* Accelerators* as a scientific*Sisyphus stone.*/ by Israel Socratus /
Accelerators* are Useless and produce Nothing for humankind.
In 1906, Rutherford studied internal structure of atoms,
bombarding them with high energy a- particles.
This idea helped him to understand the structure of atom.
But the clever Devil interfered and gave advice to physicists
to enlarge the energy of bombarding* the target.
And physicist created huge cannon-accelerators of particles.
And they began to bomb micro particles in the* vacuum,* in hoping
to understand their inner structure. And they were surprised with
the results of this bombing. Several hundreds of completely new
strange particles appeared. They lived a very little* time and do not
relate to our world. Our Earth needs electron and proton to create atom.
But this was forgotten.
What God carefully created, it is destroyed in accelerators.
And they are proud of that. They say: we study the inner structure
of the particles. The clever and artful Devil is glad. He again has deceived man.
Physicist think, that an accelerator – is first of all the presence of huge energy.
And the Devil laughs. He knows, that accelerator – is first of all is the Vacuum.
But this, he has withhold from man.
He has not explained that the Vacuum is infinite and inexhaustible.
And in infinite vacuum* is contained an infinite variety of particles.
And by bombing the vacuum, one can find centaurs and sphinxes.
But my God, save us from their presence on Earth.
========= .. ========.
Rutherford was right.
His followers are mistaken.
Imagine, that I want to plant a small apple- tree.
For this purpose I shall dig out a hole of 1 meter width and 1,20 m depth.
It is normal.
But if to plant a small apple- tree,* I shall begin to dig out a hole
* with 100* meters size and depth, will you call me a normal man?
========== .. ===============.
Imagine a man who breaks watches on the wall.
And then he tries to understand the mechanism of the watches
by thrown cogwheels, springs and small screws.
Does he have many chances to success ?
As many as the scientists have who trys to understand
the inner structure of electron by breaking them into accelerators.
If not take into account the initial conditions of Genesis,
the fantasies of the scientists may be unlimited.
========== . ======== .
The Nature works very economical.
For example, biologists know 100 ( hundred ) kinds of
amino acids. But only 20 ( twenty) kinds of amino acids
are suitable to produce molecules of protein, from which all
different cells created on our planet. What are about another
80 % of amino acids? They are dead end of evolution.
The physicists found many ( 1000 ) new elementary particles in
accelerators. But we need only one ( 1) electron and one (1 )
proton to create first atom, to begin to create the Nature.
All another elementary particles (mesons, muons , bosons, taus,
all their girlfriends – antiparticles, all quarks and antiquarks…etc)
are dead end of evolution.
The critical density of matter in the whole universe is very small
( approximately 10-26 kg/m3 )* and therefore the universe is not ''closed''
it is ''open'' -- infinite and** all the masses of galaxies exist in this infinite Vacuum.
So, instead of understand what Vacuum is,* instead to understand
''Where did electron and proton come from?''* the physicists break them in the
pieces, trying to understand their inner structure.
This is scientific Sisyphus work.*
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...rticle_physics *
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik** Socratus.
Accelerators* are Useless and produce Nothing for humankind.
In 1906, Rutherford studied internal structure of atoms,
bombarding them with high energy a- particles.
This idea helped him to understand the structure of atom.
But the clever Devil interfered and gave advice to physicists
to enlarge the energy of bombarding* the target.
And physicist created huge cannon-accelerators of particles.
And they began to bomb micro particles in the* vacuum,* in hoping
to understand their inner structure. And they were surprised with
the results of this bombing. Several hundreds of completely new
strange particles appeared. They lived a very little* time and do not
relate to our world. Our Earth needs electron and proton to create atom.
But this was forgotten.
What God carefully created, it is destroyed in accelerators.
And they are proud of that. They say: we study the inner structure
of the particles. The clever and artful Devil is glad. He again has deceived man.
Physicist think, that an accelerator – is first of all the presence of huge energy.
And the Devil laughs. He knows, that accelerator – is first of all is the Vacuum.
But this, he has withhold from man.
He has not explained that the Vacuum is infinite and inexhaustible.
And in infinite vacuum* is contained an infinite variety of particles.
And by bombing the vacuum, one can find centaurs and sphinxes.
But my God, save us from their presence on Earth.
========= .. ========.
Rutherford was right.
His followers are mistaken.
Imagine, that I want to plant a small apple- tree.
For this purpose I shall dig out a hole of 1 meter width and 1,20 m depth.
It is normal.
But if to plant a small apple- tree,* I shall begin to dig out a hole
* with 100* meters size and depth, will you call me a normal man?
========== .. ===============.
Imagine a man who breaks watches on the wall.
And then he tries to understand the mechanism of the watches
by thrown cogwheels, springs and small screws.
Does he have many chances to success ?
As many as the scientists have who trys to understand
the inner structure of electron by breaking them into accelerators.
If not take into account the initial conditions of Genesis,
the fantasies of the scientists may be unlimited.
========== . ======== .
The Nature works very economical.
For example, biologists know 100 ( hundred ) kinds of
amino acids. But only 20 ( twenty) kinds of amino acids
are suitable to produce molecules of protein, from which all
different cells created on our planet. What are about another
80 % of amino acids? They are dead end of evolution.
The physicists found many ( 1000 ) new elementary particles in
accelerators. But we need only one ( 1) electron and one (1 )
proton to create first atom, to begin to create the Nature.
All another elementary particles (mesons, muons , bosons, taus,
all their girlfriends – antiparticles, all quarks and antiquarks…etc)
are dead end of evolution.
The critical density of matter in the whole universe is very small
( approximately 10-26 kg/m3 )* and therefore the universe is not ''closed''
it is ''open'' -- infinite and** all the masses of galaxies exist in this infinite Vacuum.
So, instead of understand what Vacuum is,* instead to understand
''Where did electron and proton come from?''* the physicists break them in the
pieces, trying to understand their inner structure.
This is scientific Sisyphus work.*
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...rticle_physics *
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik** Socratus.