For those of you that get a good nights sleep already, you don't need to read this! 
There are some of us, that even though we may sleep better with the Extra Strength Sleep Booster, we still have a hard time falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
There is a reason, and there is a solution!
The reason is that our bodies simply are not producing enough melatonin. The PATHS Sleep Module does encourage an increase in production of melatonin, but for some of us it is just not enough!
The solution is to use a melatonin supplement. It is safe, fairly inexpensive, and easy to get! (even Walmart carries a good brand of Melatonin-Natrol)
15-20 mintues before going to bed, take 5-15mg of melatonin, and along with the PATHS Sleep Module, you will probably have the best sleep in years!
Important notes:
1. Melatonin supplements should only have melatonin in them, possibly with calcium, but nothing else! I have actually seen companines that combine a stimulant with their melatonin-what they were thinking is beyond me.
2. There is information out there that melatonin is not available in the UK. It is, and here is a link for those of you in the UK that want to get melatonin.
For those in the USA, Natrol is a good brand, and it can be had at Walmart and most any health food store. We have also had good reports that the Puritan brand is good. ( )
The bottom lines:
Many people get a great nights sleep with the PATHS Sleep Module
Many people get a great nights sleep with the Extra Strength Booster Sleep module
Some of us need both the Extra Strength Booster and the melatonin, and that is ok!

There are some of us, that even though we may sleep better with the Extra Strength Sleep Booster, we still have a hard time falling asleep and/or staying asleep.

There is a reason, and there is a solution!
The reason is that our bodies simply are not producing enough melatonin. The PATHS Sleep Module does encourage an increase in production of melatonin, but for some of us it is just not enough!
The solution is to use a melatonin supplement. It is safe, fairly inexpensive, and easy to get! (even Walmart carries a good brand of Melatonin-Natrol)
15-20 mintues before going to bed, take 5-15mg of melatonin, and along with the PATHS Sleep Module, you will probably have the best sleep in years!
Important notes:
1. Melatonin supplements should only have melatonin in them, possibly with calcium, but nothing else! I have actually seen companines that combine a stimulant with their melatonin-what they were thinking is beyond me.

2. There is information out there that melatonin is not available in the UK. It is, and here is a link for those of you in the UK that want to get melatonin.
For those in the USA, Natrol is a good brand, and it can be had at Walmart and most any health food store. We have also had good reports that the Puritan brand is good. ( )
The bottom lines:
Many people get a great nights sleep with the PATHS Sleep Module
Many people get a great nights sleep with the Extra Strength Booster Sleep module
Some of us need both the Extra Strength Booster and the melatonin, and that is ok!
