Offset Your Carbon Footprint to Reduce Global Warming--BeGreen Now
First step is to start with yourself. Start driving cars with smaller engines, more fuel efficient and that would allready be a huge change. Also change your washers to A++ and dont use dryers, light bulbs, completely turn off your computers, TVs, DVDs - dont have them on stand-by. Turn off the lights when you re not in the room or your yard. For water heating use solar pannels, buy green electricity. If you plan to make investment, invest in your home to have good isolation (pasive house) so you dont spend to much on heating. Build your new houses properly with eco materials, good heating system,...... There are so many things to do at your own home.
First step is to start with yourself. Start driving cars with smaller engines, more fuel efficient and that would allready be a huge change. Also change your washers to A++ and dont use dryers, light bulbs, completely turn off your computers, TVs, DVDs - dont have them on stand-by. Turn off the lights when you re not in the room or your yard. For water heating use solar pannels, buy green electricity. If you plan to make investment, invest in your home to have good isolation (pasive house) so you dont spend to much on heating. Build your new houses properly with eco materials, good heating system,...... There are so many things to do at your own home.