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Mystery Module Unveiled

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  • #46
    sending back in hours of time

    Originally posted by firehorse View Post
    Hi Aaron,

    Regarding the worksheet, rather than just sending info 24hrs back, wouldn't it be better to send 12,13,14,15 ....18 hours back to cover the time when you are intentionally sending back and the time you intentionally receive it?

    For example if you send the day's events at 11 pm and wake up to receive at 8am, the ideal interval to send back would be 15 hours.

    Just a thought

    With love and gratitude

    Hi Alan,

    Yes this makes total sense but in the worksheet I don't think I specified hours to send back but just at night sending to self in morning when waking and when waking receiving from self at night who is sending back.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #47

      You really got my brain going with your last post.

      Correct me if you mean something different...but what I understand you to be saying is that if I were to identify a person who is very successful in a field of endeavour that I am in, and I were to take their morphogenic field and somehow overlay it on mine, it would collapse the time frame for me becoming more successful in that field?


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      • #48
        other people's fields


        I think this is even in resonance with Napoleon Hill's Master Mind Group chapter. I have had quite a few different committees in my my of dream members who would give me advice, gripe me out, pat me on the back, etc... I believe constructing these groups in the mind is EXACTLY tapping into the memory of those people and their knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #49
          module is getting stronger

          I have done the exercises in the worksheet off and on for a while. Lately, I have done them very diligently every morning when I wake up and every night when going to sleep.

          Last 2 days, I have been spontaneously starting to bi-locate so strongly that it was almost as if I was about to have on OBE or something. It felt like I was over bi-locating in some lengthy TRV sessions I did before.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #50
            I've not yet had anything that I felt was important enough to write down and 'send' to my morning self. However, when I was at the grocery store yesterday, I went w/o a list which I normally don't do. I was able to remember almost all of what I needed (and what I forgot, I sent as a message to my past self!). I got chicken to grill because it was marked down and even remembered to get the items that I like to have with it, which I often forget to do if I haven't planned it and put it on my list. As I was walking to the other side of the store to get the items, I had the thought come to me that this was my future self reminding me of what I needed (or maybe forgot the first 'time' around). It's not as profound as saving $50 on a Zune, but maybe it doesn't have to be. Maybe it can be as simple - but helpful - as helping my day go smoother because I don't have to make another trip to the store.

            I'm beginning to wonder (and I may have read this theory somewhere else and forgotten about it) if the intuitions and 'reminders' we get have always been messages from our future selves. I've also wondered if maybe our future selves aren't our own guides and/or guardian angels.

            Something else that happened, that I had originally given a lot of credit to ZPoint for, is that I was not as worried about my mom's surgery this time around. Now that I'm on the other side of it, I'm thinking there were lots of factors that contributed to a more calm feeling for me this time. Although I wasn't on the Mystery Module when I first found out she needed surgery, my future self was! And since there are instructions in it to send information back one month, 3 months, ect., I think that my future self was sending back the information that everything would go smoothly. And since my current self already had the benefit of several months of PATHS usage, I was much better able to receive that information.

            I'm not discounting Zpoint, because I'm still having success with it. In fact, I think my future self sent back info that it would be good for me and that is part of the reason why I was so receptive to it and excited about it.

            I love the way knowing what this module is about has stretched my thinking. It's one thing to think about the concept as a possibility that could happen, but something else entirely when you're an active participant in the process and living it! I'm definitely paying more attention to what's going on in the moment and often wonder if I'm receiving/sending information to myself. I'm hoping as I notice more of this, that I begin to recognize a distinct feeling when it's happening.

            My life is so much more fun and interesting when I think about receiving messages from my future and past selves and that those messages can be practical and useful. I really do love this module!

            Paths To Your Success


            • #51
              creating a grid??

              After reading these post I am fascinated about creating a grid. What is it and how is it done? How do you apply it and layer it according to one person's post? How would I apply someone else's morphogenic field over mine ? It's all mind boggeling. Wow!


              • #52
                Yes Kevin,
                That is exactly what I mean and the grid or field is already in place, all you have to do is add you and your intentions. Then let go and it is done. I am liking the idea of tapping into a large grid, a group consciousness that is highly powerful.

                I know what you mean about spontaneous bi-location, that what I find myself doing too
                Just this morning I was outside sitting on the deck and was back in my past (7 years,9 months ago) and also checking in with my 1 year in the future self at the same time.
                I know we are not according to the module suppose to be going that far....but I wanted to. I was overlaying better physical condition of myself from the past and checking in with the future to see if it was a good thing. You know making sure I was not altering something that would not be helpful in the future. Sometimes I feel like we are all in a huddle, the past me, the future and now me...also a few more in between

                Let me think on how I am doing this. For one I am not visualizing. It would almost seem that I am doing the opposite of that. A grid or field already exists. For example each country in the world has a group grid and each town and so on and so on. A family has a grid etc. We are all linked to the collective and belong to multiple grids, ( your family, your work, Paths etc, your city your country). Also, the collective is a grid, so we are members of a grid within grids. We can be a part of any grid we want, because we are part of the whole. We just overlay and collapse into the other or others grids.
                I don't know if this explains any better, but I will keep trying
                Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                • #53
                  need more understanding for the process...

                  1..In what you spoke to Kevin about adding yourself and your intentions, letting it go and it's that the same as two or more people agreeing in prayer or intentions, letting it go and it's done....though I have to admit that the outcome of such things isn't always what our worded intentions were.
                  2..How do you layer a grid, add synchronicity and collape a wave for manefesting? 1-2-3 step instructions if there is such a thing.
                  3..Is what you are doing.... like some of us chanting Switchwords to connect our conscious minds with our subconscious minds and then expecting the results to manefest?
                  4..How does what you do with the grid or grids in your life....synchronicity, collapsing waves, etc. affect your Paths business signups or is what you are doing a product of using the test Synchronicity module?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by rhozzi View Post
                    1..In what you spoke to Kevin about adding yourself and your intentions, letting it go and it's that the same as two or more people agreeing in prayer or intentions, letting it go and it's done....though I have to admit that the outcome of such things isn't always what our worded intentions were.
                    2..How do you layer a grid, add synchronicity and collape a wave for manefesting? 1-2-3 step instructions if there is such a thing.
                    3..Is what you are doing.... like some of us chanting Switchwords to connect our conscious minds with our subconscious minds and then expecting the results to manefest?
                    4..How does what you do with the grid or grids in your life....synchronicity, collapsing waves, etc. affect your Paths business signups or is what you are doing a product of using the test Synchronicity module?

                    Ok, I am going to try and explain what I mean. For some of this, that I am talking I don't have words for. I don't use any words and I don't use conscious thought (Pictures), so to speak.
                    1. No, I don't see it like prayer, because when I make my intention I don't do it at the same time that I layer the grid and collapse it. What I have been doing, is the intention is usually done the day before or so. I think about the intention and then place it out of my mind.
                    2. This is a good question, but I will have to give it a lot more thought to find the words to explain how this is done. Maybe someone else can help explain this. I wish I could mind meld like Spock from Star Trek does, with you
                    3. No, no the total opposite. No words are used from the conscious mind. You really want to get your conscious mind completely out of your way. This is why I do this when I am in a slightly alter state and my busy bee conscious is gagged and tied in a corner
                    4. Both, I have done this in the past many times but with a lot less control. The module has allowed me the control, that was missing and I really really LOVE IT. This module has opened a door wide that was only partially open to me. In the past it was only at the request of someone else (their higher self), or in very extreme circumstances that I could do it. Now it is at will! Again my hat is off to PATHS for this

                    I hope that I don't seem vague, that is not my intention here. I just have not found the words to fully explain how this is done. Maybe Aaron can because I know he is doing the same thing.

                    Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                    <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                    Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                    • #55
                      This is one of the John Titor posts, does it help?

                      Parallel universes exist independently of each other and only interact to avoid the collapse of the wave function for any given particle that you are looking at. I like to imagine it as a series of parallel lines crossed by a sine wave. Each point on the sine wave where a line crosses it represents an alternate outcome. The multiple "yous" on each worldline record a different result for the activity of the event.

                      You have to then factor in other people. I'm not saying I know what I'm talking about here, just that it sounds very similar

                      Keep your mind on the aether


                      • #56
                        WOW! Another synchronicity!

                        I don't know what it is with me & quotes but the synchronicites just keep happening. I found this really amazing. I have a folder that I keep with articles that I find interesting etc. One section in it has quotes that I've collected that I write down as I read them in books.

                        Back in January I was reading a book & I came across "change your thoughts & you change your world" by Sandy Forster which I recorded in my folder. I've been developing a new website & over the past couple of weeks I've been writing the content for it & I wrote an introduction to Paths on my homepage & I inserted that quote.

                        A little while ago I just logged onto my PATHS website to check out some of the modules to find that they have the new color scheme up (looks much nicer by the way!). Not only that, but on their homepage they have included that exact same quote!

                        Love & Blessings,
                        Theta Healing
                        Paths 2 Potential

                        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                        • #57

                          ok, i read the work sheet for this modual for the second time and am having a hard time wrapping my brain around the seperation of sending the info at night to the morning self and then in the morning send ing more info...anyways, that part doesn't seem to inportabt and i think i'll get it more and more as i experience this mod and all of your posts, they are helpful...thanx.

                          BUT, last night i was thinking about the daily exersices, and thought about what i would want to send back or forward and didn't really know, but intended that the info that i needed would be recieved and today was great and amazing.........and i had my first real deja vu.....very cool.

                          amoung other things.....but like very often for me, i am unsure what is coming from what, cuz i did a some ME with stephen for a couple of hours and also strted the deserving mod.

                          i just did get some info though i think it's from my futur self.......
                          will share when it has completed it's when it happens.

                          And i read about us allways conversing with ourselves about the futur and the past and how we get together alot and often (my interpretation) and how Koei talks about knowing stuff, as though info is given.

                          I can look ahead and know stuff.....sometimes only with certain detail, and befor the mystery mod, but now it is more profound and i have a deep sense of trusting myself and what i know.....which is a shift for me for sure, cuz i didn't trust what i intuitively knew...(if this is even the same thing) but i guess what i am saying is that this ability to tap in to the futur is stronger in me.....and of course the fear is less too.

                          all very interesting....
                          ON another not.....and may for another thresd (please direct if need be)......but as a cashier at my store, i have to weigh alot of stuff, and the darn things keep crapping out on me, well not registering, and they will, but i have to fiddle with then alot.....
                          I can switch till's and have been on three different ones today, and i have been asking the cashiers that go on the till that i was on (as weel as the manager) about if they have had problems.....they say NO could this be my energy interferring with the technology?????
                          As well i have had checkprinting/recietp printing machine just quit on me, and the manager says it doesn't happen , but it does to me, and BOOM when he comes to take a look i feel retarded cuz he does something simple(which i just spent a minute doing befor he got there doing) and it's like nothing is wrong.
                          Just curiouse, cuz 8hrs of weight machines for things like bulk and produce having a mind of it's own gets on ones nerves.
                          and it also seems to depend on vibration to and where it is at.........and lately it has been throught the roof......
                          Sigh......i feel like i am going crazy with these machines.

                          And another thing i noticed= about electronics is that wheni have done ME with a couple of things.....I feel like i can connect,or create a morphegenioc field so easy, even once when i wasn't trying my cell phone, which now is i believe officially out of order...ARGGGGH
                          But i did get it working again, then i droppped it again, no it seems dead....

                          thanks for reading/ and light......Adrienne
                          Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                          • #58

                            It sounds to me like you may be experiencing hypercommunication. I just posted an article which mentions about it a few days ago.

                            "Electronic devices like CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. Many healers and psychics know this effect from their work. The better the atmosphere and the energy, the more frustrating it is that the recording device stops functioning and recording exactly at that moment. And repeated switching on and off after the session does not restore function yet, but next morning all is back to normal. Perhaps this is reassuring to read for many, as it has nothing to do with them being technically inept, it means they are good at hypercommunication."


                            Love & Blessings,
                            Theta Healing
                            Paths 2 Potential

                            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                            • #59

                              thank you ....i will look into it after adrienne
                              Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                              • #60
                                Busting loose....

                                I started reading "Busting Loose From the Money Game" yesterday and I'm half way through it and it explains some of the questions I asked you. I also have the Matrix Energetics book waiting for me at the library and I'm sure I'll more from that also.

