Calling ALL Bookworms!!
Now I know that there are many of you reading some absolutely mind boggling, thought provoking, enlightening & fascinating books. Many of which have been commented on throughout various threads.
I thought that it would be handy to have a place where we could post reviews & thoughts, comments on the books that we read where they could be kept all together for quick & easy referral. So please add your favorites to this thread!
I'll kick off with a review that I did recently for ESM's newsletter just in case you missed it!
The True Power of Water - HADO - Healing And Discovering Ourselves - Masaru Emoto
After reading this book one's perspective of water will never be the same again. If you take into account that our bodies are comprised of approximately 80% water the connection between developing positive thoughts & belief systems & the huge benefits to be derived from being on PATHS become startlingly obvious.
This book details the research on water carried out by Masaru Emoto & his discovery that water has unique properties – its quality & energetic vibration (hado) changes according to the information that it receives. Words, thoughts, pictures & music all carry a vibration & can impart information to water. This book includes many graphic color photos of Emoto's experiments with water photographed as crystals after being exposed to positive & negative words, thoughts & music. Love & gratitude were shown to have an enormous positive effect in changing the hado or energy of water & were shown “to enhance immunity” in the body.
Emoto also discusses interesting case histories of his patients that he treated with hado medicine, an alternative healing modality that he developed using specially prepared hado water developed for each patients specific illness. Again highlighting the power of water when carrying positive or negative information.
Emoto concludes at the end of his book - “We must pay respect to water, feel love and gratitude, and receive vibrations with a positive attitude. Then water changes, you change, and I change. Because both you and I are water.”
Love, Light & Blessings,