surgery and I have not been/felt the same since. Except for a exciting spititual adventure for a couple of weeks with a group overseas to France and Malta during June and early July, I've not much motivation or passion to pursue anything except for knowledge of my spiritual quest. The surgery has added injury to insult I might say, that the same problem is still here I hoped to alleviate, and it caused negative hormonal changes...
    I don't know what to do sometimes, I do know I won't give up so however you can help me, I thank you.

    PS I am a female; my profile says I'm male, how do I change that???

    Have a great day!


    • #3


      What Modules are you using? Have you logged into your Control Panel on your PATHS web site to check and see if all of your information is correct? Even if one little piece of info is wrong, it can throw off the connection.

      Also, I recommend emailing and explaining your experience and desires with them. They are very helpful!

      To change your gender to female, click on the Profiles link towards the top right of this forum and then click on My Profile on the little menu that pops up. That will take you to your personal profile page. To edit the different boxes click on the little wrench icon.
      Last edited by Ahimsa; 08-25-2007, 09:06 PM.
      The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to sharpen.
      -Eden Phillpotts


      • #4
        hello Aaron, i have a suggestion.
        if you guys really want to hit the mainstream with this, perhaps creating a short module or Theater(i dont knwo the correct term) for free distribution would help.
        i admit, i am a bit skeptical, as who can prove against the Placebo effect with this? i have seen that most people here have pretty strong minds, perhaps they believe so strongly that this works that they are fixing themselves.
        also, is there any proof that there are no hidden subliminal messages in each module like "buy more PATHS" "buy more Modules" "buy more whatever" ?

        i dont even trust hypnotists because of this very same reason.



        • #5
          Hi Bryan ~

          If you will like to see what a PATHS module or theater presentation looks like, I will be happy to give you my sign-on and password info to view mine.

          However, because each theater presentation is programmed specifically for the registered user, you will not receive any of the intended benefits by using it.

          I can understand your skepticism - my husband, Raymond, was also very skeptical and could not understand how PATHS could work as well as it does. Because so many people are naturally skeptical, PATHS offers an unconditional money back guarantee for the first two months. You can visit any PATHS website for the specifics.

          Another point I can add, I know that of the thousands of people who have signed up for PATHS, only a very small number have felt it was not beneficial for them and asked for a refund.

          Ultimately, it is a personal decision as to whether this is something you think may benefit you and enhance your life or if you prefer other methods
          Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


          • #6
            wow, you are a very trusting person towards a complete stranger.

            let me think on it a bit ok?

            i really appreciate your kind offer, thank you!!



            • #7

              There's not much you can do with someone's log in besides buy them more modules

              The rest is done by e-mail interaction.

              If you are skeptical of the $ back guarantee, check with your credit card co. I believe they would refund your $ and take issue with the PATHS co. if there were any problems.

              (The PATHS staff consists of some of the most wonderful people on the planet, but you won't know that unless you get some interaction with them.)

              I will also say that for me the results were smack dab obvious within two weeks. There was no wondering if I was getting any results. I'd tried other things before PATHS and was like on certain things no matter what I did.

              XO Jessica
              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #8
                the funny thing is, the reason i didnt say yes to her offer is that im afraid i WILL like it.
                im so broke right now i couldnt afford regular monthly installments. im surviving on cereal and sandwiches right now.
                this pet store has virtually sucked the life out of me spiritually (animal deaths), mentally(finances), and physically (14 hours a day mon - sat + full sundays) i have been projecting positive manifestation with all of my might right now, and i think thats all that is holding me at bay (by a hair string)

                the consortium company im affiliated with(Sea Clearly) will not sell it's products yet, mostly due to safety issues and government "intervention".

                *thinking positive*


                • #9
                  No pressure but I've seen many cases of finances going up with people who have their own businesses and who use the business productivity module.

                  What do you have to loose? If you like it, it's a tax write off. If not, you get your money back.

                  PATHS is not going anywhere, so ponder it as long as you like.

                  Most importantly, no matter what you decide, you are always welcome here

                  Keep your mind on the aether


                  • #10
                    i will consider it


                    • #11
                      "is there any proof that there are no hidden subliminal messages in each module like "buy more PATHS" "buy more Modules" "buy more whatever"

                      I just wanted to post they'd be sending those messages through free youtubes, then wouldn't they? No need to try to talk anyone into paying $ for that service, lol.

                      And if they do do it, they've at least got to keep it tame because other people in user's lives would notice red flag behavior.

                      I'm being a bit on the silly side here because now that I know PATHS folk, it is a pure blessing to interact with them and they are the very last people on Earth I would be worried about.

                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #12
                        point taken, perhaps ill try it.
                        cant do it here at the store though, after hearing about bandwidth issues ill have to try it at home.


                        • #13
                          Something to think about...

                          Hello Darling Ones,

                          As more and more of you delightful people are joining this forum, I am sure that many of you are becoming aware of the PATHS technology for the first time... Some of you may even be considering purchasing some modules, but may be unsure where to begin. I just want to pop in here with some thoughts for you to ponder and hope that my comments help you with your decisions...

                          My late mother always used to say "People don't change, they just get more so." and for many years I believed she was spot on in that statement. But ever since I began on my spiritual journey, I have come to feel that Mom's statement is not totally correct (sorry Mom! )! The fact is that many people live unconsciously and never realize that they are exquisitely powerful creators. They never realize that their negative thoughts and attitudes are attracting that which they do not want into their lives and they grow more and more negative and unhappy as their lives progress. But there are those of us who DO wish to change and grow and be willing to use our Powerful Creative Energy to create the joyous and abundant lives we all deserve and PATHS is THE most wonderous and remarkable tool to accomplish that goal in a rapid manner.

                          But one must be willing to look deep within and ask themselves if they truly DO want to change. Many people are consumed by a strong ego and would really rather be right than happy. And many of these people are skeptical about, not only the PATHS technology, but also about the New Biology, quantum physics, the Law of Attraction etc. and don't really believe that we all have the powerful ability to create all that we desire with our minds. I suggest that those people who find themselves locked within this limited mind-set are perhaps unlikely to experience as profoundly the amazing wonders that the PATHS technology can provide, as those who live consciously and are eager to experience a life of joy and abundance.

                          I have been a PATHS affiliate for many months now and I have delighted in MOST of my customers, who, at least initially, have consulted with me about the PATHS products and the technology. The interesting thing is, there have been a few customers who I knew intuitively from the get-go, would be the type who were unwilling to let go of their ego and allow for the transfomation of their limiting beliefs, and in each case, I was correct in my intuition. These individuals were expecting to do nothing but watch their modules and never considered that the whole kit-and-kaboodle of transformation is a PROCESS that one must consciously observe in order for the transformations to occur as profoundly as they can with PATHS. Because of this experience, I have set an intention to NOW only attract customers that have looked within themselves and are truly desiring the delicious changes that PATHS can quickly help with.

                          For those of you who HAVE looked within and have decided to try the PATHS technology, your next step is to choose an affiliate that you resonate with. All that you really need to do is ask yourself which one "feels good" to you and your Self will tell you the answer. Always trust the answer that your Self tells you as it is NEVER wrong. Keep in mind that many of us prefer to connect with you via email or telephone in order to advise you of the perfect module choices for you to begin with, as well as help you with other questions. Sometimes this means that you may need to share some personal thoughts in order for us to serve you in the best way that we can. You want to be able to feel comfortable with your affiliate as you do this.

                          One last thought....I always advise my customers to join this forum and really look to the plethora of information that is found here. The ESM Resource Library is filled with fabulous info as well as free binaural beat soundtracks that enhance the effectiveness of the PATHS modules. And each and every day the members here are sharing more and more information that helps us all in our personal transformations as we seek a more enlightened, joyful and abundant journey on this planet and beyond. Not only that, but you will have MUCH FUN here as well!!!

                          If any of you have any questions about PATHS or wish to view what the technology looks like, please feel free to post here on this thread and one of us will be more than happy to assist you! In the meantime...

                          May you All Be Blessed...In All Ways.

                          With Much Love and Gratitude,

                          Last edited by Pamela; 08-31-2007, 05:41 PM.
                          My PATHS Website
                          My Art Website
                          My Paintings As Prints
                          My Facebook


                          • #14
                            PATHS Presentation Call

                            PATHS Presentation Call

                            (347) 534-1700

                            630 PM (PST), 730 PM (MST), 830 PM (CST) and 930 PM (EST)

                            Learn what is so Amazing about PATHS!

                            If you've been thinking about using PATHS
                            or becoming a PATHS Affiliate,
                            YOU NEED TO BE ON THIS CALL!
                            Last edited by Aaron; 12-01-2008, 12:40 AM.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #15
                              recorded PATHS presentation?

                              Hi everyone,

                              Quite a few people email me asking if the presentation calls are recorded and they are not. You have to be on the live call to hear it but we may record them in the near future.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO

