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Synchronicity, Time Travel & More Module
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Pamela, Kevin, and all,
Thanks so much for your support. I'm having kind of a rough time and put a post on the CEM thread about it, but here's the part that pertains to synchronicity.
I am just now starting to feel how supportive this group is. I used to offer my intellect to y'all but not much of my feeling, because I was like, "this is the anonymous internet." But I left and came back and you guys didn't forget me, and in many ways PATHS is a huge, if slightly hidden, part of my life. Big thanks !!
I am noticing several peculiar things:
1. I am thinking about my past way, way more. Random stuff. Lots of stuff that was painful, but it isn't quite as bad as it was when I think of it now. I don't know why I'm thinking of memories I hadn't thought of in years. In NLP, they talk about "creating a new personal history" and creating new personal resources. Great stuff--you should google it or I'll post some of it sometime. I wonder if I'm giving myself new subconscious choices for how to respond to situations in the present, or if I'm just dwelling on the negatives from my past. I don't have a lot of precise control over this, yet.
2. I realized a few nights ago that my challenges/issues with family, bosses, and boyfriends have historically been one and the same problem. I never saw it that simply before. I just saw it as all these separate, disconnected problems. Why I am I posting this in the synchronicity thread? Because I think it is this module that is doing it for me!
3. I realized that the "problem" is as follows: subconsciously, I had been wired to create the same relationship with every other person on the planet, a relationship where I want the person to do "X," but I'm indirectly forcing them to do "Y." It is the same dynamic, whether it is the stranger on the street, or my mother. The content of the conflict is irrelevant, the particulars are irrelevant. But what results is a longstanding and unresolvable disagreement/stalemate with each person in my life.
4. And I just make myself SOOOOO FRUSTRATED by then to keep the relationship, I swallow my anger and pride, and go along with "Y," what I don't want the other person to do, yet I'm manifesting it anyway. And I wind up feeling ashamed that I'm doing this, and frustrated with the other person. When I try to get relief from the unresolvable conflict by changing my behavior around the other person, I can't keep it up, because it is incongruent with my deeper feelings. It is a tremendous drain on my energy, and doesn't change the pattern at its core.
5. Over the weekend I journaled a lot on the topic, "What would my life be like without this pattern? What if I could go back in time to when this pattern started, and change my past?" But I didn't get much further than being able to ask the question. I am struggling to believe that my life could be any other way. I'm like the fish in the water who doesn't know it is wet.
6. I've had insights into the behavior of one female friend, and have decided to let that friendship fade into the sunset, because I got the lesson now after ignoring it on two previous occasions. It was one of those relationships that was characterized by unresolvable conflict that I just rolled over and accepted rather than trying to defend myself. At least with this particular friendship, there wasn't a strong enough desire to stay in it after the conflict itself no longer bothered me. With no "lesson" to work on, there was no other connection to keep me around.
7. I hope this doesn't mean that I will lose all of my remaining relationships. I used to have a pattern of taking this out on my job or my location--where I would change jobs or move in order to symbolically leave a conflict without leaving a relationship, if I had no idea how to resolve the conflict and keep the relationship. As a result, I have a few key relationships that have survived my pattern, by family or by choice. Could I possibly make my relationships better than they were before? I'm skeptical....
It could be a case of when one door closes another opens. It could take a little time though, so don't get discouraged.
And if all else fails and you haven't tried the unconditional love mod, I would recommend it. I started it recently and am feeing / noticing support from other people more, some of whom are new friends.
(Anyone else seen I found it recently. It's cool, by zip code for people to get together over shared interests.)
JessicaKeep your mind on the aether
I think you already know this, but I remind myself of it on a regular basis-
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Another tried and true pearl of wisdom that I remind myself of-
You become like those who you hang around.
Belle, I have read enough of your posts to know that you are a strong, dedicated individual, always on the lookout for self-improvement.
I firmly believe that as you continue to seek wisdom, you will continue to find it...and wisdom is a very powerful tool to have in your quest.
Synchronicity Module Solves 11 Year Mystery!
I just have to share about this because a mystery was solved after 11 years right after the memorial service of my friend Rodger!!!
I think this is pretty cool.
Rodger often talked about his mentor named Glee Milcher. That is how I thought it was spelled based on Rodger's way of saying it. I never found a reference anywhere. He was quite the person as Rodger would explain. This Glee person was supposed to have invented an irrigation system - one of the kinds that you see on the big farms. Big wheels and pipes - that style but an older original one that was dragged by a tractor. Anyway, I could never find reference to this Glee Milcher.
Rodger it seems really took after this Glee. Anything I was with Rodger, its weird but it was like there was something that kept sticking out about this Glee but something prevented me from asking Rodger for more details about this person. When Rodger was deep into one of his stories, I really didn't want to interrupt him, they were really very fascinating.
At the memorial service yesterday, Rodger's son in law was giving a life story on Rodger and brought up this Glee person and pronounced the name Glee Melcher. Melcher with an E and not Milcher with an I. My first thought was, "I wonder if there is a relationship with my friend J. Melcher." J. Melcher is one of my best friends. I thought, "Nah"
After the service, we were all mingling in the back. Rodger's son in law an myself were chatting and my friend Jeff M came up to us. The name Glee Melcher was mentioned and Jeff said, "Did you say Glee Milcher?" I said, "Yeah." He said, "That's J's grandfather!!!"
I met J. Melcher almost 4 years ago I believe at my health food store then there were so many sychchronicities about meeting him at other places over and over during the next week or so. Funny thing is that we never knew each other until a few days before then and we have never seen each other anywhere else or before then ever.
During that time, I mentioned Rodger to him but he didn't know anything about Rodger's connection. Rodger came up because J's mentor was a man here named Ed Tsutakawa - Ed died a couple years ago. Ed and Rodger were friends from way back.
The whole time over 11 years I wondered who this Glee guy was. This Glee REALLY influcenced Rodger's life and Rodger greatly influenced mine. Therefore, Glee, indirectly, had a great influence on my life.
The whole time, the last 4 years, one of my best friends was Glee Melcher's grandfather - and it seems I knew things about his own grandfather he never knew.
I guess I had to wait for Rodger to move on for me to find out. Rodger would have had an incredible time with that one!
The funny thing is that about a week ago, I was talking to J. Melcher and he asked me what PATHS modules he should be on. I told him definitely the synchronicity one and he was been on it for about a week.
Jeff is also on the synchronicity module and so am I.
Anyway, cool happenings! I'm getting together with J Melcher and his dad (Glee's son) soon so I can fill his dad in on some things and hopefully learn more about Glee - this mystery person that so greatly influenced Rodger's life!
Life sure is amazing the way things work out!Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Increased Synchroncity - Get it Now!
Increased Synchronicity
Increased Synchronicity
Mind Travel, Retrocausality & Time Synch
Product Description:
This Module is designed to energetically assist you in forging a link between your past, current and future self. This is done by transference of information from your current self to your past self and from your future self into your current consciousness. In doing this, you can experience increased synchronicities, retro-causation and an amplified awareness of the present moment.
Feelings of peace and calm, vivid and lucid dreaming, and increased insight have all been reported. Also, this Module will assist you in being progressively more present in the moment and aid you in finding serenity and security in yourself.
This Module can support your mind’s ability to:
Increase in awareness of the present moment. Fully appreciating the here and now
Have future self send information back through time to current moment. This is specific for the following periods of time...1 minute, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months
Have current self send current information back through time to past self. This is also specific for the following periods of time...1 minute, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and months
Increasing unity/harmony between past, present and future self
There are 3 different versions of this Module. The default version contains instructions that will transfer information from your current self to yourself 3 months in the past and from your future self 3 months in the future to your current self.
The other 2 versions of this Module are as follows:
1. Information received by current self from 1 year in the future, and information from current self is sent back 1 year to past self
2. Information received by current self from 5 years in the future, and information from current self is sent back 5 years to past self
If you would not like to use the default version, but one of the other versions listed above, you may send an email into requesting which version you would like.
Success Stories:
I am LOVING this module!
The sense of unusual calmness is increasing daily, as is the acute sense of being present and experiencing each moment with great appreciation. I don't believe I have ever lived this consciously ever before in my life... This, as I stated before, is most profound while I am out in nature with my dog, however it is still apparent in all moments which is exquisitely delightful!
My dreams are also continuing to be very vivid, lengthy and easy to remember which is much fun! And the synchronicities happen daily. I have had some moments when it is clear that my future self is giving me information and I am filled, more and more, with a new sense of serene anticipation and I can only say that it is absolutely delicious!
I am also more "present" than ever before. It seems that I am experiencing each moment more acutely. I find myself observing and appreciating colors and textures and smells in nature in a deeper way than normal. It’s not that I didn't do this before, it just seems that my senses are amplified. I notice this especially when I take my dog out for her walks. We cross a footbridge over a brook to get to the meadow and woods beyond and I notice things much more acutely, as if it were my first time on this walk that I have taken hundreds and hundreds of times. I like this also...a lot!
-Pamela Sweda*
The synchronicities, manifestations, and intuition that I am now receiving on a daily basis is absolutely blowing my mind - and I mean this in a most fantastic way.
These are just a few things that I have experienced in the past month:
· knowing with a certainty what someone is about to say before they
open their mouth · received more sales territory in my job at work while there was
nothing available to be had (someone voluntarily gave up a portion of theirs)
· consistently making my sales goals at work while others are only hitting 30% or less of theirs
· I wanted to read about Seth and Sharyn (on energetic forum) posted a link without knowing I was thinking about it
· I "knew" that someone at work was putting in his notice even though he had only just given it 15 minutes earlier
All of these things - and more- have occurred since June 25 when I first viewed this module. They cover so many areas of other modules that I am on (Successful Living, Business Productivity, and Intuition) that I don't know if the results are coming from those modules, this synchronicity module, or perhaps this synchronicity module is amplifying the results from the others. At any rate, I am really loving this!
-Pamela Vicik-Smith*
I have also noticed being very present and very connected and extremely grateful, where I feel like I could cry....weird....had that today...and I really notice beauty all around me...
Since I've begun viewing this new module, I've been happily "listening" - tuning in to what my future self has to say to me. This made me think about what I'd like to tell my past self, and one big message I'd like to give my younger self is: "you are gorgeous! don't worry about how you look, because you are stunner, a knockout, a total babe!"
How much I worried and fretted and suffered (and wasted time and effort) about not being pretty enough (I grew up in Southern California where I've since learned the standards of "pretty enough" that I was trying to live up to are absolutely ridiculous). Then I realized: I'll bet my future self is sending me the EXACT SAME MESSAGE! It's interesting that the more beauty I see in my own self, the more beauty I'm seeing in others. How about that.
-Angela Lord*
Sleep has been interesting - VERY weird dreams that are so weird they are almost intangible with the conscious mind. And others that are not so much weird, but very powerful themes, very powerful feelings to them. And it feels like I'm dreaming a lot. The dreams have also felt like releasing something.
-Odille Rault*
Read Success Stories
PATHS Theater Presentations utilize messages and cues to energetically reduce stress blockages pertaining to the specific areas of the Module selected.
Persons taking Spirulina and a Multi-Vitamin or Zrii while using the Increased Synchronicity Module generally experience accelerated results. Most people begin experiencing positive transformations within 2 months of beginning PATHS.
PATHS Theater Presentation is not health care or medicine, and PATHS Modules do not diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
*Individual results will vary
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PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
Last edited by Aaron; 02-09-2011, 06:22 AM.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Thanks for sharing everyone
I just recently started using this module. I think due to some other issues I have been missing some synchronicities, but I am also starting to see some small ones!
The major thing is now when a phone rings at home with out looking at it or answering it I can tell who is on the other end. I will tell the kids "Your dad is on the phone!" one of them will answer it and say "Hi Dad". Or I will tell my daughter which of her friends is trying to call her as it starts to ring.
Now I also started the increased intution, but that just started, so this has to be this module!
I am starting to look for synchronicities now, so I will start to see more of them.
Blessings Sallyjane
Synchronicity & Intuition
The Synchronicity and Intuition module is just about my favorite combination. You're in for a real treat!Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
This continues to be one of my favorite modules! I think when it is combined with the Inspired Luck and Good Fortune Module each of them are more powerful!
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
free Synchronicity package
Free Synchronicity Report:
Synchronicity (this is not the facebook group)Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Nice series of synchronicities/mind/time travel.
The last two nites I dreamed of picking out a new set of handlebars for my bike.
No reason that I consciously knew of. The ones I have are (were) fine.
Today while Mary and I are riding I hear a pop, like a rock coming out of the tire and hitting the fender. I did not think much of it at the time.
A little while later I notice that the left side of the handlebar is a little bit loose feeling.
Not falling off loose, just not as tight as the right side.
Now, I do not know if I had not had those two dreams if I would have even noticed it. You would really have to be paying close attention to see/feel the difference.
Anyway, over the next little while I sort messed around with it a bit (as much as you can while doing 70 mph) and came to the conclusion that the bottom center of the handlebars had broken. (that is what that popping noise was...not a rock)
You cannot see this section of the handlebars because it is covered up with a nacelle (piece of chrome).
We were still 50+ miles from home and I did not want to worry Mary, so I did not say anything to her.
On the way home Mary's knees were sorta pinching my sides...I asked her if she was nervous (she did not know anything was awry-consciously), she said yes, but did not know why.
I slowed down a bit and we putted the rest of the way at 45-50 mph on roads that I normally go 60-70 on.
We get home and I tell her I have a surprise for her.
I take of the nacelle and show her the bottom of the handlebar, she goes, "no wonder I was nervous".
From the pics posted below you can see it was broken almost all the way thru. If it had gone all the way thru, it could have been a bit dicey.
Having the dreams so that I would be hyper aware of the handlebars, catching it before I would have otherwise.
Mary knowing something was awry, even though I gave no outward indication.
Yeah Synchro Mod!!!!
Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View PostOh my goodness! That could have been a very dangerous situation.
I love the synchronicity module. I don't think I have gone off of it since it came out.