Hello Beautiful Souls 
This thread is for a discussion and more importantly, PLATFORM to eradicate non-useful memes among us here at Energetic Forum, and as you will see, this will impact the world belief system!!!
First though, what are Memes?
Since returning from the Matrix Energetics seminar in Hawaii, I have thought a lot about something that was presented in Level III called Memes. This is because I hear them repeated endlessly in associations with people all around me. Many do not realize that the expression and belief in certain sayings, or memes, is extremely powerful and a direct contributor to the creation of events in their lives and those around them.
What are they?
Here is a definition as presented in Wipedia:
A meme, (IPA: /mi:m/) as defined within memetic theory, comprises a theoretical unit of cultural information, the building block of cultural evolution or diffusion that propagates from one mind to another analogously to the way in which a gene propagates from one organism to another as a unit of genetic information and of biological evolution.[1] Multiple memes may propagate as cooperative groups called memeplexes (meme complexes). Biologist and evolutionary theorist Richard Dawkins coined the term meme in 1976.[2] He gave as examples tunes, catch-phrases, beliefs, clothing fashions, ways of making pots, and the technology of building arches.
Meme theorists contend that memes evolve by natural selection similarly to Darwinian biological evolution through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance influencing an organism's reproductive success. So with memes, some ideas will propagate less successfully and become extinct, while others will survive, spread, and, for better or for worse, mutate. "Memeticists argue that the memes most beneficial to their hosts will not necessarily survive; rather, those memes that replicate the most effectively spread best, which allows for the possibility that successful memes may prove detrimental to their hosts."[3]
A short story written in 1876 by Mark Twain, A Literary Nightmare, describes his encounter with a jingle so "catchy" that it plays over and over in his mind until he finally sings it out loud and infects others (also known as an earworm).
Fascinating, eh?!?!?!
But lets go for a summation of what Wikpedia made sound all hoity toity
Basically memes, as Dr. Bartlett explains it, are like 'global thought-forms that tie into and are reinforced by Morphic Resonance'. He also says that "a deeply sustained Meme can act like a dark enchantment and can sustain the person in a limbo of consciousness where healing may not be able to occur." Hmmm, dark enchantment? Sounds like a CURSE to me! Indeed, that was Dr. Bartletts point - that meme's are like self-made or acquired curses that work in every similar way to any other description of what we often think 'curses' are.
What to do about them though??? These things are like software programs operating in our sub-conscious mind. They have a life of their own that is shared with all others 'connected through the Net' of the collective unconscious mind. So, just using 'software' as a useful fiction of sorts, we can do all kinds of cool things with these memes! We can press DELETE, MODIFY, or COPY and PASTE new memes that are much more useful.
Though some of these tools to change such software were a heavy-duty FUN part of M.E. level III, WE can tap into some of these tools RIGHT HERE!
First though, it is important to realize that Memes are not always harmful, that there are also helpful or useful meme's which we will discuss.
Now to the tools, in the following post...
Love and light and here's to no longer being in the reality of Memes that are no longer useful or helpful!


This thread is for a discussion and more importantly, PLATFORM to eradicate non-useful memes among us here at Energetic Forum, and as you will see, this will impact the world belief system!!!

First though, what are Memes?
Since returning from the Matrix Energetics seminar in Hawaii, I have thought a lot about something that was presented in Level III called Memes. This is because I hear them repeated endlessly in associations with people all around me. Many do not realize that the expression and belief in certain sayings, or memes, is extremely powerful and a direct contributor to the creation of events in their lives and those around them.
What are they?
Here is a definition as presented in Wipedia:
A meme, (IPA: /mi:m/) as defined within memetic theory, comprises a theoretical unit of cultural information, the building block of cultural evolution or diffusion that propagates from one mind to another analogously to the way in which a gene propagates from one organism to another as a unit of genetic information and of biological evolution.[1] Multiple memes may propagate as cooperative groups called memeplexes (meme complexes). Biologist and evolutionary theorist Richard Dawkins coined the term meme in 1976.[2] He gave as examples tunes, catch-phrases, beliefs, clothing fashions, ways of making pots, and the technology of building arches.
Meme theorists contend that memes evolve by natural selection similarly to Darwinian biological evolution through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance influencing an organism's reproductive success. So with memes, some ideas will propagate less successfully and become extinct, while others will survive, spread, and, for better or for worse, mutate. "Memeticists argue that the memes most beneficial to their hosts will not necessarily survive; rather, those memes that replicate the most effectively spread best, which allows for the possibility that successful memes may prove detrimental to their hosts."[3]
A short story written in 1876 by Mark Twain, A Literary Nightmare, describes his encounter with a jingle so "catchy" that it plays over and over in his mind until he finally sings it out loud and infects others (also known as an earworm).
Fascinating, eh?!?!?!
But lets go for a summation of what Wikpedia made sound all hoity toity

Basically memes, as Dr. Bartlett explains it, are like 'global thought-forms that tie into and are reinforced by Morphic Resonance'. He also says that "a deeply sustained Meme can act like a dark enchantment and can sustain the person in a limbo of consciousness where healing may not be able to occur." Hmmm, dark enchantment? Sounds like a CURSE to me! Indeed, that was Dr. Bartletts point - that meme's are like self-made or acquired curses that work in every similar way to any other description of what we often think 'curses' are.
What to do about them though??? These things are like software programs operating in our sub-conscious mind. They have a life of their own that is shared with all others 'connected through the Net' of the collective unconscious mind. So, just using 'software' as a useful fiction of sorts, we can do all kinds of cool things with these memes! We can press DELETE, MODIFY, or COPY and PASTE new memes that are much more useful.
Though some of these tools to change such software were a heavy-duty FUN part of M.E. level III, WE can tap into some of these tools RIGHT HERE!
First though, it is important to realize that Memes are not always harmful, that there are also helpful or useful meme's which we will discuss.
Now to the tools, in the following post...
Love and light and here's to no longer being in the reality of Memes that are no longer useful or helpful!
