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Voice of Reason!

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  • #16
    Great comments Roz & Moira!

    I have found that in the lower levels of the emotional guidance system (anger, frustration etc) you really cannot see things that are staring you right in the face. From my experience with my energy work, when we humans are in those lower levels our energy is focused on the reptilian brain and our 1st charka. This is the survival and fight or flight energy and as that is in the heightened state there is less energy available and needed for other functions.

    A good example of this that everyone can connect with is the misplacement of keys. This often happens when we are running late or angry about something or even running late. We go to pick up the keys and they are not there, we search in all the usual places, still no keys, we may blame the kids or the pets, what have they done to hide the keys. Then we go looking again and again over the same spots looking for the keys without success.

    When we finally let go, surrender to the fact that ok we are going to be late, guess what happens the keys are now visible, not only that, they are now visible in the SAME spot we looked numerous times before. How can that be, how could we not see they keys that were clearly there?

    It’s all about the energy.

    In appreciation

    Glen Of Scotland


    • #17
      Golly Miss Molly

      What a great thread this turned out to be!

      So many ideas from it all hitting me at once. . . .cannot compute. . .

      First off HERE is where I asked the question about spirulina that I just asked on another thread because I forgot where I first asked it. Whoops!

      What Glen wrote about "are we there yet?" - I also wondering if that question is part of the "rebelling" that can take place when starting a module? The person is going, "I don't feel more positive" or whatever the case. . maybe because of the module(?)

      Maybe it's just when you have a strong expectation, especially about something very unfamiliar to you.

      In any case, there is someone I'm going to be cutting and pasting a bit of this thread for -starting with Glen's post And that key analogy is such a good example!

      In my case I didn't have a clue how long it should take and don't remember thinking much about it until I realized it had fully kicked in and I was feeling GOOD.

      Actually that's entirely true. I met someone the very first week I started and I think PATHS had to do with it. It was just a good connection for me to make and the way it happened, there were synchronicites going on that seemed out of the ordinary.

      Barb, every time I see you post I want to fix your issue, whatever it is. So I keep comming up with questions for you, sorry if it's annoying. This time I wondering about the name in your control panel area. Maybe I missed something and you are all set now. But if not, is that the name everyone calls you by? You might have got that asked before, but that is supposed to be important. Anyway that interview looks JUICY I am looking forward to reading it!!!!!!!!


      Ooh I saw that movie in the theater when it first came out but I only remember a little. I gotta see it again now


      You are surely on your way!! That is crazy about the coffee. I mean, I love it too and I can't imagine that. Although I am not hitting the cup during the day as often as I was before I started PATHS
      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #18
        more on the connection btwn feelings and behaviours

        ..following on from your tidbits about the intensity of energy in the lower charkras Glen...

        Abraham ( feeling scale is one easy method for explaining the range of feelings available to us in our every day. Glen's example of the missing keys so eloquently expresses...the greater the intensity of our negative feelings...the less prone we seem to be in our awareness of what our thinking/acting is doing to us..and subsequently, the less able (empowered) we feel to turn the situation into one that feels much better and gives us the results we want.

        One explanation for I that our bodies are so consumed by the level of energy they are feeling (and negative energy is as draining as positive energy is as feel good activity producing) that there is little room left for focusing/noticing anything else. then..can we physically turn this can we draw our attention to our behaviour..our thoughts..(if we know that focusing these will give us directly the results we focus on...good or bad...) is where PATHS shines it mighty light..for in accessing universal intelligence directly..thru the info being planted into our sub con mind..we are enabling the process of rebirthing from the ground up.

        1.our bodies start to rebuild at a cellular level(physiology)..enabling a more receptive storehouse to receive info for alternate positive information
        (this is why mood elevation is sooooo powerful)
        2.our minds are being replaced with new positive thinking material, and so we develop a better capacity to understand and recognise our thinking processes and create better ones to serve us better(self esteem module deserves a real plug here)

        Here is the follow thru for why the experiences are so different for each of us.
        Apart from the obvious "I want a BMW..and Pamela wants a brand new art studio for example..our states of being are different, based on the extent of positive/negative experiences we have had in the past.

        So...each of those parts of us (outlined in the 2 points above) will require different (healing) input..according to own particular transitional needs.. and according to how far the distance is btwn where our feeling/activity habits currently are..and where we would actually like them to be.

        Understanding the beauty of this really takes the pressure off having to compete/compare with anyone else..for we can recognise each of us are on our own magnificent journey and the technology is based on universal principles and will therefore work for all of us..if we allow it to take the time the transition will take for individuals.

        to your continued success
        warm thoughts
        Roz Program Authoring The Human Subconscious


        • #19

          Thanks for your post.

          In regard to how people can physically turn this emotional frustration around, just being on PATHS is not sufficient for some. PATHS does do all that you wrote in your post and even for some who are frustrated they will get relief from using PATHS and be less frustrated

          It clear for those who are in such strong deep rooted place of frustration, who continually use mantras like “I’m stuck” or “this isn’t working” “what am I doing wrong” that PATHS or anything else for that matter will stand little or no chance of working in the short term or if at all.

          This is of course quite a small, yet vocal % of people, it doesn’t matter if it’s PATHS or the Secret it won’t work for them. The natural thing to do then is to build a book of evidence to support this perspective, attract others with a similar energy and start an “anti” movement.

          How it can work more effectively is of course to do PATHS and focus their emotions on something that brings or has brought them joy and activate that as much as possible throughout the day. The example I gave in an earlier post about getting the feeling of holding a new born baby for the first time, has allowed many people to break out of this emotional block. There are many others, favorite vacations, orgasms; graduations etc can all be used to move someone out of frustration. If you are in that joy of any of these moments, then you cannot be at the same time stuck, as this builds momentum, then PATHS is able to do its work effectively.

          More to come in the future, for those who are struggling to build momentum.

          In Appreciation


          Glen of Scotland
          Paths to Wellbeing
          Glen Of Scotland


          • #20

            For promoting JOY in my own life I will do the following: Hug my Dog Kipling, Hug my Hubby Sean, call a good Friend, do my Energy work, watch Paths, Meditate, go for a walk in Nature, do my Gardening, spend time on forums like this to learn more about myself through interacting with likeminded folks like yourselves, watch happy shows on TV/fun Movies (I just finished watching "Forrest Gump" just for the pure joy of it), honor what I feel like doing in the moment. For example, if the house needs cleaning and I don't feel like doing it I will go on to something else which I resonate with in that moment, and then within a day or two invariably, I will have all this wonderful sparkly energy to lavish on cleaning my home. Then I am cleaning for the pure joy of cleaning. But being in joy is very important to me because I see the results from my "Feeling State" when in that frequency.

            I agree with you, Glen, that some people might need a bit more than just one modality for change and healing, some tweaking, if you will, and yet, for others, one modality might be all that they require. And Feeling the feelings from one of your happy moments in life is a great idea while watching Paths.

            One of my happiest moments that I can recall is when I was about 10 maybe and we'd just come from the beach and each of us got a couple of dollars to spend on candy. I bought this incredible fizzy candy and it was cheap so I got a lot of it and I still had candy left when we got home. When I recall that memory it is actually glowing goldenly because I felt so Abundant in so many ways that day. Going to the beach on a hot summer day with friends and family, having a picnic on the beach, playing in the water, laying in the sun tanning, drinking water right from the natural Swedish springs. Laughing lots. Feeling loved and warm. And topping it off with fizzy candy! Life is good

            And now I feel all fuzzy again
            Good times!
            Ulrika's Daily PATHS Blog!
            Watch A Show - Change And GROW!
            Theta For Healing - Theta For Life


            • #21
              What lovely pictures you paint Ulrika..feeeling great sharing that with ya..

              me thinx this convo has travelled full

              As I reabsorb all the remarkable contributions so far and marvel at the variety of expression within the English language and appreciate the mutliple ideas and experiences expressed here for reinforcing our understanding I am thoroughly grateful to be a part of it Thanku!

              I am also grateful for the thoughts resonating within me that remind me that this is at its base is about connecting with what is ours to have, and ..who we truly are.

              It is good to feel good..I am remembering..for it is your birthright to do so.

              It is good to do things that make you feel good..good to adopt ways of thinking that make you feel good..and absolutely utterly fabulous to know that you have the capacity to do so.

              So...from wherever it is that you develop your own understanding, whatever growth tools you utilize to tap into this great success flow..knowing that you can have it, knowing that you deserve it, knowing that you can learn how to receive it, and that there are also other people's faith you can hang onto until you know it for mighty helpful stuff to hear me thinx

              in gratitude


              • #22

                That is beautiful; I could feel myself there with you just reading that! Natural Swedish springs, that feels good.

                We all have moments such as this that we can go back to in an instant and when we do, it feels good and when it feels good we are in the flow. In the flow, PATHS can then do it’s work more easily and you never know it may just go a little faster too.

                In appreciation

                Glen Of Scotland


                • #23
                  Finding Your Happy Place

                  Great thread, you guys! This conversation reminds of something that my wonderful brother-in-law taught me several years ago now, that was really one of those jumpstart moments and tools for moving myself into a better emotional place. It looked like I was going to lose my beloved house, which I was renting, because my landlord had died and I was not in a financial position to buy a house. I had a Gift for Catastrophizing back then, which I was painstakingly learning to Not Use, but in this particular scenario I was Castastrophizing Like Crazy...and since we know that like attracts like, my thoughts were snowballing down the My Life Is Ruined I Am Such A Loser superhighway.

                  We were at a family gathering, and I was crying in the kitchen, telling my sister my tale of woe and all the Really Horribly Bad Stuff I Just Knew Would Come Of This. My brother-in-law overheard us, and he stepped in and invited me back to a more secluded place in the house. He had me sit and relax, breathe, and count backwards from 10, and then he led me in this very very simple visualization. He told me to go in my mind to someplace where I had been totally happy and peaceful.

                  Like Ulrika, my happy place was the beach. I imagined myself lying on a particular beach where I had spent a lot of time as a young woman, the hot sand, the sun beating down on me (I love that), the sound of the waves coming in in the distance, the way people's voices sound from a distance when you're lying on the beach. I even felt the way the hot sand cradled my body beneath my big fluffy beach towel, and I felt myself swirling the sand through my fingers and toes the way I used to lying on the beach. And I felt so happy and peaceful and relaxed. It was like I was really at the beach.

                  He had me go to two more "happy places" in that session. All beaches, as it happened. It took all of 6 minutes. By the end of it I was blissed out. I started doing "happy place" meditations like that at night before going to sleep and in the morning before starting my day.

                  That practice alone did wonders for me in improving how I felt and therefore improving what I attracted (which I didn't understand back then...). And....yes...I was eventually able to buy my house. Looking back now, I'd be willing to bet that one lesson in going to my happy place was what set in motion a year of miracles culminating in me being able to buy the house instead of move.

                  Last edited by Chansonette; 04-24-2007, 12:12 AM.


                  • #24
                    Usually changes manifest in situations. I dont think many of us just wake up and think: "Oh, I m more developed person today as I was yesterday before bed". And all situations dont happen daily. So be patient .
                    Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed

