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Mystery Module Unveiled

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  • #31
    I forgot something

    I also realized last night that a sort of prediction (along the lines of "that would be cool if") I made on a forum post a long time ago has a high likelyhood of coming true.

    I will wait a little to say more. . .

    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #32

      Hi Jessica,

      This person found out about PATHS through the energetic forum. I believe he was searching for stuff he just happened to be interested in and came across it. I knew this was going to happen 100% eventually.

      I don't know if John Titor is real or not either but find it fascinating.

      It is definitely possible for future humans or others from the future to intend information back to their past to change things. The moment it changes, their whole future would be altered instantaneously. However, if there are those who have the ability to reside outside of time and space, they would not be altered by the change but the timeline would.

      The future influencing the past has actually been a common theme my entire life but more so when I was 14, 19, 22 and many times between then and now...(currently 34).

      There are certain people in our present time who are very in tune to receiving influence from the future time. The 5th book I'm going to write will be about some personal experiences. Actually, I already wrote it back in about 1999 but it was a total mind spill. It needs to be totally redone. It won't be redone until the current book project is done... I edited quite a bit so far from the book I had in Vegas. I added a few more diagrams and added a lot of editing changes from Chansonette, Alan and yourself. I'm getting quotes for publishing it in higher volume then will print them out.

      Immediately, I will work on finishing asap the 2nd and 3rd book on consciousness and then the body and how it fits into the aether, etc... never been done before to my knowledge. There are book about the morphogenic field concepts (Sheldrake/Lipton), etc... but nothing that anyone can simply understand...."ok, what is the morphogenic field?" basically thoughts are bi-directional em (electromagnetic) infolded Whittaker structures... but nobody knows what the heck that is except for a few very advanced physicists in the world. When it is described that PATHS literally constructs and reprograms morphogenic fields, that is LITERAL. Anyway, the Whittaker structures, etc... it is my goal to make all of that very simple to understand in very simple terms and easy to get visual analogies. that definitely has never been done before.

      The first book is on the aether and how all of this ties in. 2nd is on thoughts and consciousness and what the thoughts are made of as well as the genesis and creation of our conscious thinking mind, which plays on the potentials in the 1st book. 3rd book is on body and how each molecule and cell is a dipole...not discussed in the Lipton book but will be the dot connector for Lipton's work to connect the thought potential to the actual activity of a cell and how it is potentialized by the quantum potential.

      4th book may or may not be done...not sure if it will be necessary by the time I get to it but will be a simple guide to building a so-called "free energy" machine based on the real science behind open system circuits as designed by my friend and simple walk throughs so even a 10 year old can at least build a basic proof of concept model.

      then 5th book... more of a personal thing about my experiences and how I got into all of this through applying many of these concepts, etc...

      bottom line is that from what I see and understand more and more, it has all been directed from the future time... from my own timeline and beyond. just an opinion but I believe there has been much intervention. there are other things I'll talk about some other time but for now, I'm absolutely thrilled about the concept of this module coming into being.

      I'm currently putting together a powerful experiment on myself for something else with some experimental instructions for myself to try. It combines PATHS, pure radiant photon potential and some powerful exercises. It gives me an adrenaline rush thinking about it. I'm just jacked out of my mind thinking that I actually have the tools available to me to try it and for sure...this has never been done before. When it is perfected, I think everyone here will find it exciting. It is different than this time module concept but very powerful.

      If any of you have platinum packages, I'd highly recommend shooting for the stars
      Last edited by Aaron; 07-14-2007, 07:36 AM.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #33

        This module is turning out to be amazing regarding the amount of synchronicities that are occurring for me. It is starting to feel quite trippy.

        I had a laugh Aaron when I got to the bottom of your last post where you said "shoot for the stars". I had just written a quote this afternoon in my new website that I'm working on "Shoot for the moon, you will land among the stars." This quote is one of the one's I entered in my ESM profile a while ago.

        Another experience I had - I found a website several days ago (I've posted in the psychic & paranormal thread tonight) about a man called Ananda & his research/articles - (the amount & type of information is absolutely mindboggling & a large part of it is completely over the top of my head.)

        Have you heard of him Aaron? Anyway, I was reading a bit more about morphogenic fields tonight & found an interesting article which I posted & in passing they mentioned a guy called Ananda. I realised the name was familiar & went back to the site I found last week & found out it is the same person. I had never heard of him before. He apparently is in regular contact with a being called (the) Emmanuel who has made a lot of unusual information available to him.

        Tonight I went back to read a couple more articles from his site & ended up on some about stargates, time travel & how we are being directed from the future, & the future affecting the past & now. I sense that there would be some things there that you might find interesting if you haven't already come across him before.

        I also had a couple more synchronicities with things I was reading tonight. Even when I read unrelated articles on different subjects they end up having a connection. It is quite weird.

        Love & Blessings,

        Theta Healing
        Paths 2 Potential

        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


        • #34
          I think one good name for this module could be "The Guardian."

          I absolutley feel like I have a guardian angel!! I can't tell you how grateful I am.

          During Passover (my mom's side) we have a song that we sing and the chorus in Hebrew is this :

          It would have been enough.

          The verses are like if you had only done such and such for our people (to God), it would have been enough.

          Well that's all I can say, especially hearing you have stuff even way beyond what we are getting a taste of now. Unbelievable!!

          I don't know if John Titor is real or not either but find it fascinating.

          It is definitely possible for future humans or others from the future to intend information back to their past to change things.

          What is awesome about this module is that is allows your spirit to leave the limitations of the physical world.

          John could travel back in time with a physical machine, but he could not effect his timeline by doing so. He would have to stay wherever he traveled to in order to benefit.

          For those who haven't read it, if I am getting this right from a phyics perspective, he started in reality A, but when his physical body went back in time in his machine to 1975, he entered a parallel universe, reality B. He then traveled to 2000 (or maybe a couple days before, I kind of think he did something in 1975 to stop Y2k and he was checking up on it after. I think Y2k may have given certian power hungry people the idea to cut off the power like they did in his reality and he wanted to see the results) which was reality C and then had to pass back through 1975 reality D to go back to his time, which I think could not be effected by anything he did in the past - besides bringing something to it from the past, which was his real mission - because it is a parallel universe. It would be like two of the same books to the one he left, not exactly the same but having the same history.

          Anyway my point is with spiritual time travel rather than physical time travel, there are more opportunities.

          Last edited by future pather; 07-14-2007, 06:31 PM.
          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #35
            Originally posted by lama View Post
            i sometimes literally feel my body vibrating .. emitting good energy and so on

            Love & Gratitude .. Lama
            Hi Lama,
            meeee, tooo
            I have been feeling that alot lately....thanks for sharing.
            It's wierd cuz i feel so damn good that it's kind of scary, cuz it's so unfamiliar.
            But i love it.....and on that note...i have had feelings to of waiting for the other shoe to drop. This makes wonder if this is fear of the unknown...i don't like feeling like i have some bad thing hanging over my head waiting drop at the opportune moment....

            And on another note....My goodness, since we found out the modual, i have been spinning so to speak...insights and awarenesses galore.

            I'm a cashier at a grocery store and i have fun, but i tell you i have been experiencing being there doing my job on auto pilot and realizing major things about my perceptions, and then i come to , so to speak and am aware i have been doing everything and am not present, but i am....cuz i am constantly aware of what i am doing, but have other stuff going's wierd, been feeling alot of about major fast growth...i also feel it physically to , in certain parts of my body, as though the cells are restructuring or something, cuz my perceptions are changing, cuz my beliefs are changing....yup been reading bruce liptons book, belief of biology, makes so much sense to well as i have some theories forming, although i am not clear on them yet...they are based on what i have experienced physically and the information i am getting that in solidifying beliefs i have had always deep down in the core of my being....i think really i was meant to be a scientist. Perhaps there have already been books written on what is forming in my mind. And quatum physics could be where it's at for me...unsure though...

            In reading bruce's book, i remeber being in elementary school and saying to myself that i want to be a scientist...
            perhaps this is an avenue i need to persue..

            Well i believe that is all from me for now....
            Cheers and tones of love....Adrienne
            PS.....So in what i just shared....I can feel the energy soar through me....and it has.... ......since i picked up Bruce's book...
            Hard to say which one is creating this High vibration, perhaps both.
            Last edited by Adrienne; 07-15-2007, 06:16 AM.
            Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




            • #36
              Originally posted by Aaron View Post

              The first book is on the aether and how all of this ties in. 2nd is on thoughts and consciousness and what the thoughts are made of as well as the genesis and creation of our conscious thinking mind, which plays on the potentials in the 1st book. 3rd book is on body and how each molecule and cell is a dipole...not discussed in the Lipton book but will be the dot connector for Lipton's work to connect the thought potential to the actual activity of a cell and how it is potentialized by the quantum potential.
              Hello, was just reading more of the thread and read this bit and i am curiouse to see what you have to say, cuz in reading this, ....makes me wounder if it is similar to the theory (what ever the heck that word truely
              that is coming to me....perhaps i don't have a good vocab, to describe what i am saying, but reading this seems to kinda touch on what is forming for me....and feels right, of course till i gain new insight and have more info....I am reffering to is the 3rd book that you mention, makes go hmmmm...

              the thing that makes me go hmmmmmmmmm....i think thats a song....i'll be back... ....Adrienne
              Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




              • #37
                Things that make you go hmmm.....

                Here it is, ENJOY.....
                YouTube - C+C Music Factory-Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

                PEACE AND GRATITUDE....Muah....Adrienne
                Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                • #38
                  Practical application of the Syncrisicity module???

                  I'm trying to wrap my brain around the Sync. module for practical applications. What would be the benefit of my present self sending back current info. to my past self unless it was specific information to tell my past self I would survive the abuse and go on and have a great life? Also, how would my present self decide what information to send back and the same question for my future self. Unless we have concious control of the information being sent to and from our present selves, how are we to know that it wasn't our spirit guides (for those who believe they have one or an angel, etc.)? How can a module be programed to be so personal with our past and future?


                  • #39

                    Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
                    Have you heard of him Aaron? Anyway, I was reading a bit more about morphogenic fields tonight & found an interesting article which I posted & in passing they mentioned a guy called Ananda.
                    Hi Sharyn,

                    I wasn't familiar with him but he has some very interesting things in his websites. I do have to say that I have a strong connection to the energy vehicle around the body from some experiences I had back in 1995. I learned them through ZI FA DONG GONG.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #40
                      quantum biology

                      Originally posted by Adrienne View Post
                      Hello, was just reading more of the thread and read this bit and i am curiouse to see what you have to say, cuz in reading this, ....makes me wounder if it is similar to the theory (what ever the heck that word truely
                      that is coming to me....perhaps i don't have a good vocab, to describe what i am saying, but reading this seems to kinda touch on what is forming for me....and feels right, of course till i gain new insight and have more info....I am reffering to is the 3rd book that you mention, makes go hmmmm...

                      the thing that makes me go hmmmmmmmmm....i think thats a song....i'll be back... ....Adrienne
                      Hi Adrienne,

                      My books are partly based on established "laws" proven and seem to hold up over time, theories - backed by some experiments, etc... and enough evidence to suggest that it may be that way and basic hypothesis - nothing more than just an idea about something without really anything to back it up.

                      The 3rd book is about the physical body... the energy meridians, which are not theoretical at all but proven to exist through radioactive tracer experiments... also will talk about how every cell, molecule and atom in the body is a dipole that breaks the symmetry of the virtual photon flux around it in order to cause asymmetrical movement turning potential into work... that is how each cellular pumping action like atp, etc... gets it's real potential and NOT from chemical reactions... those reactions are not primary potentials... the real potential comes from vacuum potential of time and space.

                      also, every thought acts as a dipole... that is more in the 2nd book.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #41
                        Mystery Module Worksheet Attached here

                        Originally posted by rhozzi View Post
                        I'm trying to wrap my brain around the Sync. module for practical applications. What would be the benefit of my present self sending back current info. to my past self unless it was specific information to tell my past self I would survive the abuse and go on and have a great life? Also, how would my present self decide what information to send back and the same question for my future self. Unless we have concious control of the information being sent to and from our present selves, how are we to know that it wasn't our spirit guides (for those who believe they have one or an angel, etc.)? How can a module be programed to be so personal with our past and future?
                        Hi Rhozzi,

                        Instructions can be to send "beneficial" info to past self. Also, by doing this, we set wheels in motion for our future self to send info to it's past self, which would be us in the moment. It is like getting a "head's up" on things to come subconsciously.
                        Attached Files
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #42
                          Hi Aaron,

                          Regarding the worksheet, rather than just sending info 24hrs back, wouldn't it be better to send 12,13,14,15 ....18 hours back to cover the time when you are intentionally sending back and the time you intentionally receive it?

                          For example if you send the day's events at 11 pm and wake up to receive at 8am, the ideal interval to send back would be 15 hours.

                          Just a thought

                          With love and gratitude
                          Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                          Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                          • #43

                            Thanks so much for the worksheet Aaron!! That's really exciting!! Can't wait to see what happens

                            Love and Light and Magic xxx
                            Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
                            Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
                            Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


                            • #44
                              I like that worksheet!!

                              I just wanted to correct what I wrote about John Titor in case anyone was following. Apparently there is a way for him to get back to his original timeline. (I think he has to travel faster than light to do so though.)

                              That makes sense because if he could not get back to where he started, the people who sent him on his mission would not have done so.

                              Here are some of his relevent posts :

                              (�If I go forward on this world line, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.") A few people have asked me about this statement so I will try to clarify it. On my worldline (A) in 2036, I was given a mission in 1975. I turn my machine on and jump to another worldline (B) in 1975 with about a 2% divergence from (A). From the very point I turn my machine off on (B), I create a new worldline just because I�m there. This line can be described as (C) and started when I got to (B). I am now doing my mission on line (C) in 1975 when I discover a very a good reason to go forward on (C) and see what happened. I turn my machine on and go forward on (C) to the year 2000. When I turn it off, I start another line called (D). So from my perspective, here we are on line (D) in the year 2000. In order to go home to line (A) I must turn my machine on and go back on (D) until I reach (C) which in turn would take me back to (B) which in turn takes me to a point before I arrived on (B) then I go forward from the point I arrived on (B) back to (A).


                              ((The fact that he added that he could not complete a 0 divergent trip meant that he could not return to his timeline and hence a mission into the past to help his people was logically flawed. In fact, since I posted that, his postings have been infrequent and sparse.?))
                              I thought we went over that to your satisfaction? Doesn't everyone know after looking at a Perrose for a Kerr singularity that you have to travel faster than light to get to the "exact" same worldline?


                              It is thought that the event called the �Big Bang� was the start of not only this worldline or universe but all worldlines and all universes that make up the superuniverse. It is also thought that the superuniverse can be imagined as an expanding sphere with the big bang in the center. Individual worldliness (or timelines as you call them) can be imagined as lines originating at the center and �trending� toward spiraling around the sphere until they reach the edge. The individual worldlines expand in length and widen as you follow them from the center. Each individual �moment� or �event� on a world line has infinite possibilities or outcomes. Imagine this as a single point with infinite lines shooting away from it, which in turn are made up of points with their own possibilities and outcomes. Now, remember, these individual worldliness with all these points and possibilities are defined by their ability to hold there inhabitants to timelike trips only (no faster than light travel).


                              Parallel universes exist independently of each other and only interact to avoid the collapse of the wave function for any given particle that you are looking at. I like to imagine it as a series of parallel lines crossed by a sine wave. Each point on the sine wave where a line crosses it represents an alternate outcome. The multiple �yous� on each worldline record a different result for the activity of the event.

                              Keep your mind on the aether


                              • #45
                                My future me came a calling last night

                                I think I told most of you that I had experienced going back a year ago in time and remembering everything down to details of what people said and what we were doing. Also, except for a few physical issues, I wouldn’t change a thing about the past year. The reason for this is that if I had, I would not be exactly where I am today and where I am today is taking me to a very bright future!!!
                                Ok about this very bright future, I asked my 1 year forward self to make contact with my current day “me” and give me information.
                                My request to my future self was what would be the most helpful thing to do now to have the optimum year forward.

                                Well last night, I sort of woke and I was in the between space, not really asleep and not really awake. I got very clearly and this most definitely was from my future self, (which was made very clear to me, that it was me in the future).
                                My future self told me that I should create a grid (morphic field), of synchronicity, effortless and easy, "aspects" together. Then I could apply this grid or field to whatever business endeavor or even to any physical application needed. In other words you create a grid of whatever you want and overlay it onto another grid and then collapse the wave into one grid.
                                You could take this concept and apply it to absolutely anything in the universe! You could layer multiple fields together and then collapses them into whatever is needed.
                                An example shown to me was my other business and Paths for example; both of these already have an existing grid that affects me personally and professionally. So, I layer them and then I add my synchronicity, effortless and easy grid on top of that and collapse the wave….Done with ease
                                This is so cool!!!!
                                This could be done both forward and backwards. This is how you would heal an injury for example. This is what some of the healers do, they go back to a time when you were not ill and collapse your good health into your current time and as long as you subconscious is in agreement it is a done deal

                                Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                                <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                                Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic

