This module is amazing.
I have never before had such vivid, long least that I remember upon waking. And it is every morning...not just every now and then...I am waking up remembering stuff.
Also, the synchronicities seem to be compounding...and time frames seem to be collapsing on growth of knowledge/evolution of ideas.
At the same time I feel unnaturally calm. So much so, that I think I might not be getting enough done each day because I am much more content. But when I look back at what I am getting done, it seems like even more than normal. Weird!
This is definitely a keeper for me.
This module is amazing.
I have never before had such vivid, long least that I remember upon waking. And it is every morning...not just every now and then...I am waking up remembering stuff.
Also, the synchronicities seem to be compounding...and time frames seem to be collapsing on growth of knowledge/evolution of ideas.
At the same time I feel unnaturally calm. So much so, that I think I might not be getting enough done each day because I am much more content. But when I look back at what I am getting done, it seems like even more than normal. Weird!
This is definitely a keeper for me.