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The power of the mind!

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  • The power of the mind!

    After reading and replying to this post:

    I thought I would try it out as an experiment. I really want to add more modules, including a wealth one. I've maxed out my theatre lol and to add another is hmm in the future at the moment Plus, the wealth module is not available yet lol or dunno if even exists.

    So, I decided to "pretend" I had bought as many modules as I wanted. I went through them all, couldn't decide so decided I the LOT. (Except the male ones obvy )

    As I watch my Paths, I think I'm getting all the info I want from all the modules. And I pretend there IS a wealth module. The result is, I feel differently. I act differently. I'm expecting wealth, I'm expecting all the other things just as if I'd bought the modules. It really is quite effective!

    I'm sure being on Paths is better of course, but we are so powerful, I am sure I can pick up on the other modules aswell. For now, it is working! I'm sure paths won't mind because we've already bought paths And I know there are a few who would love to have paths but don't yet - just pretend you have bought it - I had some results right away before i even did.

    I hope this helps those that desperately want other modules. I know I really wanted the youth one and I got a compliment on how young I'm looking today after just two days on the *pretend youth module*

    Use your imagination in unlimited ways, and you'll get results! I am pretty sure this amount of "pretence" will also bring you via attraction what you want - the modules. It is working for me much better with this mindset than the previous one of "Oh how I wish I had.. "

    Try it and see what happens! I'm just loving the feeling from this wealth module!!

  • #2
    What a wonderful post...what a wonderful idea!


    With gratitude,
    With love and gratitude,



    • #3


      How WONDERFULLY CREATIVE you are!!!

      This is an incredible idea and not surprised that it is working for you! I will definitely be doing the same.

      Thank you!
      In gratitude and love, Jeanie
      Ceramic Christmas


      • #4
        You're welcome hun! Btw I really admired your posts on the paths pi forum I read them all, and felt myself nodding along with yourself and Blue Silver but I daren't not get too involved so I was sitting a lot on my hands! I really thought you spoke a lot of sense with a lot of compassion and more patience than I possess!

        Back to the thread lol! Glad you liked it, I've been on such a high today, it really works! It has come about with me learning about Reiki too, it's such a subtle energy that just a mere intention and it "turns on". It's got me thinking HUGELY about manifesting, loa, paths etc. It really is so subtle it astounds me.

        Another thing that really hit home today is how easily we pick up on vibrations and I don't mean around us, our friends and family and home but in the World. We might as well be spread right across the World because we pick everything up we're intune to! That potentially, someone in say, Australia (trying to find furthest away from me) or on the Moon for example could be in a good mood and I can be open to that and pick it up and share it while simultaneously passing it on. And someone could be in a lousy mood and I can get that too. I'm epathic to a degree which hasn't been much of a help in my life up until now, so I really pick up on other energies a bit too much sometimes lol. Usually always been neg ones but I'm learning But it's not just me, it's everything around me. All swapping and changing energies with each other. I knew this, but what I didn't fully embrace is the enormous gentleness. Intention and Faith is all that's needed and it's done! A changing and sharing of energies is done. So if I'm lying in bed imagining what it's like to walk the white sands of Hawaii, you can bet I'm already doing it on an energetic level - someone somewhere is doing that and we're sharing that vibe. If I pretend I'm counting out my wealth and wondering what good i can do with it today - I'm doing it for real. And the more I pick up that vibe - there it is manifested although I was already doing it all along! Cool huh! Instead of pretending and thinking geesh this visualising kinda sucks, I playing and it's not here - we missed out that we ARE doing it! For real! No wonder loa experts talk about appreciation so much.

        Everything alive is doing it I think, even my plants! For months they were on their last legs, and I really wanted to learn Reiki anyway but in particular focus - my plants. I just love my peace lily (now lilies - split them up and planted them on to try and boost health and growth) nothing worked for them. They were so sickly, my garden centre said THROW THEM! I just couldn't, I love my peace lily So I kept telling them to hang on, and I would find a way! lol. So I am chatting to MoxieMags and explaining about my poor plants and how much I'm looking forward to giving them a Reiki boost. And MoxieMags is giving her plants Reiki and telling me about how I will be able to do it, and I am telling my plants (Prince Charles swears it helps, lol) that very soon they'll be getting Reiki and the next time I look at them they are sprouting! New leaves have grown so fast I couldn't believe my eyes! One even has a tiny flower on it! I had a sneaky suspicion that someone may have read their plight and sent them Reiki, and I asked MoxieMags and she said that my plants would have picked up the Reiki from when she treated her plants!

        So in essence, this makes a lot of sense to me about paths, and why I had good results before even buying it - with just the intention of buying it. I was chatting with Illusions, having not done so for a while. And I was re-reading her infectious bubbly emails about Paths, and I swear I picked it up! The paths vibe. I connected to it and started to get results. I put it down to simple placebo, but it's so much bigger and more beautiful than that I believe! So this is why I make up the other modules etc, because who knows someone on the other side of the world might have developed their own wealth module and I am picking it up just because I casually intended it With any luck I tapped into the same wealth stream as Oprah Winfrey LOL Whoever's it is, I'm giving enormous thanks already!

        Last edited by S.J; 06-25-2007, 10:57 PM.


        • #5
          We cross posted! You're welcome Genie, enjoy!


          • #6
            Very clever idea....I have been doing something similar but not quite as intentioned as what you are doing. I often get an idea of something I want to add or change just after I have viewed the theater. Then I make the request, and feel the need to watch it again. I can't help but think about the things that they are about to add to it. Somehow I find myself starting to make the changes before the additions are made. Of course, it doesn't really kick in fully until it is really there.

            I used to have a similar benefit from flower essences. I would find myself getting certain insights and then being compelled to take an essence that is supposed to help you get that insight. So, it isn't completely a function of predicting the future, it is also a function of the previous modules getting you to the next modules, and being attracted to add the next modules that you need.....


            • #7
              Freakin wonderful!

              I thought I would try it out as an experiment. I really want to add more modules, including a wealth one. I've maxed out my theatre lol and to add another is hmm in the future at the moment Plus, the wealth module is not available yet lol or dunno if even exists.
              So, I decided to "pretend" I had bought as many modules as I wanted. I went through them all, couldn't decide so decided I the LOT. (Except the male ones obvy )
              As I watch my Paths, I think I'm getting all the info I want from all the modules. And I pretend there IS a wealth module. The result is, I feel differently. I act differently. I'm expecting wealth, I'm expecting all the other things just as if I'd bought the modules. It really is quite effective!
              I'm sure being on Paths is better of course, but we are so powerful, I am sure I can pick up on the other modules aswell. For now, it is working! I'm sure paths won't mind because we've already bought paths And I know there are a few who would love to have paths but don't yet - just pretend you have bought it - I had some results right away before i even did.
              I hope this helps those that desperately want other modules. I know I really wanted the youth one and I got a compliment on how young I'm looking today after just two days on the *pretend youth module*
              Use your imagination in unlimited ways, and you'll get results! I am pretty sure this amount of "pretence" will also bring you via attraction what you want - the modules. It is working for me much better with this mindset than the previous one of "Oh how I wish I had.. "
              These thoughts are true and extremely powerful.

              *nods in affirmative*



              • #8
                What a FABULOUS GREAT WONDERFUL Idea!

                Originally posted by S.J View Post
                After reading and replying to this post:


                So, I decided to "pretend" I had bought as many modules as I wanted. I went through them all, couldn't decide so decided I the LOT. As I watch my Paths, I think I'm getting all the info I want from all the modules. And I pretend there IS a wealth module. The result is, I feel differently. I act differently. I'm expecting wealth, I'm expecting all the other things just as if I'd bought the modules. It really is quite effective!
                You Rock! What a ROCKING great idea! I'm going to do it, too.

                Cause, see, I really want to do more modules, but my bank account says "NO!", so if I did the wealth module maybe I could afford the wealth module, but I need the wealth module before I can get the wealth module .... I'm like a doggy chasing it's tail! So this way ... I CAN HAVE IT ALL!!!
                Woo hoo! Thank you!



                • #9
                  No straining those manifesting muscles now lol!

                  Thanks Stephen and Carol,

                  It's really nice to get f/back It felt so good I wanted to share and see what you all thought. Also, Grace's CEM thread is full of the healing and wealth and positivity vibes and again we can tap into them just by posting on it I believe. How wonderful is that! This World is truly magical All we need do is have Faith and Intention and it is given If anyone wants to add to this their ideas and views or point me in a better direction - I'm all ears

                  hugs xx


                  • #10
                    Lil Update

                    well, I am having fun with this! Now I get it just HOW easy it is to change our surroundings with just a tiny dab of intent and power of the mind, I'm using it for things that normally wouldn't think to do. (and realising how often I think the worse ) For instance, I have this cheap and cheerful body lotion. I was slathering it on after my shower yesterday as usual, and I decided it was the *most* expensive, effective lotion ever! I decided my skin felt sooo different, so soft and improved. This was just for fun, but to my amazement after an hour I was getting dressed from dressing gown (got waylaid) and by now I'd forgotten yet my hand brushed my leg and I was shocked how soft and moisturised my legs were! Incredible! Try it, or something like it - it's really cool and funny!!

                    Gee the power of the mind really BLOWS MY MIND LOL!

