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Voice of Reason!

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  • Voice of Reason!

    The following is pasted from a post in the PI board.

    Hi all!

    I feel like a veteran here. My wife Mary, daughter Jill, and many family members have been using PATHS for for close to a year now. A couple of us, over a year! (we were part of the group that PATHS used for testing, before opening to the public)

    Over the next few days I will share some of my experiences.

    However, FIRST I WANT TO BRING A VOICE OF REASON, to all these testimonials!

    Many of us (myself included), do not experience benefits quickly. Except for the sleep module, most all the modules I have used did not produce any noticeable benefits for weeks, and sometimes months!

    Do I think I am defective? LOL! No, I am probably normal in how long it takes for the benefits to show up. You guys that see added muscles, or weight loss in a matter of are the abnormal one. ROFL!

    Seriously, everyone responds at a different speed...the ones that respond more quickly get a lot of limelight...but, my experience has been that over time, us slower ones experience just as much benefit. It all evens out.

    Anyways...just wanted to let others like me know that most PATHS modules were actually designed to take 1-3 months to produce noticeable, lasting benefits...some see them more quickly, but that is not necessarily the norm.

    Will post some of my actual exeriences over the next few days.



    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2

    BUMPING this Post


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link


    • #3
      Thank you for bumping up Kevin, that was very helpful information. I will be thrilled to bits if my "Confidence" module starts working within 90 days, and I don't mind if it takes as long as that. In fact, I wouldn't feel comfortable with too sudden changes anyway.


      • #4
        Thanks Kevin,

        I have been trying to be patient after having been using for two months now. I really can't say that I have experienced any of the desired results yet except that my fingernails are growing. I am on the weight lose module and actually gained weight lately. Been more grumpy lately also. Some worries have also overcome me at certain times especially when "I am" not present. Some emotional turmoil within but I am sticking with it nonetheless.
        Thanks For Sharing


        • #5
          Fingernails are growing!

          Hi tiptoe,

          Maybe I should take some lessons from you, I have been told I am a bull in the china closet more that a few times!

          On a serious note...I checked with PATHS, it is as I thought, there are no instructions to make fingernails grow.

          The University of Iowa says this:

          "As children, your fingernails and toenails grow an average of two inches per year. But as you age, your nails grow more slowly. The average adult fingernails grow about an inch in eight months."

          Heather Brannon, MD says:

          "Nails grow all the time, but their rate of growth slows down with age and poor circulation."

          PATHS say:

          "The Sleep Module is at the foundation of the PATHS program. Every package automatically has the Sleep Module built into it.

          There are hundreds of studies that have been done on sleep in relationship to mental, physical and emotional health. Thousands upon thousands of pages are readily available on this subject on the internet. (included below are just a few excerpts)

          A few important issues to know are:

          * As we grow older we sleep less, and the sleep we get is not as restful.
          * Growth Hormone, that is naturally secreted throughout our lives,and needed to stay alive, is primarily secreted during deep sleep?with less deep sleep there is less growth hormone, and we see the effects of "age".
          * During deep sleep is when our immune system does most of its work?.less deep sleep = weaker immune system.
          * During restful sleep melatonin is produced (yes you can take a melatonin supplement, but it is not nearly as effective as your own bodies melatonin). Melatonin is essential for healthy skin.
          * During restful sleep all the cleaning organs are operating at optimum. One of the reasons for feeling sluggish and a lack of energy during the day is from them not being able to do their job at night because of a lack of deep restful sleep."

          I do not know what other modules you are using, but everyone has the sleep module. The fact that your fingernails are growing faster is indicative of the same rejuvination and "anti-aging" taking place within your entire body. You may not notice it now, you may not notice it next week, but good things are happening. Your fingernails are just the "tip" of the iceberg, that you are happening to see right now.


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6
            It took about 2.5 weeks for me to feel the full blown effects of my first module.

            I have noticed out of friends and family I have referred that those who had already been taking spirulina way before starting PATHS seemed to have lightning quick results. . .I think there may be something to that.

            Anyone else notice this?
            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #7
              When it comes to change, we humans do vary and that’s a good thing otherwise we would all be the same. I don’t think that was the purpose of coming into physical form

              Having said that, based on my experience of working with people and their energy fields and empowering them, I have found that some of those who are slow to change have to be quite diligent in where they focus their thoughts.

              One of the top reasons I find people not getting what they want is the “are there yet” thinking. I remember being young going on a car trip with my parents and 6 kids at different times would say “are we there yet” guess how long the journey took, yes FOREVER.

              Could you instead place your focus where you would like to be with whatever the topic is, would you be able to focus on something else that you love about yourself, if that doesn’t work, would you be able to focus on the 93% possibility that PATHS will work for you, would you be able to focus where else can you find those odds.

              Would you be able to focus on what you can do and are able to do as opposed to what you can’t do, would you be able to compare yourself with yourself, would you be willing to be picky about what you read?

              I will share more suggestions that may help you over the next few weeks.


              Glen Of Scotland


              • #8

                Great insights. I agree wholeheartedly with the "are we there yet?"

                When I go on a new module, I just do it, and then do not think about it.

                It is either going to work or not. And it is going to work, when it works, no use spending my energy "watching the pot boil". It always *seems* to take longer for that pot of water to come to a boil when you just sit there watching it.

                Many of the things we are wanting to see changes in our lives took decades to get how they are. I reckon if it takes a few weeks or a few months to break loose those old moorings that have had years and years to get entrenched, that is still pretty amazing.


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #9
                  Glen of Scotland

                  Thanks Glen

                  Some good points there, but I would like to just point out something about the 93% success rate, Aaron has said somewhere or other that the non-success rate is more like 2% not 7% and on the original question and answer interview with Nancy, Aaron and Scott - Scott says that there is not one person that PATHS has not had a beneficial response on.

                  Forum PATHS Forum: 3 part interview answering those nitty gritty questions

                  For myself it will be 2 months next week and still nothing has happened except for the stronger fingernails and I believe that is from the Spirulina not PATHS as I am not on any kind of "body" module. Just Google the words Sprirulina and nails.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Glen of Scotland View Post
                    Would you be able to focus on what you can do and are able to do as opposed to what you can’t do, would you be able to compare yourself with yourself, would you be willing to be picky about what you read?
                    Hi Glen

                    I would be interested to hear you elaborate on the above.



                    • #11
                      Thanks for your insight Glen. I have only been on PATHS for less than a month but have seen what it did for my husband. Actually, I saw changes in him that he hadn't really thought about until I pointed them out. Sometimes others see things in us that we don't see.

                      I am on the Take if Off module and really don't expect instant gratification. I want to correct a lifetime of behaviors and am willing to invest the time. I have gone on many different fad diets with great results. However, I was only fixing the problem short term and, even then, it took time. I'm in this one for the long haul! I want to change my behaviors and correct the problem once and for all!


                      • #12

                        Great insights also you wise being!

                        I feel you hit the nail on the head when you said in part “I just do it” that is the commitment part and you have no doubts at that point. If we humans lined up our thoughts, feelings and actions as best we can in support of that, it is possible to accomplish anything faster.

                        As you stated in your “watching the pot boil” analogy it “seems” to take longer and that is only our perception of time from our place of frustration and impatience. Eventually though the water will boil, isn’t it nice to know we can accelerate this process with PATHS and of course a COMMITMENT to doing it.

                        In answer to Barb, please read the response I gave to you over in PI a few weeks ago, before you do that I would make a suggestion that will help you and very possibly many others.

                        I would like you to take an emotional journey back to when you first held your baby daughter after giving birth, the very first time you held her. Connect with the feelings of that moment (mothers usually connect with this easily within a minute) and feel it in every part of your body. All of that love, joy and bliss, really feel it.

                        Then go read what I have written here and over at PI and see if you can connect with what is there.

                        I ask people to do this for a reason: If a person feels angry or frustrated or stuck they cannot easily connect with someone or something that is written or said that is vibrating love and hopefulness. The gap in energy is too big, as a mother in particular connects with the emotions mentioned above, the gap narrows and usually then, someone will see what is being stated. Of course this takes a commitment too, if the first time doesn’t work then commit to doing it again as often as necessary to narrow the gap.

                        Breezy, I love your commitment and your intention and your language; it is all in alignment with success. If you are interested check out my blog for my experiences with the take it off module.

                        Wow, that was a long ramble!

                        Thanks for reading, I appreciate it!

                        Glen Of Scotland


                        • #13
                          What the Bleep...

                          I have shared many times on the Powerful Intentions PATHS forum, that the movie "What the Bleep do we know..." has helped me understand my own responses to PATHS modules.

                          If you watch it you too will understand. But simply put, we spend years and years training our mind to respond in certain reward ourselves with food, to sneak a candy bar, to over eat, to go for the carbs...the habits form receptor cells that actually help create opportunities to repeat the we are in a vicious cycle...the longer we have practiced the habit, the stronger the recpetor cells....and then we start a PATHS module and we often expect instant results. In some cases the responses are quicker than others. In some cases the responses are more subtle...but PATHS works and works from the inside we slowly begin to develop healthier thought patterns...whether its food choices or confidence or self esteem or spirituality...we are re-wiring response PATIENCE! it works and when response patters atre rewired, we then begin to make healhthier choices, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and physically and we develop the new habits that create the new cell receptors that atract more healthy choices that create even more and on and on and on...

                          I wish I could just express more effectivley the wisdom of PATHS and help anyone who needs a renewal of their mind that can then cascade thruout their entire being.


                 Program Authoring The Human Subconscious


                          • #14
                            Side effects..

                            Hi Barb,

                            I just started my third week on PATHS and have not experienced any 'major' changes. BUT, what I have experienced is such side effects that I didn't even realize it when it happened.
                            First, my fear of spiders seems to have disappeared. It took me a day to realize that it was the first time I didn't freak out, screaming and running away when this HUGE spider ran in front of my feet. Then it happened again, and this time I even picked it up with a tiny little spade and threw it outside, and THAT is unheard of when it comes to me.
                            Second, it took me over a week, to realize that I actually felt calmer inside,, because the change was so subtle, but the calm feeling is still there so I know something has shifted.
                            Then a few days ago, I realized I hadn't had coffee for over a week! I always start my mornings with coffee, so it was weird not to even see the difference!

                            The spider and coffee 'issues' was so totally unexpected, and I don't know what modules to give credit to for this, but i really don't care... it's just a great feeling, because now I KNOW that PATHS work, even though I can't really say I have felt the changes I expected.

                            If you have a good look, Barb, maybe there has been some other changes in you, that you might have dismissed because it hasn't been the changes you were looking for?

                            Just a thought...

                            Moria x
                            Intuitive Readings
                            Web design by Hannah King


                            • #15
                              That's a great point Moria.
                              Tis easy to miss something..anything..if your focus is on something else.

                              It's also helpful I think to highlight the fact that there is a certain way of thinking and feeling and acting necessary to create positive change in your life, whether you utilize PATHS as a growth tool or not.

                              One of the fabulous gifts I am grateful for about this forum, and any forum for that matter is that in sharing ideas and experiences with one another we have the opportunity to be introduced to essential information, the opportunity to consolidate the essential information (repetition being the mother of skill) and the opportunity to notice new things about our own behaviour we can correct thru exposure to others.

                              And..tis lovely to share the path of self discovery with others too

                              in gratitude

                              Roz ...
                              Last edited by Roz; 04-17-2007, 07:17 AM.

