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Theta Healing

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  • #61
    Thank You

    Hi Sharyn,

    Thanks for taking the time to share your experience of the Theta Healing course. It sounds like you are really with all the modalities you are doing.

    I hope to do a Theta course in the New Year. In the meantime, if you want to try out some distance Theta Healing on me here in the UK, I'd be well into giving it a shot

    Kindest Regards



    • #62
      Source Energy Manifesting in Healing

      Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
      Hi Terry, Nancy & Danny,

      I really enjoyed my 3 day course (DNA Level 1 & 2) last weekend.I've been trying to catch up ever since I got back. I had pretty long days as I had 3-4 hours traveling each day so I was up at 5:45 am each day & arriving home at 8:30 - 9:30 pm each night & I think I dreamed Theta all night long.

      I found it very interesting as I found some similarities between it & Matrix Energetics (ME) which I have also learnt. I believe that both modalities are accessing the same energy source & have some similar intrinsic principles to them but they are both taught from a completely different angle.

      ME focuses on a much more open construct & emphasizes the quantum physics angle more whilst Theta Healing is a much more structured course & has a lot more of a spiritual focus to it, which I personally enjoyed. I have found that both courses have offered me different valuable insights & skills and I believe that I will be able to integrate Theta really well with the way that I use ME. I believe that both modalities are capable of producing powerful transformations & changes in people & animals.

      For the moment I have decided to continue learning Theta Healing & increase my skills in this area as the courses are offered here in Melbourne, so I don't have any other expense apart from the courses themselves. There are 4 more courses that I can do here if I can manifest the $$$ & I have in fact, just booked in to do the next one in 2 weeks time on Abundance.

      I worked out that I could do all 4 remaining Theta courses here for what it will cost me to travel to the US to do one more 2 day course in ME. So I think that I can learn far more & increase my skill level more by doing these 4 remaining courses, the last of which is a 3 week intensive course, than by doing the 2 day course in ME. Of course if money becomes no object, then I would certainly love to go back & do another ME course, as they are such fun to do.

      We had a couple of interesting practical sessions that we watched Simon, our teacher perform. One was for a lady who had a phobia of spiders. When Simon asked her to rate her fear level on a scale of 1-10 she said that it was 15!

      She couldn't even look at a picture of spiders without feeling completely freaked out. In fact, she had to call her husband home from work one day to remove a spider because she couldn't enter the house. By the time Simon had finished working on her she was able to place her fear level at 0 & even confidently contemplate that she could safely catch a spider in the house & take it outside by herself. So that was a huge shift for her.

      Another interesting case was for a horse. One of the women had recently acquired a horse which had a misshapen hoof which was growing out of the side of its front leg. The horse was miserable & was unable to walk properly, & it had other strained muscles & ligaments on the opposite back leg which was compensating for the front leg. We did a group healing on the horse & I have just received an email today about Jacob's (the horse) progress.

      In 6 days he has put on weight, is looking happier & healthier, & the hoof itself has completely changed shape, although it still is at present in the wrong place. So I will be interested to hear the next update.

      I have been busy practising this week doing some remote sessions on some of my friends who kindly consented to be "guinea pigs" for me & I have been pleased with the changes that occurred.

      Danny I'm sure that your phone session will be great & I wish you every success in getting your desired outcome.

      Love, Light & Blessings,
      Sharyn, Thank you for taking time to write this post about Theta and ME. Both modalities sound so intriguing to me and I have been looking for courses here in Ontario. There is a Theta Healing course in April - a long way off but in the mean time I have taken your advice and ordered Vianna's book from Amazon. It should be here this week. I am really looking forward to learning more.
      I see all of these modalities as Source energy manifesting in healing - whether one is using ME, Theta, CEM or Reiki. The great thing about having found all of the wonderful friends on these forums is that we can now combine our teachings and learnings and all of us are able to customize how we share together and support one another.
      Looking forward to hearing more about you next workshop.
      Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
      Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

      My Mystic PATHS Website
      Word Whisperer
      My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


      • #63
        SWEET SHARYN!!!

        What a GREAT post on your Theta Course!
        I really started to understand a bit more about both ME and Theta Healing.
        And the stories were great! How amazing to actually see that in person!!
        I can see why the Theta Healing might resonate more with you - being the angel that you are!!

        Pura Vida! Vineyard Nancy


        • #64
          Wow Sharyn...

          ...and thanks for taking your time to share all of that

          I had a look at the ME-website only yesterday but I find it quite fascinating and very similar to Theta, without the god involvement but I'm not sure about that of that true or is there a God element in ME also?

          All these modalities seem to deal with the same stuff(energy) from different angles...and I suppose they have to since that's what we

          Would love to see some before and after-pics of Jacob's hoof-transformation

          And by the way I read Vianna's book recently and even though I don't agree with or believe everything in it(and it's layout looks a bit homemade and it doesn't seem to have been proof-read) I'd really recommend it cause I find it quite fascinating.

          I'll report back after my first session on Monday and I'd love to hear more about your further progress Sharyn...and everyone elses also for that matter...

          I'm gonna try to find an ME book now to get me started in that...



          • #65
            Hi Sharyn,

            I have enjoyed reading about your recent Theta Healing experiences and so look forward to experiencing it with great anticipation. Thanks for taking the time to share the information with us!
            With love and gratitude,



            • #66
              Theta course

              Thank you for sharing your experiences with the Theta course, Sharyn!

              Me and Illusions are organising a Theta course DNA Level 1 & 2 in Cornwall in February, and I'm trusting that my experince will be as amazing as yours

              As we found it to be fairly similar to ME and the Theta course doesn't require as many participants, we opted for organising that instead, so if there's anyone in the area that are interested, let me know.

              Moria x
              Last edited by Moria; 11-29-2007, 12:55 PM.
              Intuitive Readings
              Web design by Hannah King


              • #67
                Interesting post as ME and Theta are really working from the same source - The zero point energy or Mind of God (or something like that).

                But what I really want to point out that if your spirit/ extended self doesnt want to change anything, it wont. For your spirit everything is perfect and fun so dont expect miracles with what your persona wants .

                And I m talking from my own experience.
                Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                • #68

                  Hi Terry,

                  I sent you another pm but I received the message that your email box is full so it was unable to be delivered.

                  Love, Light & Blessings,
                  Theta Healing
                  Paths 2 Potential

                  "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                  • #69
                    Thank you

                    Nancy,Allen & Maggie for your comments.

                    Marnyka, I hope that you get to attend a course next year. I am sure if you feel strongly drawn to either Matrix Energetics &/or Theta Healing, as was my case, that things will arrange themselves to ensure that you do so. Certainly in my own situation I received some very strong signals that this was the direction I was now supposed to be moving in & the modalities that I needed to pursue.

                    Like your own experiences, I have found that both Matrix Energetics & Theta Healing have the ability to trigger profound emotional states & releases in people. I have been privileged to share & witness some very intense & emotional moments in some sessions that have resulted in people discovering & changing long held non serving beliefs that they were completely unaware of.

                    Love, Light & Blessings,
                    Theta Healing
                    Paths 2 Potential

                    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                    • #70
                      That is great that you & Illusions are able to organise for the Theta course to be held in your area in February. I'm certain that you will be able to get the numbers & will enjoy it, & the much smaller class numbers is certainly a bonus for learning.

                      That was one of the things that I most enjoyed from my course. We were all able to bond together quickly & feel very comfortable working together & on each other,& we are endeavouring to stay in contact with each other since the course finished.

                      I can't wait to hear how it goes for you & what you think of it.

                      Love, Light & Blessings,
                      Theta Healing
                      Paths 2 Potential

                      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
                        That is great that you & Illusions are able to organise for the Theta course to be held in your area in February. I'm certain that you will be able to get the numbers & will enjoy it, & the much smaller class numbers is certainly a bonus for learning.

                        That was one of the things that I most enjoyed from my course. We were all able to bond together quickly & feel very comfortable working together & on each other,& we are endeavouring to stay in contact with each other since the course finished.

                        I can't wait to hear how it goes for you & what you think of it.

                        Love, Light & Blessings,
                        Hi Moria and Sharyn,
                        I have also been looking for a course here in Canada as I, too am intrigued by Theta Healing. It will be wonderful for you to be able to organize a workshop in your own area. As Sharyn says - having a small intimate group sure provides a wonderful learning environment. Wish I was closer so I could join you
                        I have been reading Vianna's book and working with Sharyn and the experiences and discoveries are amazing.
                        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
                        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                        My Mystic PATHS Website
                        Word Whisperer
                        My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
                          Hi Terry,

                          I sent you another pm but I received the message that your email box is full so it was unable to be delivered.

                          Love, Light & Blessings,
                          Hi Sharyn,

                          I've cleaned out my inbox so you should be able to send a PM to me now.


                          • #73

                            First I want to say that I have really love my Theta sessions with you and have found Theta Healing an amazing modality. Also, I am completely blown away with Theta healing muscle testing. It is the most accurate form I have ever tried or experienced. I have shown everybody I know how to do it the way you taught me in our sessions. There has not been one single person who couldn't do it instantly!!!!
                            A quick question I have about Theta muscle testing; Did I understand that Theta teaches that each person should muscle test for themselves or did I misunderstand what you were saying. I read the part above about the horse and that made me wonder about what I thought you said... Could you elaborate on this? Thanks again
                            Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                            <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                            Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                            • #74
                              Hi Sharyn...

                              ...and everyone...

                              I just had my first Theta-Session this Monday and it was a really nice session where some clarity came to me on at least one issue...and we got a lot of what I wanted done in just one hour...then of course my surrounding stimuli will determine how quickly I see if I have any change in me to benefit in the topics we addressed...

                              I also sort of had my DNA-activation done...and I say sort of cause she did it but when I asked about it afterwards she told me she felt I had already done it myself before without even knowing it... and I've read about the spontaneous activation in Vianna Stibal's book...

                              Anyway...I was hoping I'd know after the session if the modality can provide the miracles I'm looking for to witness so it'd be clear if my considered Theta-Course in February should be done but still I'm not certain and maybe I'll have to just go there and see what happens

                              Advice from ppl with Theta-experience and others appreciated



                              • #75
                                Muscle Testing

                                Hi Keoi,

                                There are a few parts to consider in answering your question. First of all, there are many ways to muscle test. Which method you use is really a matter of what feels most comfortable or works best for you. We were actually shown a few ways of muscle testing in the Theta class but because I have small hands I found a couple of the finger variations uncomfortable.

                                The method I taught you standing up is the one that I find easiest to explain when working with clients long distance & one of the main ways we used to test ourselves during the class. The other major benefit I believe that this particular method has over the finger testing method, & this is my own personal opinion, is that it is harder to influence the answer than when muscle testing using the fingers & can therefore be more accurate.

                                As you have experienced for yourself there is a completely different feel that you get when you try this method & you can also get an indication of the strength or degree of the belief that you do or do not have. Hence I think that it is easier to get the conscious mind out of the way. Also, I think that it is more fun to do. Although this method is obviously not discreet & not one that you would probably choose to use if you were out & about in public.

                                Interestingly enough,I came across some information in "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot last night which seemed to confirm this idea to me. Talbot was citing the findings of Hunt who had discovered that "the human energy field responds to stimuli even before the brain does" & Dryer also found "that the energy field responds before a person consciously registers a response". When you muscle test the way you were doing I believe that it is the energy field responding to the question before you are consciously able to think about moving.

                                I prefer that clients muscle test themselves during our sessions for a couple of reasons rather than me do it for them. Firstly, because I think that it is an important confirmation for them when they can see that they have obtained a change, as for many people "seeing is believing" & it also allows them to actively participate in their own session.

                                Secondly, I am human & I don't believe that I can test 100% accurately on behalf of another ( unless I am acting as a surrogate) because I will always be testing through my own filters & I can't guarantee that my ego won't influence the answer even though I am intending to remain neutral. In actual fact a lot of the time I usually receive the answer in my head anyway if I am "tuned in" to the client, so I don't really need to muscle test for them, but I prefer people to test for themselves rather than have me telling them what I think they believe.

                                In the case of Jacob, the horse, his owner acted as a surrogate for him so that she could muscle test on his behalf to find out what Jacob's beliefs were. This method may also be used when working with young children who cannot yet talk or have a disability which prevents them from talking. It is also possible for me to act as a surrogate for a client when working remotely with them to do the muscle testing but personally I don't see the point of that when it is easy to teach them to test for themselves.

                                Love, Light & Blessings,

                                Theta Healing
                                Paths 2 Potential

                                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

