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  • #16
    Cog Dis/Resistance

    Wow. I've also been experiencing a lot of resistance the last two weeks. I assumed it was from the other new modules I have just started, but maybe it's also associated with this mystery???

    The cog dis and resistance has been tapering off the last week though, so I'm back on track! And looking at it, I realize that a lot of what I was resisting also financial stuff.


    • #17
      you know what ... yes ... me too ... talking about dreams .. i noticed myself very much regarding this ... i had the point in mind and wanted to mention it but i forgot coz i was apparantly excited about the real stuff going on

      i usually don't dream a lot .. and if i do, i rarely remember details ... and i mean raaaaaaarely .. and dont feel connected with my dream in any way after i wake up ... but the past two weeks were different ... i can say that i had a special dream trying to tell me something ..Every Single Day !!

      hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...

      I LoVe You PATHS


      • #18

        I also had many intense and vivid dreams. However, these are not unusual for me so I don't believe that in my case, they are from the mystery module.

        There are countless dreams I can still easily remember from as early as when I was three or four. And I always dream in color
        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


        • #19
          Hey maybe my 2 hours of being depressed was cog dis?????
          No dreams for me. I was having some rather vivid dreams about 2 weeks before the mystery mod. But nothing during. I normally don't remember my dreams, never had.
          I also did some changes to my Platinum and upped the anty on 2 of my programs right around the same time as the MM came out.
          I upped the weight loss and the defy gravity and got real specific about finances in my Platinum. I don't think any of that would change much of anything though.
          I have been called, SHHHHHHHHHHHH (It's a Secret), one of those slow to take types. LOL
          Blessings with Aloha Keoi

          <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
          Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


          • #20
            yes i have been having dreams too, but i have been dreaming alot for years, i beleive it's a form of processing, paths has enhanced that, andME has definitly changed the kinds of dream experiences, they are about more real lifde type things....but i am thinking i did have a couple of nights where my dreams did stand out. nothig in paticular, just the feeling of having them.
            Originally posted by lama View Post
            you know what ... yes ... me too ... talking about dreams .. i noticed myself very much regarding this ... i had the point in mind and wanted to mention it but i forgot coz i was apparantly excited about the real stuff going on

            I LoVe You PATHS
            Hi pamela....and all,
            this is what i have been experiencing too, and i used to detatch and dissasociate from my body, (trauma survival stuff)....but i have also noticed being very present and very connected and exstremely grateful, where i feel like i could cry....wierd....had that today...and i really notice beaty all around me...

            could be cuz of mod's i'm on or who know...actually duh...hehe

            the follow your bliss thing fits for me....but how does one really know till they tell us, EH....
            but ya being aware of my physical surroundings and 'present', in my body and feeling connected and grounded....has been great and awesome.
            As for money things, my concepts and beliefs around money have been slowly changing anyhow.....(slowly for me , that is) I am not as obsessed about having enough, or if i am ever gonna get enough, or WHERE IS MINE it's like i have become able to put less emphasis on these negative mind sets......but it seems continouse from about three four weeks ago.....don't really seem like a money mod to me, but then again...who know's...WHERE IS MINE THEN. HEHE

            Originally posted by Pamela View Post
            Hi My Lovies...

            I am also more "present" than ever before. It seems that I am experiencing each moment more acutely. I find myself observing and appreciating colors and textures and smells in nature in a deeper way than normal. I't not that I didn't do this before, it just seems that my senses are amplified. I notice this especially when I take my dog out for her walks. We cross a footbridge over a brook to get to the meadow and woods beyond and I notice things much more acutely, as if it were my first time on this walk that I have taken hundreds and hundreds of times. I like this also...a lot!

            I am interested to see if anything else changes as the days unfold...

            With Much love and Gratitude,

            OH ya jamie,
            now that you mention resistance, i have noticed something going on with me like that...a fight/resistance happening. thank you for sharing that, cuz it hit home for me when i read that, i went from unaware to aware....interesting....

            Lots of love and gratitude...Adrienne
            Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




            • #21
              more i just thought of....

              OK, this might have to do with the just relax mod, which BTW i love.
              but, i have noticed a very significant thing happen for me over the last two weeks....
              i have grown up with beliefs about kids...ok, natural some may think, but i was listening to someone talk about how they were stopped in there rage and coldness(anger/deadness) by the tug onthe leg by a child....won't get into that to much, but i burst out in tears and i could relate cuz i will/have gotten so angry at my son, about the things he does and doesn't do, and have noticed since that POP of emotion that just burst out of me...that if i am being irrational that i am unable to hang on to it for very long and justify by behaviour or my anger, cuz a conscence is present that i am being selfish and/or self centered....opposed to considering him/'slike i am unable to hang onto the childishness of me, and i'm right, and how dare you...bla,bla,bla....
              So it's like my hearts opened up, but more in away where the anger won't stay...and i have to be responsible for my actions, and inconsiderate and irrational approach...
              God i feel like i over shared with this.....oh well, i have been an angry person for many years, although way less in the last 5 yrs....and this has been very sudden, and perhaps it's cuz i am recieving messages to just relax, but maybe this MM mod is about anger and violence, since this is a huge issue in our world...
              I am doing so personal written work which i am determined to complete, just to complete it, as well as paths and CEM and ME.....
              I guess i find actually that i am becoming much more aware of those things and those moments where i react and it's as though myself is aware of how i treat others i treat myself, and how i treat myself i treat others...cuz we are all one....I have also just completed 'A Conversation With God' and there was alot of talk about all the violence in the world bla,bla,bla....
              just babbleling, but actually alot of new stuff....
              I am interested to see/know how administration is going to discern what is in relation to the mystery mod, cuz of our other mods, and cuz of the healing modalities many of us are using or having used on us....
              it's like something in me is becoming less absorbed in the self only and more concerned about the self and others as one....

              OK, i tink that is all..... Adrienne
              Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




              • #22
                I guess a good way of describing the feeling i am talking about in that last post is going from hardened to softened on the inside....anyone get that???
                Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                • #23
                  I originally thought that it might have something to do with attracting money as I received one account paid promptly from a customer who normally always pays late & an unexpected order.

                  Then my car needed the spare tyre repaired because of a nail puncture & the service guy said it would be halfprice but by the afternoon we discovered that somehow the nail had wrecked the tyre so I ended up having to buy 2 new matching front tyres & a wheel alignment instead, so I went from paying $12.50 to $270.00 .

                  My big test for this theory was to see if I won a $1000 competition which I had entered back in January & it was drawn on the 6th July, but no luck there even though I was intending that I would win, so at the moment I don't think that it is specifically money related.

                  I had one interesting day which I thought might be more attributable to the Insight & Intuition module. I have 2 paintings of scenes on the wall in my office. One day I seemed to be imagining myself in the paintings. I could hear myself walking in the river & pictured myself climbing out onto the other side of the river bank & walking up the track. I've never done that before when I've looked at the paintings. It was almost as if I had fallen into the painting & yes I was awake, not meditating!

                  At this stage I'm not really sure about anything at the moment. Like Adrienne said it is a bit hard to attribute what is actually affecting what.

                  I started the Intuition & Insight module just a couple of days before the mystery module was added & I've been in the process of my 21 day chakra cleansing for Reiki as well during this time. I also had Stephen do some ME on me maybe a week ago & then a couple of days after that I've had this major, major cognitive dissonance happening which I thought was as a result of the ME & my chakra cleansing process.

                  I've had to take myself away from the forum for a few days to sort myself out & try & deal with my issues as I wasn't fit to be near, so I'm just catching up today. Whilst I was having my little crisis it was a bit hard to notice anything else happening. I was a bit too absorbed in myself & just getting through the days.

                  I think that I need more time now that I have finally got myself back to feeling human again to see if anything else crops up.

                  Love & Blessings,
                  Theta Healing
                  Paths 2 Potential

                  "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                  • #24

                    This thread has been moved from the Private Affiliate forum to the public PATHS forum for reference purposes.

                    See the following link:


                    Happiness & Health,

                    PATHS, S.A. Staff


