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Mystery Module Reporting

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  • Mystery Module Reporting

    This thread is for the Affiliate Test subjects to post in regarding the Module that they are testing.

    See Here

    We have enough Test subjects now.

    We are locking this thread for approximately 2 weeks. Please do not share what you are thinking you may be experiencing since it may contribute to a placebo effect.

    In about 2 weeks we will open this thread and ask all test subjects to share their thoughts.

    Happiness & Health,

    PATHS, S.A. Staff


  • #2
    mystery module reporting open

    Hi all,

    If you're on the mystery module, please post anything in this thread that you think might be related to that module.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      OK, I guess I will go first.I kept a journal and two separate and distinct things occured several times.

      First, I got several new sales and new customers at work. The week before last I got $8000 in sales from customers who have never bought from me before. Some was unsolicited and the rest I sought. I am on a sales team with a total of ten team members. My production two weeks ago was 131% of my goal. No one else on my team even got to 90% of their goal that week so this was impressive.

      Last week I only worked two days and therefore my overall sales were very low. However, even then I received new business from new customers.

      The second thing I noticed was that I have been receiving an unusual amount of invitations for various parties, happy hours, weekend getaways, and other fun stuff. None of these were from family members, just from an assortment of friends from different places. Some days I received two invitations.

      These were the only two things that struck me as being unusual.
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      • #4
        Way to go Pammie! That is awesome!

        I've noticed a few different things:

        1. I have been taking many more naps. This may be the "I LOVE To Sleep Module"

        2. I've been dreaming ALOT. Well, of course we all dream all the time, but I've been remembering them and they are more vivid than normal and have been very insightful.

        But, I just started the Insight and Intuition module about the same time as the mystery one, so the dreams may be a result of that and have nothing to do with the mystery module. hmmmmm


        • #5
          Hi all.
          I have really nothing to report. I have paid very close attention for any possible changes that might be occurring around or to me.
          The only 2 things that have happened, I don't think have anything to do with the module.
          1. A very severe stomach ache for 1 1/2 weeks.
          2. I actually got slightly depressed twice!!! This is not something that I do ever!!! lasted about 1 hour each time

          Like I said, I doubt if anything I notice was from the module...Maybe I was a Placebo subject
          Blessings with Aloha Keoi

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          Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


          • #6
            I don't feel anything I can't attribute elsewhere has occured. . .

            except one thing that is in my thought processing.

            It's kind of hard to describe but all at once I stopped a way where my mind would kind of put an antenna out far and wide.

            I think it was a sort of scanning for problems on the horizon kind of thing.

            But I noticed it when I stopped doing it. It just stopped on its own, and hasn't come back.

            The only thing I can attribute that to is this module.

            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #7

              I particularly tested with an internal scan before watching the module for the first time and feel I was picking some things up as follows in (1).

              1) At that point, and from then on for the last two weeks, I have experienced cognitive dissonance. I barely got any cog. diss. during any of the three Successful living modules, nor from any other module, but it has been noticeable these last two weeks. Fortunately, I have many other tools in the shed to help be aware of what these feelings are so I don't have to lose my marbles, and never find them again lol.

              2) I definitely am have many more 'tired' days than ever before. My dream life changed significantly since engaging Matrix Energetics, so I do not notice any shift in that, with this module.

              There may be other things, I know that several very 'out of the blue' events have happened lately, though I would hardly say they were 'awesome' and 'really cool' on the surface, though I suspect that is where the situations will lead.

              It will be neat to see what this module is all about, fo sho, and whether I got a placebo or not.
              A WAG would be that this module might have something to do with the upcoming effort to help the collective in various areas - we, the willing guinea pigs If so, perhaps the collective is unwilling to change somewhat, and so the reflection back might be felt by the 'donor unconsciouses' as cog. diss.




              • #8
                hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cute adorable pathers .. I was sooo looking forward to opening that thread ... i really laughed at your "i love to sleep module" comment jamie ..

                ok .. here is my contribution ... that is what i noticed

                1. at first i thought this module definitely had something to do with "sleeping less no. of hours and feeling you've got enough sleep" ... for the first few days i was almost sure that was a "sleep less & feel energized" module ..

                2. Then .... things started happening and now i can swear this must be a "boost your relationship" module ... my guy is becoming more and more adorable and is getting more and more into me although i mean there is nothing different about me .. but it seems as if he is realizing everyday how much i mean to him and he is appreciating me more by day ... i dont know if this is all my positivity and LOA doing its work miraculously for me .. could be ..

                lets see what the rest of you have to say

                Love & Gratitude, Lama


                • #9

                  Well a little bit of history to what was going on in my world at that time.

                  I learned how to do ME...the basics...and had some done to me.
                  that was the day befor the mystery mod....And i also had stated on two new mod's at the same time..the relax mod, and the energy and motivation mod.

                  what was significant to me was the amount i slept, and feeling tierd all day still and then sleeping like a rock for about 8-12 hours a night, and feeling cog diss....

                  I did have some unexpected things happen....A guy that stephen and i met,(he was reading the secret, we approached him to chat once) popped into my life, and we have exchanged phone #'s and i am burning him some cd's

                  I was finally motivated to go out and enjoy life and got my business cards done finally (for paths) and even asked someone if could put them in there store? wow, it's like i'm brave...but this could also be the modivation and enegy modual.

                  I was woundering if this mod had anything to do with following your bliss, cuz it's like i have been really content with things i enjoy, and that is something i am not sure that i can attribute to the other mods.....

                  I feel like i am also able to be in my body alot more, i mean ALOT alot more.
                  like i am more grownded.....
                  although the sleeping and tierdness is less's still more than it was befor i watched the mod....but really with the cog diss, and tierdness...i still feel great .

                  LOVE Adrienne
                  Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                  • #10

                    I thought it was the wealth module as business picked up. But it has just died again so maybe its not that

                    I also thought it might be the eyesight module as my right eye has been getting some minor muscle spasms. Or is that me spending too much time at the computer

                    I think we need another 2 weeks to see if there is a clearer pattern

                    With love and gratitude
                    Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                    Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Adrienne View Post

                      I was woundering if this mod had anything to do with following your bliss, cuz it's like i have been really content with things i enjoy, and that is something i am not sure that i can attribute to the other mods.....

                      I feel like i am also able to be in my body alot more, i mean ALOT alot more.
                      like i am more grownded.....

                      although the sleeping and tierdness is less's still more than it was befor i watched the mod....but really with the cog diss, and tierdness...i still feel great .

                      LOVE Adrienne

                      You know Adrienne ... I do agree with you on this part ... yes .. i too feel the same ... i enjoy so much even the littlest things that happen to me lately .. i am not sure if this is due to the attitude of gratitude i intend to live in - consequence of joining my lovely Reiki Course with the amazing adorable Moxiemeg -

                      I am loving my body so much .. even though its not yet exactly there where i want it to be .. but i do appreciate it everyday ..

                      regarding the "sleeping and tierdness is less" comment of yours ... i felt so a LOT immediately after starting the new module ... i dont get tired at all during the day ... even with less hours of sleep .. i mean .. i am getting enough of sleep even if i slept for 4 or 5 hours at night and then never feel the need to sleep in the afternoon and continue my day vitally and happily ..

                      Love & Gratitude, Lama


                      • #12
                        Hi Everyone

                        Here are some possibilities, but I'm not sure if they are from the mystery module, or just from my own progression and development, facilitated by the other modules:

                        * Sleep has been interesting - VERY weird dreams , that are so weird they are almost intangible with the conscious mind. And others that are not so much weird, but very powerful themes, very powerful feelings to them. And it feels like I'm dreaming a lot. The dreams have also felt like releasing something.

                        * Last week, Thursday morning, I was worrying a bit about money. I had none in my bank account, and just some change in my purse. And I wouldn't receive any until tomorrow (Wednesday) when a cheque would clear. I also don't have a credit card (only a debit card), so really no options to put groceries or fuel etc on a card. I then reminded myself that I love myself, and can ONLY create good for myself, so no matter what happened, I knew I would take care of myself.

                        About an hour later I remembered that someone owed me money for something I'd bought a long time ago.They had asked me, in an email, how much they owed me a few days before. I thought it was about £4 or £5 and I was going to say "Oh, don't worry about it" - which I do a lot. Oooh - I caught myself!!! Caught in the act of feeling non-deserving, unworthy etc. So I decided to check the price (I could check it online at the website I bought it from), and then email them with the price. I started feeling excited. £4 or £5 was a step up from the small change in my purse and it felt like a start. I thought "See, look how much I love myself!"

                        I checked the price, and it was £28.60 !!! WOW!!!! I was stunned. Then I felt the old feelings... I started worrying that the person wasn't expecting it to be so much (I hadn't even realised it was so much), and that they'd be angry, and that they'd be mad at me, and that they'd think I was charging them too much (even though it wasn't me charging - it was how much I'd actually paid for it), and that they'd ........... well you get the picture. I felt really tempted to just say "Make it £10". But then I, of course, recognised that as putting myself at a loss for someone else's sake (who may not even have reacted the way I was worried they might!) and so..... I too'd and froe'd, torn between myself lol. I finally decided to compromise with myself, by telling him it's £28.60 - I included the link to the webpage with the price on it as I also was concerned he wouldn't believe me (woah!! are you seeing what I'm seeing lol) but I said to make it £25 and that would be fine.

               sister, when she heard this was shocked, and asked me to consider why I felt it necessary to give this person £3. (This person is financially comfortable, and is not the sort of person to go out of their way to give to others - but not in a bad way and it's just something that is part of their nature). And the point was that I felt I SHOULD make it less than the real price. So that was an interesting thing to notice in myself - because I thought I no longer had limiting beliefs like that, and feelings of unworthiness etc.

                        What was great though was, even though I gave in to that old pattern, I did at least ask for most of it lol - and more than that .... I got it THAT DAY!!! I wasn't expecting that! I happened to bump into the person a couple of hours later, and they hadn't received the email yet, but asked me how much they owed me. I chickened out and still said £25 instead of £28.60 much to my sister's affectionate disaproval (but I was worried that they'd then see the email and think badly of me for saying £25 there and then changing it back to £28), but I was SO chuffed with myself for manifesting it so quickly. And WOW, it felt SO great to have £25 in my pocket!!

                        On top of this, a few hours later - that afternoon - I manifested another £36 in cash that was Completely unexpected!!! So, from believing just that morning, that I only had some small change to last nearly a week and not knowing where money for groceries and fuel was coming from, to £61 in cash in my purse just a few hours later!!! Well, I was VERY impressed lol.

                        I know that it had a lot to do with trusting myself to look after myself, and thereby opening up to options that wouldn't have been able to get through if I was worrying and tryyyyying to think of solutions.

                        Now, typing this all out, I'm putting together some pieces..... weird and powerful dreams that definitely felt like stuff was being released..... manifesting unexpected money ..... AND..... spotlight on remaining limitting beliefs, and I'm going to guess that, for me, it's possible that the mystery module is something to do with releasing limitting beliefs about money...?

                        * the only other "out of the ordinary" thing that happened was some strange activity between friends, and between myself and a couple of friends. Nothing major, just strange. It's over now, and resolved, but it seemed there was some kind of conflicting energy going on that was intangable, but was having an effect. That hasn't happened to me for a very very long time - certainly before PATHS and The Magic Pill.

                        * Ooh... I've just remembered something else....
                        Yesterday there seemed to be a "spilt milk" theme going on lol. At breakfast, when I went to pour milk on my cereal (plastic milk bottle with cap) the cap of the milk bottle seemed to "jump" out of my hand, and into my cereal bowl. For some bizaar reason, I jumped lol - out of fright (yeah, I don't know why), yelped as if I'd dropped and broken a glass!, and in the process, spilled milk over the table and myself!!
                        After I'd cleaned that up, about five or ten minutes later, my son, sitting opposite me, poured a LARGE glass of milk for himself, and then knocked it over - the milk went all over the wall and floor. It felt really weird.

                        What I did notice was I was consciously aware of the fact that I was puzzled by it, but not at all upset or stressed. I laughed and said "What on earth is going on!" My son and I joked about it as I washed it up. I remembered how dramatic it was when I was growing up, when something was spilled - it was like a major opperation and drama. It could ruin a whole morning or afternoon. Especially Milk!!! That phrase "And milk smells!" and I remember thinking yesterday morning, What's the big deal? It would only smell if you left it there lol. If you wash off, then it's not going to smell from beyond the grave lol.

                        That was an amazing moment for me, because I realised how polar opposite I am in many ways, to the way I was raised, and I really appreciated and revelled in the ease, layed-back feeling for myself and my son.

                        I think that's all....

                        Can't wait to hear from everyone else

                        Love and Light and Magic xxx

                        Oh, and.....PS..... the cheque that I was only expecting to clear tomorrow, cleared today instead!
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                        • #13

                          Hi Odille,

                          Would your son have spilled the milk if the floor or the wall wasn't there or if you hadn't had milk on your mind recently?

                          Remember in The Matrix when Neo was in the Oracle's apartment and he was told not to worry about knocking something over right before he actually knocked it over? It was a "noodle baker" thing to contemplate so what is that weird feeling about the milk?

                          "Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down, but, you're not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase.
                          Neo: What vase?
                          [Neo turns to look for a vase, and as he does, he knocks over a vase of flowers, which shatters on the floor]
                          Oracle: That vase.
                          Neo: I'm sorry...
                          Oracle: I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it.
                          Neo: How did you know?
                          Oracle: Ohh, what's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?"
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #14
                            Hi Odille,
                            Originally posted by illusions View Post
                            ..... I too'd and froe'd, torn between myself lol. I finally decided to compromise with myself, by telling him it's £28.60 - I included the link to the webpage with the price on it as I also was concerned he wouldn't believe me (woah!! are you seeing what I'm seeing lol) but I said to make it £25 and that would be fine.
                            I think I have a book around here somewhere that would help you. Something about a magic pill

                            Thank you for sharing

                            Something I read a while back from Stuart Wilde. He said that you needed to be consistent to 'accept' things from the universe, otherwise the universe might think you didn't want things anymore. He gave an example of chasing down a cent rolling along the street after getting out from a taxi in the pouring rain while wearing a white suit. Onlookers might have thought he was mad but it gave a consistent message to the universe. If the universe was giving, he was going to accept!!!

                            With love and gratitude
                            Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                            Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                            • #15
                              Deep Sleep and Dreams...

                              Hi My Lovies...

                              Okay...Here are my experiences...

                              Lots of cog dis last week, but I felt a shift over the weekend... I was feeling fear over future money issues, yet on Saturday afternoon I began to feel a feeling of abundance that was quite foreign to me...I like this feeling and hope it lasts! Not sure if this can be attributed to the Mystery Mod or other modules, OR the fact that Steven had done some ME work on me and that Peg helped me last Saturday with Zpointing... (Thank you Dear Ones! )

                              Lots of deep, deep sleep and lucid dreaming... I like this, too! I have had serious insomnia for years and started sleeping well (finally!) by the end of May, but the dreaming is much more intense and began, interestingly enough, on the Saturday evening BEFORE the Mystery Mod was piggy-backed...

                              I am also more "present" than ever before. It seems that I am experiencing each moment more acutely. I find myself observing and appreciating colors and textures and smells in nature in a deeper way than normal. I't not that I didn't do this before, it just seems that my senses are amplified. I notice this especially when I take my dog out for her walks. We cross a footbridge over a brook to get to the meadow and woods beyond and I notice things much more acutely, as if it were my first time on this walk that I have taken hundreds and hundreds of times. I like this also...a lot!

                              I am interested to see if anything else changes as the days unfold...

                              With Much love and Gratitude,

                              My PATHS Website
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