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PATHS & Your Computer

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  • PATHS & Your Computer


    I'm enjoying the life changes that PATHS is creating for me. Thank you!

    Here is a technical question: sometimes, as I'm watching the presentation, it seems to slow down, as if it's taxing the CPU. I looked at the task manager, and, sure enough, sometimes the CPU hits over 90% for the process that PATHS is using. Am I missing some of the benefits of the presentation when my computer reacts too slowly to the video?

    I notice the same thing sometimes when I'm watching a DVD video on my computer. It's as if sometimes the picture 'stalls' and then continues at a new point.

    I'm using WinXP, with 512MB RAM and an Intel Pentium 4 CPU, 2.4GHz. And, of course, Norton Utilities is running - both the antivirus and firewall software. For one run, I turned off Norton, but it didn't seem to make too much of a difference.


    The PATHS Theater Presentation downloads some of the information prior to beginning the Presentation, then it downloads the balance as the Theater Presentation is playing.

    As you computer is playing the Theater Presentation, it is likely to use all, or nearly all, of the available resources of your processor. This is normal. Depending on the speed of your processor, each module can take as little as 2 minutes and as much as 3.5 minutes to play. This is also ok. (the Theater Presentation does NOT work like a DVD where it skips any portion if there is a processing overload) Whether it processes them quickly or slowly, or anywhere in between, all the benefits will be processed prior to the Presentation finishing. (cycle complete).

    Our subconscious is MUCH faster than the computer. Most experts agree that that the subconscious can process 40 million bits of information per second!!!

    P.S. As processors get faster, the Presentation may take even less than 2 minutes per module.
    Happiness & Health,

    PATHS, S.A. Staff


  • #2
    That's great to hear, thank you. Sometimes mine plays and the white circle moves much more slowly than other times when it is very fast. I did email Paths about this, as I wondered if they had altered something on it. (Was during the time I was having tweaks done) But it was just what you say above, my connection and computer and that it does not matter.

    Nice to know


    • #3
      Thanks for the post. I thought that my own eyes were decieving me a while back because I noticed the very same thing and I asked Paths about it. Sometimes the flash is fast and sometimes slow. I would close out all other programs running but it made no difference and other times it would run fast with alot of programs loaded. I looked but I can't find their answer to me, but at least I know that I'm not the only one.


      • #4
        We have had a few questions about this lately so... BUMP!
        Happiness & Health,

        PATHS, S.A. Staff



        • #5
          Apple Compatability

          p.s. on the computer with PATHS questions...

          I believe it has been over a year since anyone wrote to me with Apple compatibility issues so if you have an Apple and want to use PATHS, especially any of the newer Apples, it should work just fine!
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO

