As everyone knows, the first project applying Project 1 World with the PATHS technology is for accelerating the manifestation of renewable energy and consciousness about it globally. Here is the first message in the thread in the PATHS forum about Project 1 World - The Power of Collective Intention.
Project1World is a movement with infinite potential that is fueled by you-the power of your own subconscious and PATHS RDT!
This Humanitarian Project was created based on the theories and discoveries from PEAR’s (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) research findings. These findings show that not only do our thoughts shape what happens in our lives, but that our thoughts can have potentially far-reaching effects in altering the outcomes of an unlimited number of processes.
Combined with the advanced quantum morphic field reprogramming amplifiers from PATHS RDT, You, as part of the Project1World Team, can make this world a better place!
This FREE Module addresses:
1. Increasing awareness and activities that promote the use of recycled, renewable, energy saving, and environmentally safe resources.
2. Increasing awareness and activities that promote the use of existing power technologies that are Planet Friendly. e.g. solar, wind, radiant energy, hydrogen and more in the arena of power generation.
3. Increasing awareness and activities that promote the use of existing technologies that are Planet Friendly. e.g. energy saving lighting, insulation, fuel saving devices, clothing, packaging and more in the arena of consumer goods.
4. Increasing the number of inventions and world acceptance of new technologies that are environmentally friendly.
5. Accomplishing the above while maintaining economic stability through the changes.
After viewing the Project1World Team Theater Presentation, the instructions are sent into the Collective by way of the Team member’s subconscious, with the help of RDT, and begin to work on the issue at hand.
For this Module to have the desired affect, it is necessary that all volunteers identify themselves as part of the Project1World Team. This will ensure that the maximum potential is produced from this Project.
This Module may not be used in conjunction with any other Modules. If you wish to use any other Modules, you may sign up for a separate account and add up to 4 Modules, plus sleep, into that account.
To sign up for FREE, go to the PATHS website of the Affiliate that referred you (or choose an affiliate from this page), click on the Product button and scroll all the way down until you see Project1World Team.
Click on the Full Description to read more, or on the BUY NOW button (IT'S FREE) and you will be taken to a checkout page at which time you will not be asked for a credit card number, nor will you be charged anything. After this you will be asked to enter in some unique information that enables the RDT technology to empower Your Intention. (you only have to enter this information one time)
Then proceed to watch your Theater. Watching your Theater at least once a week is recommended for highest efficacy.
More details about Project1World can be viewed Here.
Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.
~King Whitney Jr.
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
~Norman Vincent Peale
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
~Arthur C. Clarke
Happiness & Health,
PATHS, S.A. Staff
Welcome to the Project1World Team!
This Module is FREE to everyone who wishes to contribute to the betterment of our Planet!

This Module is FREE to everyone who wishes to contribute to the betterment of our Planet!
Project1World is a movement with infinite potential that is fueled by you-the power of your own subconscious and PATHS RDT!
This Humanitarian Project was created based on the theories and discoveries from PEAR’s (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) research findings. These findings show that not only do our thoughts shape what happens in our lives, but that our thoughts can have potentially far-reaching effects in altering the outcomes of an unlimited number of processes.
Combined with the advanced quantum morphic field reprogramming amplifiers from PATHS RDT, You, as part of the Project1World Team, can make this world a better place!
This FREE Module addresses:
1. Increasing awareness and activities that promote the use of recycled, renewable, energy saving, and environmentally safe resources.
2. Increasing awareness and activities that promote the use of existing power technologies that are Planet Friendly. e.g. solar, wind, radiant energy, hydrogen and more in the arena of power generation.
3. Increasing awareness and activities that promote the use of existing technologies that are Planet Friendly. e.g. energy saving lighting, insulation, fuel saving devices, clothing, packaging and more in the arena of consumer goods.
4. Increasing the number of inventions and world acceptance of new technologies that are environmentally friendly.
5. Accomplishing the above while maintaining economic stability through the changes.
After viewing the Project1World Team Theater Presentation, the instructions are sent into the Collective by way of the Team member’s subconscious, with the help of RDT, and begin to work on the issue at hand.
For this Module to have the desired affect, it is necessary that all volunteers identify themselves as part of the Project1World Team. This will ensure that the maximum potential is produced from this Project.
This Module may not be used in conjunction with any other Modules. If you wish to use any other Modules, you may sign up for a separate account and add up to 4 Modules, plus sleep, into that account.
To sign up for FREE, go to the PATHS website of the Affiliate that referred you (or choose an affiliate from this page), click on the Product button and scroll all the way down until you see Project1World Team.
Click on the Full Description to read more, or on the BUY NOW button (IT'S FREE) and you will be taken to a checkout page at which time you will not be asked for a credit card number, nor will you be charged anything. After this you will be asked to enter in some unique information that enables the RDT technology to empower Your Intention. (you only have to enter this information one time)
Then proceed to watch your Theater. Watching your Theater at least once a week is recommended for highest efficacy.
More details about Project1World can be viewed Here.
Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.
~King Whitney Jr.
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
~Norman Vincent Peale
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
~Arthur C. Clarke
Happiness & Health,
PATHS, S.A. Staff