Hello to everyone,
I recently posted this on another thread but I decided to copy it here to start a new discussion about Abraham Hicks' Teachings which is the leading edge on Law of Attraction. I personally believe in the law of attraction, but I think that the model is not so complete, some other scenarios may exist.
I would be grateful to hear explanations.
Something in Abraham's teachings disturbs me very much, although I completely agree his idea of creation and love and law of attraction. That thing is the saying that killing people is not really a bad thing because it causes their soul get free!!!
But he also says that everything you do must make you feel better! What normal person feels good when he kills somebody on purpose to harm him/her?! Only those who have become so evil (LACK of Love) may feel good(?) when killing somebody.
You certainly know that some SICK people seek pleasure when torturing somebody! (labeled as SADISM) Then should these SICK people do this because it makes them feel good?! But they certainly make some people feel bad!! Would Abraham suggest these people to continue doing these tortures because they feel Good?
I don't want to judge too fast because I have learned so much from Abraham but there seems to be something CREEPY in Abraham's teachings. It suggests that no matter a government drops bombs on some people or some terrorists because they are attracting that. I believe in the law of attraction to some degree but, I think that there must be a more complete model for describing the world events.
As an end note, One of the most common forms of deception is putting an evil idea beside tons of good and loving information, then one would grasp that bit of evil idea without knowing that! I mean that should we say "The poor deserves to be poor because they have attracted that"? I think that there is another side to this law of attraction which we must take into consideration.
I want to present a paradox here about the so called Abraham's teachings:
(Listen closely)
Abraham talks about Steven Spielberg and says that see what he has created by using his Imagination. He says that you are creators and you create everything by your mind. So he means (or they mean) that every imagination creates.
He also claims that Hell and Judgment day does not exist and is a fictional imaginary thing.
So what can a WISE person conclude from these sayings?
(so MANY people have imagined it throughout the history and had fear of entering it) AND (also each imagination is a creation) THEN [Hell should Exist]. Maybe according to Abraham's teachings only those who fear entering Hell enter Hell?!!?
But he does not state so and tells that after death EVERYONE is Infinite and THE SAME after death.
I concluded that this is an extremely BAD paradox which is presented and IS INHERENT to Abraham's teachings.
I want to address some scenario's to find out what's happening with these teachings. I just want to see what's the real truth. These are the scenarios that MAY and I state that MAY be happening with the Abraham Hicks case. I don't mean anything by this. (Only for investigation)
Number one:
If we believe in an entity or a creature named DEVIL or SATAN which has sworn in the name of God to lead men astray, then could this be a new trick offered by this entity to lead the people away from the ONLY creator and make them believe that they are the creators and they are not to depend on God? Satan once was a close servant of God but refusing to submission made him an evil entity. What the so called Abraham teaches could be Devil's trick. Especially when he assigns the name of Abraham to the teachings which is the founding father of the three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This makes so much sense. According to this analogy we are not creators and we must connect to the ONE and ONLY creator of the universe. In other words we must connect to the source and HE is the creator and creates for us upon our wanting. (It seems that the model for the law of attraction must change) I think that this being CAN refuse to create for us, because HE is the all powerful, but never does because he is the all giving and merciful. One must consider himself nothing in front of this creator to reach the utmost degrees of LOVE and UNITY. Betraying in front of this Creator can lead to severe pain after death. But Abraham states that you are the creator. There is some contradictions here.
Number two:
The so called Abraham's teachings, tells us that don't bother yourselves with the poor people or people who some evil men have bombed them, because the law of attraction has yielded them so. THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, we as human beings cannot FEEL GOOD if this happens, but Abraham suggests no matter what just feel good and don't do anything to help them, don't help the poor. Abraham does not tell us directly not to help the poor but one unconsciously will develop such an attitude towards the poor (Your mind will think that they deserve that and You need not help them) Or you will not protest and make any trouble for the government against the war and bombing. The government SURELY wants no one to protest and has a definite motivation to spread this type of disinformation.
So, I think that the EVIL GOVERNMENT can by using MIND CONTROL TECHNIQUES (MKULTRA) make people like Esther to think that she is receiving information from a WISE eternal being, not knowing that she is suffering from MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).
To Note that According to my MKULTRA studies, women are much easily controlled and can become a MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE without knowing so. It is evident that SETH, THEO, ABRAHAM are all speaking through WOMEN.
This certainly should make us ponder a while. These women contradict in their teachings if you listen closely to what they say. I listened to a tape of SETH which he claimed that there are gods and not a single one, see the contradiction. Seth on God, Religion and All That Is
I personally think that clarification of these matters is so necessary.
Eager to see different opinions ... PLEASE SHOW ME THAT I AM WRONG!
God Bless,
I recently posted this on another thread but I decided to copy it here to start a new discussion about Abraham Hicks' Teachings which is the leading edge on Law of Attraction. I personally believe in the law of attraction, but I think that the model is not so complete, some other scenarios may exist.
I would be grateful to hear explanations.

Something in Abraham's teachings disturbs me very much, although I completely agree his idea of creation and love and law of attraction. That thing is the saying that killing people is not really a bad thing because it causes their soul get free!!!

You certainly know that some SICK people seek pleasure when torturing somebody! (labeled as SADISM) Then should these SICK people do this because it makes them feel good?! But they certainly make some people feel bad!! Would Abraham suggest these people to continue doing these tortures because they feel Good?
I don't want to judge too fast because I have learned so much from Abraham but there seems to be something CREEPY in Abraham's teachings. It suggests that no matter a government drops bombs on some people or some terrorists because they are attracting that. I believe in the law of attraction to some degree but, I think that there must be a more complete model for describing the world events.
As an end note, One of the most common forms of deception is putting an evil idea beside tons of good and loving information, then one would grasp that bit of evil idea without knowing that! I mean that should we say "The poor deserves to be poor because they have attracted that"? I think that there is another side to this law of attraction which we must take into consideration.
I want to present a paradox here about the so called Abraham's teachings:
(Listen closely)
Abraham talks about Steven Spielberg and says that see what he has created by using his Imagination. He says that you are creators and you create everything by your mind. So he means (or they mean) that every imagination creates.
He also claims that Hell and Judgment day does not exist and is a fictional imaginary thing.
So what can a WISE person conclude from these sayings?
(so MANY people have imagined it throughout the history and had fear of entering it) AND (also each imagination is a creation) THEN [Hell should Exist]. Maybe according to Abraham's teachings only those who fear entering Hell enter Hell?!!?

I concluded that this is an extremely BAD paradox which is presented and IS INHERENT to Abraham's teachings.
I want to address some scenario's to find out what's happening with these teachings. I just want to see what's the real truth. These are the scenarios that MAY and I state that MAY be happening with the Abraham Hicks case. I don't mean anything by this. (Only for investigation)
Number one:
If we believe in an entity or a creature named DEVIL or SATAN which has sworn in the name of God to lead men astray, then could this be a new trick offered by this entity to lead the people away from the ONLY creator and make them believe that they are the creators and they are not to depend on God? Satan once was a close servant of God but refusing to submission made him an evil entity. What the so called Abraham teaches could be Devil's trick. Especially when he assigns the name of Abraham to the teachings which is the founding father of the three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This makes so much sense. According to this analogy we are not creators and we must connect to the ONE and ONLY creator of the universe. In other words we must connect to the source and HE is the creator and creates for us upon our wanting. (It seems that the model for the law of attraction must change) I think that this being CAN refuse to create for us, because HE is the all powerful, but never does because he is the all giving and merciful. One must consider himself nothing in front of this creator to reach the utmost degrees of LOVE and UNITY. Betraying in front of this Creator can lead to severe pain after death. But Abraham states that you are the creator. There is some contradictions here.
Number two:
The so called Abraham's teachings, tells us that don't bother yourselves with the poor people or people who some evil men have bombed them, because the law of attraction has yielded them so. THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, we as human beings cannot FEEL GOOD if this happens, but Abraham suggests no matter what just feel good and don't do anything to help them, don't help the poor. Abraham does not tell us directly not to help the poor but one unconsciously will develop such an attitude towards the poor (Your mind will think that they deserve that and You need not help them) Or you will not protest and make any trouble for the government against the war and bombing. The government SURELY wants no one to protest and has a definite motivation to spread this type of disinformation.
So, I think that the EVIL GOVERNMENT can by using MIND CONTROL TECHNIQUES (MKULTRA) make people like Esther to think that she is receiving information from a WISE eternal being, not knowing that she is suffering from MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).
To Note that According to my MKULTRA studies, women are much easily controlled and can become a MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE without knowing so. It is evident that SETH, THEO, ABRAHAM are all speaking through WOMEN.
This certainly should make us ponder a while. These women contradict in their teachings if you listen closely to what they say. I listened to a tape of SETH which he claimed that there are gods and not a single one, see the contradiction. Seth on God, Religion and All That Is

I personally think that clarification of these matters is so necessary.
Eager to see different opinions ... PLEASE SHOW ME THAT I AM WRONG!
God Bless,
