The reason no one is regrowing limbs is because no one believes they can.
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Theta Healing
This is a sticky topic.
Thank you for posting about your Theta experience Sonora. I had been wanting to hear all about it.
The point you brought up about the thought "Nothing works for me" is so important. How many of us have that thought process within ourselves? I bet it's pretty common. Locked deep within our subconsious.
I'll be remembering your point as I do healing work on myself and others, perhaps using CEM to do corrections on "Nothing works for me", or even some EFT on it.
Thank you for your words of wisdom and for your shared experiences.
"The reason no one is regrowing limbs is because no one believes they can."
Or perhaps we just don't want more limbs then we already got
(I know I don't.)
XO JessicaKeep your mind on the aether
Originally posted by future pather View Post"The reason no one is regrowing limbs is because no one believes they can."
Or perhaps we just don't want more limbs then we already got
(I know I don't.)
XO Jessica
Theta Healing
Congrats to S.J for her Certification in Theta Healing!
Danny Boy
[When I see ppl regrowing limbs live on the spot my doubts will be gone for sure[/quote].
Oh, it's possible alright! An article I was reading by Deepak Chopra mentions in passing a particular patient of his:
"Recently I had a patient with a very dramatic outcome......
This young patient that I had, (he was in fact from this area) - he was one day repairing an antenna on the roof and he picked up a wire, but it happened to be live and had 12,000 volts in it. He was immediately electrocuted. The mechanism of death for this is ventricular fibrillation which is an electrical event in the heart.
He fell from the roof 15 feet to the ground and as luck would have it he fell with the right impact at the right place with the right location of his chest with the right amount of angularity to restart another current and defibrillate. So it's as if God called him and then changed His mind.
And you ask him, "Bob, what happened?" He says, "I went into the gap." I say, "What was there in the gap?" He says, "It was sheer unbounded joy. It was absolute, total bliss." You ask him, "Were there any thoughts there?" "No. I didn't have a mind." "Did you have a body?" "No. I didn't have a body." "So what was there?" He said, "l was just aware. " You ask him, "What were you aware of?" "I was aware that I was aware. But it was pure wakefulness. I was grounded totally and completely in the experience of my own immortality."
So much so, that he now doesn't know what the meaning of fear is. In fact, not only was he lucky to have this experience, but like a true scientist, he started experimenting in this field of pure awareness. He would go into the gap. Now he knew how to slip into it, and from there he would put his attention on his leg which had completely burned. There was no muscle - nothing. His femur was exposed to the atmosphere. Over the course of 2 years, by diving into the gap, projecting his awareness from there, he has actually regrown a new lower extremity. Because he found that place from where everything was created. It's his own Self. It's his own Self."
The gap, field, zero point, whatever you may want to call it is where I believe a number of the quantum healing modalities such as ME, etc all take place. We all have the capacity to heal ourselves & I believe that it will be possible in the ensuing years for this to become possible for the majority of people. The ability of the body aka consciousness to self heal itself has been an area of interest for me for some time now.
Love, Light & Blessings
Regrowing limbs
Almost 3 decades ago I had a very interesting fellow working for one of my businesses.
Eric was a serious chap, but also very interesting to converse with.
Now, remember, this was almost 30 YEARS ago!
He spent hours telling me how important thoughts were. How thoughts could create things.
Basically explaining his view that the reality we are living in was a construct of our thoughts.
You might what...this is a commonly discussed theory.
Believe me, if you go back 25-30 years to the thinking in the USA, this was NOT common at was radical in the extreme.
In our heated, yet friendly, debates I employed what is a useful tool in testing new thoughts...I put his radical theory that thoughts create physical reality to the test of a logical extreme.
I asked him if he had a finger cut off could he grow it back with his thoughts? Thinking I was just asking this hypothetically, he quickly answered yes! (Of course he had to or his previous statements did not stand the test of logic).
I told him I was willing to do it...cut his finger off...if he was absolutely sure he could grow it back.
He then proceeded to tell me that he believed it was possible, but he did not think he had the level of belief to accomplish this.
We had many, many hours of thought provoking discussion on such matter, but I never did cut his finger off.
Eric...if you happen to run across this forum...please contact me!!!
Since that time I have come to understand the reality of many things that can not be readily ascertained with the 5 senses.
I also believe that thoughts can affect reality, and in SOME cases change reality. However, I have not seen anyone grow a limb back with their thoughts, yet.
I believe it was Churchill that said "The empires of the future are the empires of the mind."
It is relatively safe to say, that at this point in time we have only scratched the surface of what is possible!
So basically...
...Eric had the same belief of his level of belief as I do of having PATHS-modules to super-enhance our belief in the power of the mind could be pretty cool and helpful...if it doesn't have the backlash of ALL our thouhts coming to physical fruititon - "Be careful with what you wish for, you just might get it"-type o thing
I've been pondering if it's easier for a person raised in religion to believe in new things not proven to them yet(as the power of the mind, LOA and such) or if it's easier for a person like me who wasn't born into organized religion...maybe cause someone born into religion would feel fooled once they leave their absolute belief in their original religion and move on to new ideas that might resonate more with their inner being? Or maybe it's easier for ppl formerly connected to a religious group cause they're used to believing strongly?(or maybe if their belief was that strong they'd never move on?) I havn't come to any conclusion on this...
Did Churchill have speechwriters or did he make that quote up? I always get a little uncomfortable when ppl start throwing quotes from respected famous folks around(like in The Secret)...taken out of sort of says "believe in this unproven thing cause who are you to doubt einstein?" know what I mean?
It's realitvely safe to say that I agree with you on the surface-scratching-state of our knowledge of the mind, the universe and the world
Exciting times we live in indeed