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Has anyone else been experiencing an increase...

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  • Has anyone else been experiencing an increase...

    Has anyone else using Project One World been experiencing an increase in personal feelings of peace?

    I know that I have. At first I was attributing it to some other Modules I am using, but then I re-read the description of the Project One World Module-

    Project 1 World | The Power of Intention | Projects

    Our current project addresses bringing Peace to our Planet. Growing from Individuals, to Families...

    I believe that this module is having a definite affect on me personally, and I also see it in my family.

    I cannot put my finger on any specific effects in my community, however, it must be having a ripple effect.

    Anyone else observing similar benefits?


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  • #2

    I noticed it a couple times starting shortly after the peace project topic started.

    After that it seems to have had a subtle build to now, when I feel pretty darn

    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      synergy with Love

      I've noticed this too but is hard to pinpoint. I've been on the Unconditional Love module for almost 2 months and notice that I'm on a lot more gentle and peaceful vibe. I'm a lot more at ease in the moment with different situations that I would usually let myself react to but a lot of that went away. I don't mean being complacent...just more peaceful beingness in the moments. There is probably a synergy between them.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        Some Nice News

        Congratulations volunteers in Maryland's Congressional District 1! The Department of Peace and Nonviolence legislation has its first (and certainly not its last) Republican cosponsor.

        Congressman Wayne Gilchrest has signed on as a cosponsor of HR 808. Congressman Gilchrest, a 9th term Republican serving Maryland's 1st District, brings our total number of cosponsors, including the bill's author, to 70 (former cosponsor Al Wynn of Maryland resigned in June). You can read the full list of cosponsors here.

        Please thank Congressman Gilchrest today. His contact information is below.

        Congressman Gilchrest has been well known as a moderate Republican for many years, often rising above politics and partisanship to support that which he believes best serves the nation and his constituents.

        He's also a decorated Vietnam veteran. From his web site:

        "After graduating high school in 1964, he joined the U.S. Marine Corps. His tour of duty saw action during the invasion of the Dominican Republic, and ultimately the Vietnam War. He earned the rank of Sergeant in Vietnam, where as a platoon leader, he was wounded in the chest.

        "Wayne was decorated with the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and Navy Commendation Medal. Today he is a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Military Order of the Purple Heart."

        There's one small cloud to this silver lining that you should be aware of: Congressman Gilchrest lost his recent Republican primary bid to a candidate who spoke to the concerns of the more conservative Republicans in his district.

        This in no way diminishes the significance of this important news! It is a reminder, however, that we must continue to work diligently to expand bipartisan support of the legislation and the campaign. As we know and as Congressman Gilchrest clearly understands, peace is not a partisan issue.

        Take Action:
        Please take a moment to celebrate [ ] and then thank Congressman Gilchrest for his courage, vision and commitment to creating a strategic, sophisticated approach to reducing and preventing violence.

        You can reach Congressman Gilchrest's at:

        DC office
        2245 Rayburn House Office Building,
        District of Columbia 20515-2001
        Phone: (202) 225-5311
        Fax: (202) 225-0254

        Chestertown District Office:
        315 High Street, #105
        Chestertown, Maryland 21620
        Phone: (410) 778-9407
        Fax: (410) 778-9560

        If you live in his district, you can also send him an email using our Advocacy Form.

        Reporting Phone Calls:
        Once you have made your call, please report your action. It's important that we track participation in these types of actions, so be sure let us know you called Congressman Gilchrest.

        Congratulations again to Maryland volunteers and all of the Department of Peace supporters. Each of us shares in these successes, and each of us helps keep this movement going. Together, we're giving peace a voice-and it's growing more powerful every day.

        In peace and gratitude,

        All of us at The Peace Alliance
        The Peace Alliance - Campaign for a Department of Peace - Home Page
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5
          peace petition

          Thanks Jessica!

          I see this petition for this project:
          The Peace Alliance - Campaign for a Department of Peace

          Is this the same thing Kucinich was talking about a Dept for Peace?
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            Thanks Jessica!

            I see this petition for this project:
            The Peace Alliance - Campaign for a Department of Peace

            Is this the same thing Kucinich was talking about a Dept for Peace?
            Yes Dennis Kucinich was the chief sponsor of the bill to establish this Department of Peace.

            Keep your mind on the aether


            • #7
              Ride on the Peace Train

              Its been a while but its coming around again...

              Right On! The peace Train

              "But ye shall receive power..."
              Acts 1:8


              • #8
                Secret Millionaire

                Some might think this show is super cheesy but I am really digging The Secret Millionaire on Fox. There will be an episode on tonight, I think at 8pm.

                One of the great things about this show is it appears to bridge many gaps between rich and poor people.

                It is easy for people not so well off to think that rich people are evil, power hungry, etc. It can also be easy for rich people to think that poor people are that way bc they are lazy.

                On this reality show a rich person lives on welfare wages for a week in a very very poor community. The people he meets are told that the cameras are for a documentary about poverty.

                There is usually a lot of bonding between that person and everyone he meets during that week. At the end he reveals his real status and donates money to worthy people and organizations he has encountered.

                I imagine that the relationships created during that week are lasting ones because there is a lot of emotion involved in the relationships, on everyone's part.

                Last edited by future pather; 12-18-2008, 08:55 PM.
                Keep your mind on the aether


                • #9
                  I haven't seen any new episodes of The Secret Millionaire lately. I wonder if it's because once they revealed how the show works by airing it, it was too hard to find people who would be fooled by the people posing as poor folks.

                  But there is another show I've gotten into recently that is similar. It is fictional, but it is inspired by a real man. It is called The Philanthropist.

                  It looks like there will be a new episode on tonight.

                  The main character is extremely hands on, he does not just sit back and write checks. So there's some good action and also you get a good education about many conditions and political situations around the world.

                  Here's more about the show:

                  The Philanthropist - NBC Site

                  And some pics of when the producers and cast got invited to the White House:

                  The Philanthropist - Photos -

                  Here is more about the guy who the show takes inspiration from:

                  A tough-minded businessman who made a fortune by following his passion, Sager has spent the last decade of his life traveling around the globe giving away his money and using his entrepreneurial and street smarts to make whatever difference he can -- in some of the worst areas on the planet. His is a life of extremes. On any given day you might find Bobby living in a tent in Karachi, sharing a toilet with 40 monks in the Himalayas, working alongside President Kagame in Rwanda, or discussing science education with the Dalai Lama in India.

                  The Philanthropist - NBC Site
                  Keep your mind on the aether


                  • #10
                    I find this speech by the pres against bullying inspiring. He says we need to stop accepting bullying as a normal part of life. "It's not." !!

                    President Obama releases anti-bullying message
                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • #11
                      Unfortunately, with the rest of the days news, that speech rings quite hollow to me. How can I expect the bullying to stop in schools when when the same president presides over such unmitigated bullying in the international arena?

                      I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment. As someone who's been bullied and teased for most of my life I know how much extraordinary strength it can build in the victims who survive it, but even so, it's not right. there are better ways to grow strong that don't cause you to grow bitter. Bullying in all it's forms exists because people see it being practiced diplomatic relations, military operations, business, finance, pretty much everywhere. It's not going to stop happening in schools until we accept the fact it happens at all levels of life, and remove it from the top down, setting examples of non bullying all the way down the chain.
                      “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by noises View Post
                        Bullying in all it's forms exists because people see it being practiced diplomatic relations, military operations, business, finance, pretty much everywhere. It's not going to stop happening in schools until we accept the fact it happens at all levels of life, and remove it from the top down, setting examples of non bullying all the way down the chain.
                        Yeah exactly. That's why it was so cool that the president spoke on it. Hard to get more "top" than that

                        Well I'm still in shock over a headline that I saw this morning because I have never never never known republicans to support cuts to the military before:

                        Tea partiers say defense in mix for budget cuts
                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #13
                          You are all in control of our own lives, like in the book the secret, energy attracts energy. So if you have negative thoughts and emotion, you will attract more of the same. We as humans are emotional creatures and not as witty as we might think. Our emotions sometimes get the better of us, and this gets us into a spiral, to often negative. Like when your day starts bad, it continues to be bad and get worse provided you have the same attitude. It is you doing it. You can make good or bad out of anything

                          So back to the original topic, if you increase in positive energy, your acceleration towards positive energy will also increase

