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Theta Healing

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  • #91
    For Mark!

    Hi Mark,

    What a wonderful first post!! I am thrilled for you and how you have accessed your power so beautifully! We all are magnificent beings and we all have the ability to be perfectly whole and healthy! Practice makes perfect, yet I "muscle test" that you have been "prepared" for greater things than you are yet aware of! Your Spirit is propelling you to your greatness and I am very happy for you! Have a fabulous day and please post more often. This Theta Thread is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS and needs people like you to post on it!!


    • #92
      Originally posted by Mali View Post
      Hello. This is my fisrt time posting on this forum.I have been on PATHS for 3 months and like my results so far. I have been reading this theta thread and learned a lot. I had never heard of it before. I have not taken any seminars or classes but today I thought I would try an experiment. I went for a long hike and my back started to get very stiff. After the hike I drove to a store to get water and could not stand upright. Setting in my car I decided that if others could heal themselves so could I. I just learned how to access the akshic records, so I did this and asked what is causeing me to experience this back pain. When I got the answer I called up my subcon. mind and commanded that it delete the cause and download what I wanted to experience. The stifness reduced to only 10 % of what it had been. It has remained at that level since. I know I did not do a proper theta session but it worked. I have this thread to thank. So thank you. Love Mark.
      Hi Mark,
      What a great result you achieved for yourself for your first time. I've always been a great believer in the body's ability to heal itself & know it is just a matter of getting our doubt out the way so that we can develop the the level of consciousness & required degree of belief & faith. Unfortunately for many of us it can take a while to build that degree of knowingness & belief, so it is great that in the meantime we have such a variety of modalities available to draw upon instead to assist us.

      I have been told a few times by people that I have had a spontaneous effect on them without my having consciously decided to work with or on them. This happened just last weekend actually. I was invited by my Theta teacher to help out as an assistant over the past 2 weeks for the DNA 1 & 2 & the Advanced courses.

      On the last day of the Advanced course the students were all doing a particular exercise upon themselves & I noticed one lady across the other side of the room in particular was getting distressed as memories & emotions were coming up. She had her eyes closed the entire time with tears running down her face. I didn't intentionally do anything or send anything. I just kept her in my awareness & kept an eye on her & kept her in my heart space feeling love & compassion for her. At the end of the session she came up to me quite unexpectedly & thanked me for the healing that I had sent her and said that she had felt it & known that it was me & felt my presence throughout the session. So that was an interesting experience for me.

      I had a great time over the 5 and a half days of the two courses working both behind the scenes & with students in the sessions. It was really interesting to see how quickly the course is evolving. The first group of students were all very intuitive & half of them were present for the Advanced course the following week. They picked everything up very quickly & very competently, so were able to get through more exercises outside of the structured course content. It really does seem like the mass consciousness for Theta Healing is growing quickly now enabling it to become easier & faster to teach.

      Love, Light & Blessings
      Theta Healing
      Paths 2 Potential

      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


      • #93
        Thank you Grace and Sharyn.

        Thank you Grace and Sharyn for you encouragements. I have learned so many things just from reading through this forum. I am thankful that so many people are willing to share their experience's with others. Grace the CEM work that you offer here so freely to everyone has enhanced so many lives. And Sharyn reading your posts about your experience with Theta Healing makes me want to atend the trainings all the more. I am planing on going to a matrix energetics seminar in August. I was looking at both ME and TH and the ME seminar is the first one I will be able to atend. I had a ME session with a practitioner on Monday this week and for two days after I felt like a total emotional basket case. I feel realy good now so something must have happened. The sun is shineing here in Reno and calling me outside so I must go. Everyone have a great day. Love Mark.


        • #94
          ThetaHealing - Looking for Information? See here!

          Hi everyone! Since taking my Thetahealing courses I have been gathering a lot of information and resources. If you are interested in learning more about Thetahealing I have now uploaded a squidoo page devoted to Thetahealing

          ThetaHealing on Squidoo

          Check it out and please leave me a comment.

          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

          My Mystic PATHS Website
          Word Whisperer
          My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


          • #95
            Theta Healing

            How many Theta Healing practitioners are here at Energetic Forum?

            Maggie, I see you spell it one word, Thetahealing. Is that the preferred spelling?
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #96
              Hey Aaron

              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              How many Theta Healing practitioners are here at Energetic Forum?

              Maggie, I see you spell it one word, Thetahealing. Is that the preferred spelling?
              Hi Aaron, I am not sure how many members have taken the courses but I do know of a few.

              The word - ThetaHealing is the copyright name registered by Vianna Stibal,the founder. All courses are taught through those she has trained in the past and whom have been certified or by herself.

              Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

              My Mystic PATHS Website
              Word Whisperer
              My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


              • #97
                The Trials & Tribulations of Intuitive Anatomy

                Hi Everyone,

                I've just got back from completing my 3 week intensive training in Intuitive Anatomy for theta healing so thought I'd share a few moments for those of you who might be wondering what it is all about.

                The course ran for 3 weeks Mon -Fri, finishing most nights around 6:30 - 6:45pm. So 38 eager participants rolled up on the first day wondering what was in store for us all.

                First off the general intro & outline of the course where the law was laid down to us. To graduate we would be required to meet certain conditions. We WOULD arrive 10 mins before the start of each day's session & be signed in on the roll, there would be NO sloping off early on any day, only one day's absence was permitted & you had to be in dire straits before that could occur. Each day we will partner up with a classmate who resonates with us on that particular day who is to be our "buddy" for that day & we are to have a different "buddy" each day. There is no going home of an evening until you have checked in with your "buddy" & made sure all is well with them. If they are still in their "stuff" then you stay with them until their "stuff" has been cleared. You WILL be available & WILL work with whoever shows up for the free healing sessions for each of the 6 evening sessions set aside for the prac work & you WILL pass the test at the end of the course. "Okaaay, I think I get the message".

                So with all that under our belts we then proceded to get the low down on parasites, viruses & bacteria for day one.

                Each day was devoted to a particular system of the body & each day followed more or less the same format. We'd spend the first hour taking notes in addition to our comprehensive manuals discussing the theory of the day's particular system. We would then watch a video on that particular system which was also cleverly crafted to "trigger" & bring up any "issues", either conscious or unconscious that people had around that particular system. Then we would spend the next 2 hours with our "buddy" for the day doing a 1 hour healing session on each other to clear any traumas etc that had arisen or work with what shows up for them. After that it's back to more theory & maybe a demo on one of the class members.

                So far so good, it's been a really interesting first day & I didn't get triggered by anything. My session with my buddy went well, she picked up some trauma on my lower left arm which I had broken when I was four so she did a bit of work in passing on that. So off I go home tired but eager for Day 2 - The Skeletal System.

                Each night we had to read the next days notes in preparation for the following day. This was also to get us nicely primed & "triggered" , so if the video doesn't bring anything up it is possible that the notes will. I dutifully read my notes on the skeletal system & had no ill effects.

                Day 2 arrives, apart from not getting much sleep I'm feeling fine. Other classmates arrive, some not feeling so good having already had issues start rearing their heads, so they know what they will be working on in their healing session.

                Midmorning we begin watching the video - a young girl riding her bike goes soaring over the handle bars & breaks her lower left arm. Off she goes to hospital & we get a nice graphic display of the bone actually breaking internally. Now just in case we weren't watching & missed it the first time they repeat it & show the bone breaking 3 times. "Hmm, interesting, that's the same arm that I broke as a child".

                Suddenly I'm feeling really nauseous! Then the feeling is going to my head & I'm feeling as if I'm going to pass out & I'm wondering how I can stay upright in my chair. After a battle of wills I win & manage to stay upright but I'm still feeling really agitated & unwell. Now I'm not usually too squeamish & I'm feeling a bit perplexed because we've already cleared any trauma around my arm the previous day so I'm trying to work out what's going on.

                Fortunately it's now time for our healing swap. As I'm explaining what happened to me to my buddy I realise that it isn't about my arm at all but my first visit to hospital when I was 6 to get my tonsils out. I'm having the fear & feelings of being trapped & claustrophobic coming up & I'm hearing that it is about the anaesthetic. At the same time my buddy is tuned into me & she is picking up that during the operation a part of my consciousness was still "awake" & knew what was going on. I'm also dealing with the trauma of being left alone & separated from my Mother as well as the trauma of the operation. So my session revolves around clearing all of those issues. By the end I'm nicely settled & calm & feeling fine again but slightly bemused how all these unconscious memories surfaced so quickly. Whilst I was aware that I had my tonsils out when I was 6 I had no idea I was holding memories of anything else. "Gee, that video worked well!"

                I'm fine for the rest of the day until afternoon tea. Then I managed to somehow get a small piece of nut that I was eating lodged in my throat & there it stayed irritating my throat. By the time I was leaving for the night I had managed to develop a really sore throat. "Hmm, really interesting the way this course works. I've now manged to manifest getting something stuck in my throat just in time for tomorrow's session on the endocrine system which just happens to cover the thyroid & communication. Interesting that I've had communication issues throughout my life & a problem with my thyroid."

                So I go home, fall into bed & dutifully read the notes on the endocrine system. Within 45 minutes of reading them my whole body is involuntarily triggered! My throat is killing me, my ears are really sore, my skin is so sensitive I can barely stand to touch it & I have aches & pains everywhere. Then as if that wasn't bad enough my skin & body in certain spots internally actually starts pulsing with pain - very weird. I cannot actually fully describe the sensation as I've never experienced it before. By 1:30am I'm resorting to the pain killers as I don't have enough energy to try & work on myself & my alarm is going off at 5:45am.

                So after another near sleepless night I drag myself out of bed feeling like something the cat's dragged in & wondering how on earth I'm going to survive another 13 days if they're all going to be like this.

                Stay tuned for the next installment - Day 3 Endocrine system!

                Love, Light & Blessings

                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • #98
                  Wonderful Sharyn!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I love your entire story I can't wait to read the rest of it. This is like a mini-series

                  This made me wonder if I may be holding on to anything from my c-section and a time I went to the dentist in the 1st grade and he pulled my tooth out cold turkey, no pain killer. As I type this, my body is saying YES!!!! Thanks for bringing up some stuff for me to clear as well.
                  Marnyka Z. Buttry
                  Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                  • #99
                    Hi everyone!

                    It's been quite a while so I thought I'd pop by and wow I am thrilled with the positivity being spread throughout this thread!! Fantastic!!!

                    I'm over the moon to see so many of you having learnt this modality also. Since my last post I have completed more courses with Terry O'Connell from the USA who has to be one of the most inspirational people I have ever met. Terry has shown me how to perform healings at lightening speed & I am so grateful for her generosity.

                    I am so pleased for each and every one of you

                    Wishing you all the best,



                    • ThetaHealing for Congenital

                      Hi SJ, and everyone, who practices ThetaHealing

                      Thanks SJ for bringing this thread and for others that got addicted to it, I will soon to be

                      I would like to know if the ThetaHealing book is enough for me to learn this modality. I used to practiced meditation before and I believe I usually achieved Theta states before without using entrainment of any kind. So do you think I could learn this modality just reading this book?

                      And also, can ThetaHealing be used for congenital problem, is it doable? This would be like magic.

                      Another one. Does activating your DNA made you more intuitive?

                      Thanks for your time
                      Last edited by henrii; 09-11-2008, 10:43 PM.


                      • Henrii


                        Maggie might be the best person to answer your query about learning Theta healing by only reading the book as she read the book first before going on to do the first course a few months later. Although she had the advantage of already being very familiar with working with other healing modalities such as Reiki & CEM & had an understanding & belief of what is possible I don't think if I remeber correctly that she actually began using Thetahealing until after completing the course.

                        I have only known people who have come to learn at the course & then read the book, not vice versa. Like Matrix Energetics I truly believe that there is nothing quite like experiencing the seminars/courses. There is way more to the courses than the books for either modality can really express.

                        The Thetahealing book is very comprehensive but I tend to think it may be a little overwhelming to someone who hasn't done the course, but I can't really comment in your case. I would encourage you to go ahead & buy the book, you don't have anything to lose by it.

                        Congenital problems can definitely be transformed or "healed" as with anything else. It is not so much about the Theta state itself but rather about being able to connect to Creator & then step out of the way to allow change to happen.It isn't actually you doing the change/"healing", it is Creator/ Source/God - whatever term you want to identify the infinite intelligent energy by. Thetahealing tends to use the term Creator so that is what I will continue to use as a reference.

                        So saying that Creator can heal cancer or a broken bone & not a congenital condition would be placing limitations on Creator. The limiting factor in the "healing" equation is the person who is doing the witnessing of the act. It only takes one person to hold the belief & "witness" the change, so in theory it can be the client or the person /practitioner connecting to Creator that facilitates this. So the limiting factor will be if the person who is doing the witnessing allows doubt to enter their mind during the process. Or if their subconscious is holding limiting beliefs about eg teeth being harder to transform than a broken bone, or a congenital heart defect is going to be hard to repair etc.

                        The value in attending a course is in gaining the confidence & belief that the whole process works & in clearing as many limiting beliefs as you can during its duration.

                        Activating your DNA does tend to make you more intuitive but this has actually been happening naturally for most people for some time now. In Vianna's words from her book "The DNA activation is now becoming part of the Earth's collective consciousness. Enough people have been activated so that it happens spontaneously to people without having it done by a practitioner. Most people have already intuitively activated themselves."

                        Love & Blessings
                        Theta Healing
                        Paths 2 Potential

                        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                        • Originally posted by henrii View Post
                          Hi SJ, and everyone, who practices ThetaHealing

                          Thanks SJ for bringing this thread and for others that got addicted to it, I will soon to be

                          I would like to know if the ThetaHealing book is enough for me to learn this modality.
                          We're all in this together Thanks.

                          I read the book some 4 months before taking the first course. I practised it, yet self doubt meant I was unsure I was doing it correctly. I found the courses invaluable. The support, being shown exactly how. Being with others learning and practising. I recommend the courses, especially the advanced course. We received 1000 or so new beliefs that are beyond fantastic during advanced Reading the book definitely gave me an advantage though, as well as having a few sessions with my theta instructor on a one to one basis.

                          Theta healing is limitless, so anything and everything will change

                          Last edited by S.J; 06-09-2008, 11:18 AM.


                          • I just re-read my original post, and it's amusing to see how "stuck" so many of us were on our first course! The amazing thing about the courses, is many of the same people keep learning so we see each other a few months later etc And each time we all look so much more brighter, healthy, happy and vibrant! Some people who on the first course (and they probably felt the same about me!) came across as difficult or angry etc are now so different in energy. I've never known people change so drastically. I mainly recognise people via their energy and previously, people who held negativity felt repellent and they'd stay that way for years. They just don't know how to change. On the courses, people alter so drastically, we hardly recognise each other from course to course! This is a new experience for me, that people can change so wonderfully and so much, and it is fantastic Myself, I have had healed and have healed myself so many of the beliefs that I would ask about on this forum. Usually the same one or two time after time I was so ready to grow more and this came along in a timely way. And now I have experiences that are so different, people ask me how come my day goes so differently? Of course I always recommend ThetaHealing On a trip to Paris, the difference in my experiences compared to my friend stood out remarkably, despite being stood right next to each other! I had a sail through, thrilled at every moment experience. My friend had some thrills but also hiccup after hiccup. Fortunately, I had a spare Theta Book available ( we are given a copy free on the first course & I'd already bought mine previously )

                            Thrilled so many of you have felt your guidance take you down this route also
                            Last edited by S.J; 06-09-2008, 11:18 AM.


                            • Henrii

                              Hi Henrii,
                              I just read Sharyn's response to your questions and I totally agree with her answers.
                              I have always been someone who loves to read and digest and so when I wanted to know more about Theta I ordered the book. There was a course coming to my area but it was several months away and of course, I couldn't wait.
                              Having the book to review was, for me, very worthwhile and I found that when I did go to the course, I was well aware of everything my instructor was talking about while most were hearing it for the first time.
                              It certainly made it easy for me as I did not have to digest content but could enjoy the experience fully. Seeing a session being done on someone and doing them ourselves was great.
                              I am also sure that having practiced other modalities of healing also helped.
                              For me, my practice of theta and reiki and other modalities all works in sychronization with the channeling I regularly do. When an issue arises or comes to my awareness for myself or others through channeling I am now able to make the corrections, observe the healing and see the results. Being the observer or witness to the wonders of our Creator is an incredible blessing.
                              I have created several squidoo lens that may be of interest to you. Squidoo : Lensmaster Page
                              If you go to my site you will see lens on ThetaHealing, Reiki, Channeling etc.
                              Check it out and if you feel so inspired, leave me a comment.
                              Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,

                              Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                              My Mystic PATHS Website
                              Word Whisperer
                              My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                              • Big Thanks!

                                Thanks! ladies Sharyn, SJ, Maggie.

                                In conclusion, I have to attend the workshops, or courses. It would be too far from me, because I live here in Philippines

                                Ok, the TheataHealing book is comprehensive, as Sharyn said. If the book has the instructions, the How-To, I think I could still learn this modality (yes, some fighting spirit ). I wish there's an online Table of Contents for me to know what could I learn.

                                Sorry for follow up questions. Does it cover advance lessons, like downloading 1000 beliefs? How about changing reality: business abundance and so forth?

                                I think this also covers remote viewing or sensing, or remote reading?

                                Last edited by henrii; 06-09-2008, 07:35 PM.

