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PATHS- Module Discussion ~ Mind-Set for Money

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  • PATHS- Module Discussion ~ Mind-Set for Money

    To help shed some light on the different PATHS Modules, and what they do, we will be posting the different Module descriptions in here so that you can share your experiences and ask any questions you may have about the Module. We look forward to your responses!

    Mind-Set for Money
    Get a Healthy Attitude About Money

    Product Description:

    This Module is designed to assist you in gaining a beneficial attitude regarding money. By releasing harmful beliefs concerning finances and replacing them with new and positive views, you will be able to adopt a healthy and productive attitude about money.

    This Module can support your mind’s ability to:

    - Increase feelings of safety regarding having money

    - Increase feelings of confidence about having money

    - Increase ability to let go of stigmas concerning money

    - Increase ability to manage money

    - Increase feelings of deserving to have money

    PATHS Theater Presentations utilize messages and cues to energetically reduce stress blockages pertaining to the specific areas of the Module selected.

    Persons taking Spirulina and a Multi-Vitamin while using the Mind-Set for Money Module generally experience accelerated results. Most people begin experiencing positive transformations within 2 months of beginning PATHS.

    PATHS Theater Presentation is not health care or medicine, and PATHS Modules do not diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

    *Individual results will vary
    Happiness & Health,

    PATHS, S.A. Staff


  • #2
    I am having an interesting reaction to the Money module. I am examining the deep structure of my beliefs about wealth and working.

    My new personal goal is to dismantle and dissolve the Protestant Work Ethic (PWE) as the subconscious paradigm controlling my thoughts, feelings, and behavior in terms of career and financial prosperity.

    This paradigm has served more to limit my success both professionally and financially, because it has made me choose work based on the belief that the more I suffer by doing unpleasant work, the better I will look to others, and the more money I will have.

    I have had a really hard time believing that it is okay to work for fulfillment of a calling, because part of me still believes that my worth as a person is on how hard I work at something that makes me miserable--that if I were to do something I love for work, I would surely be broke, because I am doing the selfish act of working for my own pleasure, and thus don't deserve financial compensation from others for it.

    There are two major economic theories that I'd like to discuss as they relate to the beliefs being dismantled by the money module. I am not an economist or a philosopher, so please bear with me if I grossly overstate these theories: The subjective theory of value, and the labor theory of value. Subjective theory of value says that regardless how much work goes into producing a product or service, its value is probably what it will fetch in a free market. Labor theory of value basically says that the value of the product or service is the amount of labor that goes into making it. Labor has intrinsic value to it. Subjective theory is basically aligned with Capitalism or free market conservatism. Labor theory is basically aligned with Marxism, Socialism, etc.

    The issue I have with this is that we brilliant human beings generally align ourselves with one camp or the other, and then pat ourselves on the back for it. Example:

    "I believe that people should have to earn things, there's no such thing as a free lunch. So therefore I work hard to earn as much as I want. I squeeze in as much hard work as I can, and I earn more than others. I enjoy more material things than others. Therefore, I must be a better person. The bum on the street has every opportunity to live the American Dream as I do. I am a good person because I am a free market capitalist."

    "I believe that everyone should get an equal chance. It is unfair that some people have to labor more but have a lower standard of living than those who have to labor less. Why do the corporate leaders give themselves fat raises and cut health care benefits for workers? It doesn't make sense that Americans work more than anybody else in the civilized world but the cost of health care, housing, and education--things to survive and maybe get a little bit ahead--are just out of reach for average people. I believe the effort people put into things has intrinsic value. I think everyone who works should have the same standard of living. I'm taking the compassionate, morally superior stand. I'm a good person because I feel this way."

    What the people fail to see when they ascribe moral value to economic value is that these theories are basically the SAME, and I have taken on the personal challenge of living, at least psychologically, completely outside that model.

    Why are these theories the same? They both believe that prosperity comes from value and that value comes from labor.

    My life up until now has been ruled by a very limiting model. The results of this have been alternating between the extremes of earning lots of money for doing very little, and having no personal fulfillment, and taking it from those who can't afford it, to the other extreme of earning no money for working very hard at something very personally fulfilling and being paid by those who could definitely afford to pay me more than they were. There's definitely a big disconnect here.

    I don't expect "the market"--as in, other people--to care about what is personally fulfilling to me, and pay me a living wage for it. The task, then, seems to be creating the best of both worlds: doing something that creates value in a market that can compensate me in proportion to the value I create, and at the same time, knowing deep down that money is simply congealed energy, as Joseph Campbell said, and living outside the old crusty Protestant Work Ethic and the "labor = value" models enough to receive all the prosperity that I have already created. Perhaps that will require a full gut-level realization that my task is not to figure out what other people need and then talk myself into liking it, but doing what I like, and figuring out who needs it.


    • #3
      Thank you Belle

      Very interesting thoughts about money belle. We have all been bombarded with certain beliefs and attitudes about money since babyhood. One thing I dealt with, as many of us probably did, was not having enough. (We were extremely poor. I'm talking about that I had to wear my brother's hand me down clothes and often had no heat or hot water in the winter). It has been so ingrained in me that everything I do, I do it in moderation. I use just barely enough shampoo, so as not to waste a drop, just enough lotion. I try to make a bottle of lotion last as long as possible and squeeze out every last drop. I used to get so irritated with my ex husband because he would squeeze out huge blobs and then be like, here want some, I got too much! I do that with everything. (This is a new realization to me too). So this attitude has been with me and I believe it has stunted my ability to ever feel like I have enough of anything. Even when I have plenty of money (I always have a surplus in the bank) I won't spend it because I'm afraid of running out. I'm one of those people who have something nice and never use it because I don't want to lose it, or break it or something like that. So I am hoping that this money mindset mod will help me to overcome these feelings. I have only just started it however (of course, because it's new)!!

      Real products that activate dormant spiritual abilities


      • #4
        I have not been on this module super long, but I have definitely been less worried about money since being on it. My finances have been fine, but they also weren't too bad when I started.

        I am wondering if anyone knows if this is the type of module that becomes ingrained after a while, so that it stays with you even if you swap it for another, or if you need to stay on it to keep the benefits.

        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5
          thanks for the mirror-ness

          I also identify with the concepts your pondering Belle. I like the way you packaged/described it also. My family was working class though I didnt realy have a concept of a "class" system back then...the physical labor -vs- the mental labor realms (I do now and also I understand-to a degree-its all in my mind...and choices. An illusion... but a seemingly very powerful one that I bought into )

          I definately didnt realize what I was being taught just by my experience of watching my parents financial dramas. They both worked but were (mom really) allways trying "new" or old home buisness'z....starting with the classic Tupperware and Avon and ending with Mix-i-go! a gas additive to improve car performance and/or milage then trying to sell the Texas Inturment 99-4A(?) if I remember correctly...the very beginning of the home computer "craze". Allways working/planning/selling and at best it seems they'd break even, maybe a smidge extra every now and then. All in pursuit of the american dream... the glorious "If you work hard enough maybe "some day" it'll pay off "...dream.

          Anyway I was including the Deserving module with the Money Mindset to maybe help work the kinks out of those "virtuos" suffering ideas and "nobel" mental states of lack and poverty...i.e. the I'm not worth "it"...and the things can't come too easy or there must be something wrong..probably me. I do feel a shift even if its only been a few weeks so far. I have much hope/excitement with this mod.

          Also I have started reading the Busting Loose From the Money Game book - kind of the ultimate in changing your mind about money (and yourself and eveything everywhere)...I'm sure youve seen the thread here on that with wiser people than I discussing there. I've only just started that also.

          Ironically though I just changed the MM module to the spiritual growth one cuz the that thought "seek ye first the kingdom of heaven...and all things will be added on to you" kept re occurring in my head. I'm not even Christian and have a much more broad idea of "the Kingdom" learning from all the ideas in this forum ect. I dont know though... maybe it was that pesky old mental programing that to focus on the money is bad.. and being a spiritual "seeker" and poor is "good" ??? Ultimately I'm thinking it'll all come around to the same place and that place is probably a new awareness or state of mind/being... theres just soooo many ways to get there. For me right now the inner "spiritual" thing seems more useful to me now.

          I also wanted to say if you havent read a post in the general discussion section on Earth Trustegrity(?)...theres a blue link in the text right away to something on "ortegrity" -ideas on new ways organizations (governments?) could has interesting thoughts on capitalism and solcialism models and minimizing conflict/friction within working styles...the read has really been inspiring and has given me a new perspective of work and "the work place". A new archtype so to speak.

          Anyway thanks again for your post.


          • #6
            Mind-Set for Money is about developing healthy, productive, free of guilt attitudes regarding money.

            Once these new attitudes have replaced non-productive unhealthy attitudes this Module has done its job and is no longer needed.

            Happiness & Health,

            PATHS, S.A. Staff



            • #7
              Thanks for the info

              Also regarding the discussion going in this thread, I thought I would mention that The Master-Key System teaches that money = service on a spiritual plane.

              I'm not saying I've mastered that concept. I was a new way of looking at things when I read it, and it is still sinking in.

              XO Jessica
              Keep your mind on the aether


              • #8
                Ooh ooh ooh ..... VERY Important Discovery Re this Module!

                Hi Everyone

                A LARGE Penny (pun intended ) has just dropped for me regarding this module!!! And I feel it's important to share it in case anyone else has similar experience.....

                I had this module added into my Platinum - about a month ago I think. Not long after it was added, I began to experience a very weird "throw-back" to my pre-Paths and pre-Magic Pill days with money!! I thought this was cog dis from the module, and perhaps some of it was BUT...... there was a very Specific THEME going on. And I was pushed to the very edge - a place I haven't been since I started on Paths and The Magic Pill in Feb/March this year.

                But the edge felt different this time - it was just as frustrating and I felt feelings I hadn't felt since March, but my CHOICES were different! What I would normally have chosen as a solution (and been very grateful for), I saw this time as "not an option!" And it wasn't even difficult to come to that conclusion, I FELT it rather than consciously decided it.

                I later realised that I had broken an old limitting pattern from the past. A pattern of being in dire straights and then having to borrow to get out of it, a pattern of being rescued at the last minute, a pattern of being denied what is mine thereby putting me under obligation to others.

                This time I refused to accept being rescued or borrowing as an option. And only afterwards (and by the way, everything worked out just fine without my having to be rescued - but I wouldn't have known that if I'd accepted the offer! ), only afterwards did I realise that I'd just broken a programmed pattern in me AND.........

                that it's Thanks to the Mind Set for Money Module!!

                Just as in the saying "When you ask for Patience, you're not given Patience, you're given opportunities to practice Patience" - I realised, through this module, I had given myself the OPPORTUNITY to release a harmful belief and pattern I had about money - that I was previously unaware of!

                And I did it!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
                And THANK YOU PATHS!!!!!

                So, if you're on this module, and you're experiencing some "throw-back" experiences with money, be aware that it may well be that you are providing yourself with the opportunity to break one or more old limitting and harmful beliefs and/or patterns so that you never have to experience them again.

                Love and Light and Excitement xxx
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                • #9
                  Thank you so much for posting, and I wish more people would post their results/observations regarding this module, as it would be very encouraging for the rest of us.

                  What I'm finding, since starting the module a few weeks ago, is that all my obsessive fears and worries about my financial situation have become greatly amplified, almost to a creepy extent! It's even a bit comical - now I'm constantly fretting about it, compulsively counting the pennies (well, yen in my case), even getting out of bed in the night to grab my calculator and my bank statements, that kind of stuff. It's not exactly comfortable, but in a perverse way, I'm enjoying it. I also believe that it's a sign that those nasty old thoughts of limit and lack are on their way out. Good riddance!

                  I'm liking this module!


                  • #10
                    Hi Rin,

                    I've been on this module for a couple of months now too. So far, I've noticed that my bank account has been much healthier than it used to be. Even though the same amount of money (the same bills) are being paid each month, my bank account has more in it.


                    I can completely relate to what you posted. I also have what I would have previously said is a bad thing or a challenge coming up financially. This time I AM completely different about it! I'm actually looking forward to the outcome because I know that I have finally looked the evil monster in the eye and it no longer holds me in fear. I'm just excited that I've moved myself through and up the scale emotionally! Yay Mind-set for Money Module!!!!


                    • #11
                      My experience so far

                      I started with this mod about a month ago.

                      The one thing I have noticed (looking back-I did not put 2 and 2 together at the time) is that there is a business venture I have been involved in for a long time. It requires a small amount of boring work on a daily basis. Over the last year or so I have been letting it slide, not paying as much attention to it as I should. (even though it is only 20 minutes or so a day).

                      This is a form of self-sabotage that results in less $ in my pocket. Probably because I had some attitudes that were not healthy regarding money.

                      At the same time I started this mod, I also started paying very close attention to the mundane daily details of this business.

                      I did NOT even think of this business when adding this module.

                      It was only today when I read Odille's post that I realized the connection.

                      I am still paying good, close daily attention and it has resulted in an extra $750+ a month in my pocket.


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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PATHS, S.A. View Post
                        Mind-Set for Money is about developing healthy, productive, free of guilt attitudes regarding money.

                        Once these new attitudes have replaced non-productive unhealthy attitudes this Module has done its job and is no longer needed.

                        This is the best news, thank you. I'm on the module and noticing a shift already. Thank you


                        • #13
                          So I recently finished 3 months on this and am keeping it for at least one more month just to make sure I get the most out of it possible, lol.

                          I've had some good results, little extra income here and there.

                          Also I had a drainage issue in my yard I wanted to pay someone to fix. After consulting with a few different landscapers, it became clear to me that the whole thing would be easier if I just did it. After the consulting I knew just what I needed to do and am nearing finishing the project. The material cost was about 1/6th of what I would have paid someone to do the job.

                          Then the Friday before last I earned an extra $100 by being an extra on a movie set. I really did it for the fun of it, but the $ was nice too.

                          The movie will come out in 2009 and should be called "Adventureland" - long time to wait to see if I am noticeable in it but still fun.

                          Also I had some good synchronicities around this (thanks synch mod). A couple days, or maybe the day before the shoot I went on the PI forum. I don't go on there very much anymore (seems very slow for me) but I wanted to bump a thread about peace in Iran that I try to bump whenever I hear Iran in the news. Hearing Iran on the radio that day prompted me to go on PI which I had not been on for a long long time.

                          While there I saw some posts by someone who I know lives around here about a play he is in and about how he wants to do more acting.

                          Then the casting agency calls me and after telling me what I needed to know, they mention they need more extras.

                          So I got to let Frederick in on it and he was thrilled. I think he also took several of his play cast members with him on the day he did shooting (different day than me).

                          Here's a couple pics from my experience :

                 Hosting Service

                 Hosting Service

                          (Don't laugh at my costume, the movie was set in 1987, lol).

                          XO Jessica
                          Keep your mind on the aether


                          • #14

                            That is so cool Jessica.....but... the clothes...I am so glad that time has moved on....What you say???? There is no time we are going to have to dress like that?
                            Last edited by Keoi; 11-13-2007, 10:29 PM. Reason: typo
                            Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                            <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                            Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                            • #15

                              You are funny!
                              Keep your mind on the aether

