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BRIEF* HISTORY* of* SYMMETRY and* ASYMMETRY.* / by Socratus /

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  • BRIEF* HISTORY* of* SYMMETRY and* ASYMMETRY.* / by Socratus /

    ** BRIEF* HISTORY* of* SYMMETRY and* ASYMMETRY.* / by Socratus /
    ** a)*
    In 1905* Einstein involved negative time in his SRT.
    Nobody knew what negative time* can mean* and therefore Minkowski in 1908
    changed negative time into positive time creating 4-D spacetime.
    The theory became very beautiful* and as a young physicist said me:
    ‘ My professor says that you cannot be physicist if you don’t understand
    the beauty of SRT in Minkowski’s interpretation.’ but . . .* but nobody knew
    and nobody knows* what 4-D really is.* (!)
    So, Minkowski was the first person who put symmetry between time and space-dimension.
    ‘ In 1918 Emmy Noether published theory that every differentiable symmetry
    of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law.
    Noether's theorem has become a fundamental tool of modern theoretical physics,
    both because of the insight it gives into conservation laws, and also,
    as a practical calculation tool. ‘
    So, thanks* to* Noether the symmetries were legitimate in physics.
    In 1919 Kaluza said that Minkowski’s interpretation is very beautiful, but his theory
    doesn’t have forces. Therefore he took* gravitation and electromagnetic forces
    as one more* dimension and create 5-D universe.
    So, Kaluza* was the* first person who put symmetry between forces and dimension.
    To explain and to prove Kaluza’s theory* O.Klein* in 1926 suggested that one dimension
    can wrap into* very – very small region – universe, but . . .* but** Mincowski 4-D would
    stay unchanged.* (!)
    So, Klein was the person who wrapped gravitation and electromagnetic forces
    into very –very small region.
    Mathematically the theory was beautiful* and interesting but*
    nobody knew* what 5-D is and how one* dimension can wrap. (!)
    It was passed about 50 years.
    New forces were discovered and some physicists came to conclusion that
    quantum particle cannot be ‘a point’. Quantum particle as** ‘a point’* doesn’t reflect
    the thru image / face of quantum particle.* And because quantum particle at the same
    time is a wave therefore it must vibrate for example as a string of violin or guitar.
    But this string-particle needs 10 or* 11 – dimensions.
    All dimensions except Minkowski* 4-D must wrap.
    Minkowski 4-D keeps unchanged.* (!)
    Later was invented another kind of string – loop string-particle that needed
    26 or 27 dimensions. And again – in this theory Minkowski 4-D is unchanged. (!)
    Physicists say that these theories are very beautiful.
    The problem is that nobody** knows if these extra- dimensions and these
    string – particles really exist.
    My opinion:
    a - b)
    Minkowski in 1908* took time as a symmetry of space.
    Space and time became equal each other and therefore we say: ‘spacetime’.
    So, if I think of space as a distance then* I must say:
    1hour is equal 5 kilometres, 2hour =10 km, 3hour= 15km,* . . . .etc.
    But in physics we have only one particle which corresponding to
    this condition. And it is photon with constant speed 1sec=300000 km.
    In other words: SRT is theory about behaviour of quantum of light
    in* the* spacetime.
    Emmy Noether was a great and famous mathematician, but bad physicist.
    Because* there isn’t such law in physics* as* ‘ conservation law ’
    or* ‘The law of conservation of mass’.
    If you read in Wikipedia:
    it is half-truth. Half-true* theory is deceitful theory.
    You cannot believe half-true* explanation.
    The true theory says - there is* only
    ‘Law of conservation and transformation energy/mass’.
    We cannot talk about one without talking about the other.
    The law of conservation and transformation energy/mass
    is a law about a symmetry and asymmetry in the Nature.
    If somebody think that* “ The Law of conservation and
    transformation of energy/ mass “ is a simple
    bookkeeping calculation of debit-credit** he* is* mistaken.
    It is a primitive judgment about one of the most important Law in Nature.
    The bookkeeping calculation of debit-credit is*
    “ a symmetry law” - like 1$ is equal 100 cents.
    But in the Universe we see the laws of symmetry and we see
    the laws of breaking of symmetry.
    The Life in the Universe is connected* with* symmetry and* with breaking of symmetry.
    The forms of living creatures are almost always symmetrical.
    But sooner or later comes time of breaking symmetry.
    And a* "broken symmetry"* doesn’t* look as* symmetric thing.
    ( It means : 1$ is not exactly* equal to 100 cents.)
    Between symmetry and asymmetry* the effect of ‘transformation’ appears.
    But nobody explains what the* ‘transformation’ means according to one
    single quantum particle.
    If somebody takes only one part of the law (conservation )
    and ignore the second part of it (transformation) then abstract ideas
    appear in physics* and we lost sight of the real picture of Nature* .
    d - e)
    Kaluza and** Klein idea about unity of gravitation and electromagnetic
    forces in spacetime* is not finished.
    One of problem that gravity is very weak force.
    The electromagnetic force is 10^42 times stronger than gravity.
    Therefore the problem of unity gravity with quantum theory is still unsolved.
    The string theory has its own problem.
    In my opinion, if I don’t know what 2 + 2 = 4 then I cannot do more complex calculations.
    And if physicists don’t know what 4-D really is, then following calculations are abstracted.
    ‘Law of conservation and transformation energy/mass’* means
    that energy/mass particles can be conserved into potential state
    after / through* transformation* and later appear as active particles
    also through act of transformation.
    Through act of transformation the combined symmetry CPT
    * ( charge, space, time ) can be created and* destroyed.
    =================.* …
    Best wishes.
    Israel* Sadovnik* Socratus.

  • #2
    * The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be
    created or destroyed,* just transformed from one form to another.
    These forms can include kinetic and potential energy .
    Since energy cannot be created or destroyed,
    the amount of energy present in the universe is always the same.
    It is simply being transformed and transferred over and over again.
    So, conservation* laws cannot be understand without transformation laws.
    Physicists explain one side and nobody* explains the other side -
    -* the* transformation** of the one* single quantum particle.
    And the conservation* laws and transformation laws
    are like two different sides of the same coin.
    A coin without picture on one side doesn't have value.



    • #3
      But the real picture of the 21st century is far stranger, and amateurs
      may not be fully aware of it.

      In a very brief nutshell, all "things" have been replaced by fields
      which extend over ALL space and time. They don't live IN space and time
      like you imagine particles or ping pong balls. They are part of the
      fabric OF space and time.

      There are ripples in these fields, which have behavior constrained by
      symmetries of nature, which are more fundamental in a deep sense than
      the conservation laws of nature.

      Ripples can be measured by a quantity called "action", which physicists
      have known about for a long time. What they didn't know until the 20th
      century is that the smallest chunk of action is given by a number called
      Planck's constant. These smallest ripples are what we associate with
      field quanta, and when physicists say "fundamental particles" they are
      really talking about these field quanta.

      So, recapping so far, the idea of "things" moving through space and time
      has become replaced with the idea of fields that extend everywhere, and
      the ripples in them that are bestowed with small amounts of action.

      (I've glossed over a key idea that a field is nothing more than a map of
      the value(s) of a property(ies) OF spacetime itself. Different fields
      correspond to different sets of properties of spacetime, and all the
      fields overlay each other. The little quantized ripples in the fields
      can be distinct from each other though, in some sense.)

      Now the last core concept is that a ripple carrying some action in one
      field can generate or disturb a ripple carrying some action in a
      different field. This is what we call an interaction between fields.
      Here's where another old idea gets replaced -- charge (like color charge
      or electromagnetic charge) is not some kind of "stuff" that belongs to
      "things"; instead, charge is just defined as that tendency for a given
      pair of fields to interact and create ripples in each other. The laws
      that control these interactions are in fact driven by yet more
      symmetries of nature (local gauge symmetries).

      What's astonishing about this is that physicists now believe that the
      fundamental thing that physics is about is the interaction, not the
      object. And rather than physical laws, physicists now think of
      symmetries as the fundamental constraint.

      So gone are the days of thinking of the world as moving things in a
      backdrop of space and time. Here today we have the primacy of the
      interaction, of action, and of symmetry. And THAT is what 21st century
      physics seems to me to be really about.

      There are lots of good references here that support this nutshell recap
      in much better detail.

      Odd Bodkin!to...cs/-IswrWd65cs


