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PATHS - An Amazing Journey

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  • PATHS - An Amazing Journey

    My partner (Bren) was reading the Magic Pill. At the bottom of the last page Odille suggests looking at her PATHS site. As Bren was reading it I looked over his shoulder and as soon as I realized what it was about I ordered 4 modules. (May 6th)

    The modules I ordered are:
    Spiritual Enlightenment & Development
    Stimulate Intuition and Insight
    Sports Module
    Young Again ~ PATHS of Youth

    I live with the awareness that I am the creator of everything in my physical reality... everything… no exception.

    Now, knowing that I am the creator, does not mean that I always manage to create exactly what I want… yet. However, anything that I perceive to be unwanted turns out to be the most incredible gift of insight into something that I have either not been aware of or have been afraid to face.

    So I have been aware for some time that it is my thoughts that determine what is reflected in my physical world and so of course I was immediately drawn to PATHS!
    • I play soccer (I am 50), and I am making moves that I have not made since I was in my 20’s and 30’s. This was a surprise!
    • I have been experiencing psychic experiences (e.g. knowing what someone is going to say before they say it). I am not talking about finishing a sentence; I am talking about the exact sentences they are going to say. This is fun!
    • I have been asked several times within the last month how did I know to choose something that ended up being the best possible choice. I was able to reply: “intuition”.
    • This would take a whole page to explain, but I am aware that my Spiritual journey has taken a whole new path... This is amazing!

    I am so grateful for this product! Thank you Odille for the introduction.

    Wishing you all a joyous journey,


  • #2
    Hi Kimmy -

    I so love to read stories like yours. It makes my heart sing

    Welcome to this forum. I look forward to hearing much more from you
    Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


    • #3
      WoW!!! How amazing and welcome to the site!
      I also want to thank you for posting your experiences. It is alway good to read how a particular or in your case a group of particular modules has been so helpful!!!
      Blessings with Aloha Keoi
      <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
      Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


      • #4

        Thank you so much for the welcome. I feel blessed to have discovered PATHS and the community that is forming around it.

        This weekend I will be registering for the ACSPA Certification Course. I notice that you have Energetic Science Practitioner under your username. Does this mean that you have completed this course? If so, how long did it take you to complete it?

        Wishing you a joyous journey



        • #5

          Thank you so much for the welcome.

          I have enjoyed reading some of your posts. You have inspired me to include the Increase Business Productivity module when I next change or add modules.

          Wishing you a joyous journey.



          • #6
            Welcome Kimmy! I love your story, and I love your happy smile!
            It is wonderful here

            Hugs xx


            • #7
              Welcome Kimmy

              Your experiences with your modules are a true pleasure to read about.

              We enjoyed Bren's spirit and sharing in Vegas.

              Because of the Light,

              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #8
                Hi Kimmy -

                Yes, I am proud to say I did go through the certification. I absolutely loved every minute of it

                The course is thirteen chapters long with quizzes for each. There is also a final exam and final paper due.

                There is no time limit, you can work at your own pace so take your time and enjoy it as much as I did
                Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                • #9
                  welcome to the family, kimmie!!!

                  just want to add my wholehearted welcome....what a dazzling smile you have!!! loved meeting Bren in Vegas and looking forward to meeting you at the ME workshop in SF soon!!!!

                  love & hugs


