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A Very Weird Experience

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  • A Very Weird Experience

    Hi Aaron and all,

    I had a very very strange and difficult experience which I suspect it might be the result of Project1World.

    I had a bad head-ache because of the cold weather, and I went to bed at about 11:00 pm, I was shocked and woke up at about 1:00 am and I couldn't help but burst into tears. I don't know what happened but I am sure I experienced a very weird dream, seeing the misery of people I suppose, but I remember it very wage. But the worst thing happened after that experience.

    I decided to go and drink some water, and while I was walking I felt not being me anymore!!! I was calling my name, and the "I" wasn't able to recognize thoroughly who is being called, I could initiate the calling but the "I" couldn't detect it. I was thinking that this is not me walking, but I was doing the walking. VERY VERY ODD, and very hard to describe in words!!!

    Anyway, I was starting to think I'm loosing my memory, and it was very fearful. I had never experienced even a similar one. The next morning I was Ok. After thinking a bit I thought that it may be the result of Project1World, because I had watched it the same day.

    Can anyone help me and guide me through this?
    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.

  • #2
    Hi Elias,

    Believe it or not, part of what you describe experiencing is not that unusual at all.

    "I was thinking that this is not me walking, but I was doing the walking. VERY VERY ODD, and very hard to describe in words!!!"

    You did a very good job of describing it. Another way to look at it is "being outside ones self."

    This has happened to me many, many times, for as long as I can remember. After I started TRVing, it has happened even more.

    I know of many other people that this happens to, people that TRV, and those that do not.

    Sometimes when people are reading a book, or really involved in watching a movie, they can lose track of themselves.

    A technical way of describing it is "bi-location". But when one experiences what you did, it is when the bi-location was way more than 50% of yourself being outside of yourself.

    Here is a link that has more info on bilocation:

    It can be a bit disconcerting, but once one becomes aware of it happening, by very definition, they are becoming more aware of themselves, and it does not last much longer.

    I would say it is a step forward in becoming more intuitive and aware of the bigger picture, and able to view yourself objectively "from the outside".

    The binaural beat of the theater soundtrack probably helped this along.

    Regarding the other stuff you experienced, I cannot comment. I am sure others will have insight into that.


    PATHS For Healing
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    • #3

      Thanks Kevin,

      Your explanation really helped. Yes the experience was so much like that. I thought that half of me is not here, I had a feeling that it was going and coming, but I couldn't bring it to be with me, after an hour or so it was better.

      Isn't this similar to the concept of "Being aware of your awareness"?
      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


      • #4
        Yes, that is a good way to put it...being aware of your awareness.

        I have never had it go for an would be a bit freaky.

        When I become aware of it (that weird feeling of not being oneself, but observing someone [me, lol] from the outside) it usually goes away after a few minutes...but that is because it is not really comfortable for me and I try and "get myself back".

        Next time it happens I will not "fight it" but just let it ride and see how long it lasts.

        btw, at the risk of sounding completely insane, the way that I "get myself back" is by talking to myself..."you are a human being, you are on planet earth, you are sitting on your couch (or wherever), your name is Kevin, this is just the feeling of being outside of yourself, it will go away...stuff like that, and usually within a couple of minutes it fades.


        PATHS For Healing
        Energetic Science Ministries
        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

        ESM Forum Support Link


        • #5
          Wow, Elias and Kevin, thanks so much for posting about this! I've never come across anyone else who Really understands what I'm talking about!!

          Since I was a child I've had periods of time where I've felt, what I called "detached" - like nothing is real. It used to happen a lot when I was a child and teenager, and I used to really fight to "snap out of it". I remember a particular incident while sitting in class in school, I got that "out of this world" feeling - like a dream, like nothing is real and you can do anything and it doesn't matter. I had an overwhelming urge to go up to the teacher and pull her hair - just to prove nothing's real!
          Luckily I managed to resist the urge and snapped myself back to "reality".

          I know it sounds psychotic

          I went through various possible explanations for it. No-one else seemed to have the same thing. I thought at one stage that it was just dreaminess, then, at one point, as a teenager, I decided it was the devil trying to make me believe that nothing's real so I'd "do bad things" (there's that psychosis again! ) and then, as I grew older, I figured (as I still do) that it is almost "seeing behind the veil". It feels like seeing the fabric, seeing the Illusion. For a moment, I become aware of the reality outside of the physical world. It's very difficult to describe as you've said. One analogy is: when playing a virtual reality game you suspend disbelief so you can really feel like the game is real - this is like when you become aware of the game and that the character you're playing is just a character.... I think that's the closest I can get to the description.

          Definitely a feeling of not being me. I feel, during these moments "Who am I, what am I..." It's almost like waking up as someone else and not knowing who.... combined with a feeling of "nothing's real" dream-like thing.

          I used to snap out of it as soon as I could. Wow, an hour, Elias, I don't think I've ever had it last that long in one go!
          For the last few years, I've allowed it to go on as long as possible - I'm very curious to find out what happens if I let it go on. But I seem to automatically pull myself back now. I think there's a small amount of fear there (I've just thought of adding that new module to my Platinum - that might be interesting ) - and, although it doesn't happen spontaneously as often as it used to when I was a child and teenager, I can now bring it on deliberately, simply by becoming really acutely aware of my surroundings and myself. (like you would on a movie set that's very convincing - when you start looking closer, you see that it's not real )

          It's SO great to hear you guys experience this as well - it was Wonderful reading your descriptions and identifying with them.

          Love and Light and Clarity xxx
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          • #6
            Originally posted by Kevin View Post
            btw, at the risk of sounding completely insane, the way that I "get myself back" is by talking to myself..."you are a human being, you are on planet earth, you are sitting on your couch (or wherever), your name is Kevin, this is just the feeling of being outside of yourself, it will go away...stuff like that, and usually within a couple of minutes it fades.

            That's how I felt, I was a bit fearful because I never had experienced something like that. I just was calling my name to see if I am available! And I realized that the "I" wasn't so much ready to answer the call, very weird. I was pushing hard to bring me back but it wouldn't, I really was thinking that I am getting memory loss or something. But as soon as I forgot it . The "I" came back!

            Thanks for sharing your story.

            Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.

