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Mystery Module Unveiled

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  • #61

    This module is amazing.

    I have never before had such vivid, long least that I remember upon waking. And it is every morning...not just every now and then...I am waking up remembering stuff.

    Also, the synchronicities seem to be compounding...and time frames seem to be collapsing on growth of knowledge/evolution of ideas.

    At the same time I feel unnaturally calm. So much so, that I think I might not be getting enough done each day because I am much more content. But when I look back at what I am getting done, it seems like even more than normal. Weird!

    This is definitely a keeper for me.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link


    • #62
      hello Kevin

      HI wow,
      i can relate to what you are talking about. I am having so many syncronicities seems to be constant lately, and yes that feeling of calm is awesome, i have that too.

      Although i am not always sure of what is what, cuz of the mod's/some outside work / and matrix E.....Although this modual is really significant, cuz i didn't feel this ONE with everything befor....I feel so content. LA LA LA LA LAAAA

      And today i was in this used book store and was talking with this women, and she seemed to reconize me from some where and i thought it was because i was in the store a couple of weeks ago, and then after i left and was thinking about what she said...and realized that in that moment..actually just around that time there was a familiarity about that maybe deja vu, or my future self telling me about this or that this was where i needed to go or something....not sure, and maybe that is what a deja vu is....remembering cuz i was tipped off or shown something...
      Also, the synchronicities seem to be compounding...and time frames seem to be collapsing on growth of knowledge/evolution of ideas.

      What do you mean by the time frames collapsing on growth of knowledge/evolution of ideas?

      I just went and reordered a book at my public library...the holographic universe....(there was a mix up last time)....does this book talk about stuff that is behide this mod and the past, present, and future stuff.......from the bits that i have heard about it, it seems along these lines.

      I find i have alot of reading and learning to do, cuz i kind of get the jist of stuff, yet then am lost with other stuff...SIGH....funny this really is the first time i have been motivated to read and study (so to speak) stuff, because i don't understand it or know anything about it.....and i think the big part is that it's cuz it facinates me, as well as i am experiencing some of it or even alot of it.....the oddity in this is that i am doing it and not just talking about it. Till now, I hadn't found anything that stimulated me this much befor...I have had people ask me if the paticular book i am carrying around is for school......thats funny, cuz i was never that interested in what i took in college...Although there was some interest, cuz that is why i took it, right...gosh, this should be taught in colleges and universites....unless it is, Is it? The great thing is that I have just begun, very cool.
      AND i am so grateful for it too.
      Yeah , I don't have to be board for a while
      Very cool.....thanks for sharing.

      peace and love......Adrienne
      Last edited by Adrienne; 07-24-2007, 05:44 AM.
      Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


      • #63

        Hi My Lovies,

        WOW, Kevin...I SO agree!

        I experienced some serious cognative dissonance during the first week on this module...Going back a year in time made me feel again those nasty feelings of doubt and negativity, but that has passed... WHEW!!!

        Now I am LOVING this module!

        The sense of unusual calmness is increasing daily, as is the acute sense of being present and experiencing each moment with great appreciation. I don't believe I have ever lived this consciously ever before in my life... This, as I stated before, is most profound while I am out in nature with my dog, however it is still apparent in all moments which is exquisitely delightful!

        My dreams are also continuing to be very vivid, lengthy and easy to remember which is much fun! And the synchronicities happen daily. I have had some moments when it is clear that my future self is giving me information and I am filled, more and more, with a new sense of serene anticipation and I can only say that it is absolutely delicious!

        Thank You, PATHS, for allowing me to test this AMAZING module!!!

        With MUCH Love and Gratitude,

        My PATHS Website
        My Art Website
        My Paintings As Prints
        My Facebook


        • #64
          I've finally had a couple of dreams that I remembered the next day. I hope to have more, I usually don't remember my dreams.

          I have had some pretty wild experiences starting with a quesion I asked myself about if I could send myself a message from the future. I believe I did receive a message and then a few more things happened in the vein. I've told the details on conference calls. . .

          I recently added the money module and the gratitude module. The gratitude was the most recent. I think it is that plus this mystery mod that has caused this : several times I got a strong feeling that I associate with a strong deja vu or a realization of something profound. It's like a force or wave goes through your body. It sort of feels like it pulls you down and your knees go a little weak but it's a really good feeling.

          Anyway I've had that several times in the last couple of days but the weird thing is there is no deja vu or thought that accompanies it. That's never ever happened to me before. I like it though. . .

          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #65
            Hi Adrienne

            Also, the synchronicities seem to be compounding...and time frames seem to be collapsing on growth of knowledge/evolution of ideas.

            What do you mean by the time frames collapsing on growth of knowledge/evolution of ideas?

            These days when I have an idea, the growth from the seed of the idea to the maturity of the idea is much quicker.

            Even though I am enjoying and "much more in the moment" things also seem to be happening much faster.

            Also, I seem to catch on to new thoughts more quickly, with a fuller understanding of them. I am definitely receiving information in the normal manner and having it supplemented quickly by what would normally have taken a longer evolutionary process.

            Very cool.


            PATHS For Healing
            Energetic Science Ministries
            Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

            ESM Forum Support Link


            • #66

              This thread has been moved from the Private Affiliate forum to the public PATHS forum for reference purposes.

              See the following link:


              Happiness & Health,

              PATHS, S.A. Staff



              • #67
                WOW! It took me a long time to read through these posts, but this sounds amazing! So what I am understanding is that you have access to the past and the future, but in the present time? Is this correct? Do you think of something you want to know or does something come to you intuitively?

                It sounds a little scary to you feel like you are in the present? Is it a weird feeling?


                • #68
                  Earlier in this thread I wrote :

                  I also realized last night that a sort of prediction (along the lines of "that would be cool if") I made on a forum post a long time ago has a high likelyhood of coming true.

                  I will wait a little to say more. . .

                  I've been searching for the post I referenced but so far no luck

                  If anyone knows where it is, please let me know.

                  Anyway I posted I thought either here or at the PI PATHS forum on a thread I believe was titled Fire the Grid that it would be really cool if the new PATHS website look occured on the same day as Fire the Grid.

                  It turned out that I was only off by a couple of days. (And the couple days off must be because many changes to the writing on the PATHS site occured before the more noticable color scheme and home page changes )

                  I also wanted to mention I find I am doing much better at consuming the food I buy at the grocery store before it goes bad now. It's like I know when I'm shopping (without really noticing it) what I'm going to need and actually want to eat now. It's completely effortless.

                  Before I had a harder time with that. I'd either not have what I wanted to eat or end up letting some food go bad because I could not plan well enough not to do so.

                  Keep your mind on the aether


                  • #69

                    All I can say Is Adrienne
                    Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me



