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SRT (an another interpretation)

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  • SRT (an another interpretation)

    One postulate of SRT says:
    the speed of quantum of light in vacuum is constant (c=1)

    Another postulate of SRT says:
    all movements (including the constant speed of quantum of light)
    are relative motions in the respect to an absolute aether medium T=0K.

    It is possible if constant speed of quantum of light is minimal and
    quantum of light can have speed faster than minimal (c>1).
    (tachyon solution).

    Third postulate says:
    the speed of quantum of light is independent of its source.

    It is possible only if the source of its speed is self-quantum action (h or h/2pi).


  • #2
    Sorry, I want to rewrite my post.
    1. Light quanta move trough an absolute aether medium: T=0K.
    a) this was Maxwell and Lorenz point of view.
    b) Minkowski hid this absolute aether medium into mathematical unity
    of 4D spacetime (an other name is : negative -2D Pseudo-Euclidian space)

    2) the speed of quantum of light in zero vacuum (T=0K) is constant (c=1)

    3) all movements (including the constant speed of quantum of light)
    are relative motions in the respect to an absolute aether medium T=0K.

    4) It is possible if constant speed of quantum of light is minimal and
    quantum of light can have speed faster than minimal (c>1).
    (tachyon solution).

    5) the speed of quantum of light is independent of its source.
    It is possible only if the source of its speed is self-quantum action (h or h/2pi).
    The result of self-quantum action is described by Lorenz transformations.


    • #3
      By the way,
      Minkowski 4D spacetime is as absolute reference frame as the aether medium.

      The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil
      of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. Henceforth,
      space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows,
      and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.
      Minkowski. (Sep 21, 1908)

      Then, why do we need to use complex mathematical equations
      ( to explain that 2+2=4,
      when the Minkowski spacetime is a simple zero continuum T=0K ?
      Last edited by socratus; 12-12-2018, 01:33 AM.


      • #4
        1) We live on planet Earth therefore when we say time it must mean gravity-time.
        Gravity-time depends on its masses and speed.
        Without gravity-masses we don't have time.
        SRT is theory without gravity, without gravity-mass therefore it can seem that
        SRT is a timeless theory.

        2) But indeed, SRT does speak about a time.
        It can mean that the subject of SRT is not gravity-time, but time that belongs to the
        individual quantum particles. These quantum particles have no gravity-mass, but
        they have pure energy-mass. And this pure energy mass of quantum particles
        depend on their own speed/ spin. (h or h/2pi).
        Different value of spin of quantum particles create their individual mass and energy-time.




        • #5
          Was Einstein wrong?
          Paul Davies 2003:
          The idea of a variable speed of light, championed
          by an angry young scientist, could one day topple Einstein's theory of relativity.
          Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2 is the only scientific formula
          known to just about everyone. The "c" here stands for the speed of light.
          It is one of the most fundamental of the basic constants of physics. Or is it?
          In recent years a few maverick scientists have claimed that the speed of light
          might not be constant at all. Shock, horror!
          Does this mean the next Great Revolution in Science is just around the corner?

          Was Einstein wrong? | Prospect Magazine



          • #6
            In 1908 Minkowski showed that everything that happened in SRT took
            place in an absolute 4-dimensions spacetime. This solution was adopted
            by all scientific community.
            However, if SRT explains some real quantum action, then the mathematical absolute
            4-dimensions spacetime also must be some real absolute reference frame,
            but in the books about SRT it is impossible to find the real
            (not mathematical) image of 4-dimensions spacetime.


            • #7
              A strange new world of light.
              November 2, 2017
              Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

              There's nothing new thing under the sun -- except maybe light itself.

              ================================================== ===========


              • #8
                SRT: Einstein's two postulates. / other interpretation/

                a) The laws of physics are the same in all material (!) inertial reference frame:
                / Galileo transformations./
                All material (!) inertial frames of reference are approximately (!) inertial
                reference frame.

                b) The speed of light in vacuum's constant / absolute continuum (T=0K) has
                constant speed: c=1

                c) All laws of physics change when quantum particles transfer from absolute
                vacuum continuum (T=0K) to inertial reference frames. / Lorenz transformations./



                • #9
                  a) SRT describes physics in the absence of gravity,
                  It means that stars, planets, galaxies cannot be SRT subjects.
                  It means that SRT is interesting in situation around gravity-masses.
                  And the ''object'' that surrounds all billions and billions galaxies.
                  is an absolute , infinite, eternal*Minkowski 4D spacetime - ''space fabric'' .

                  b ) All material inertial reference frame like stars, planets, galaxies . . .
                  are approximately inertial systems.
                  The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frame
                  ( Galileo transformations ) and therefore all different observers
                  on different inertial reference frame (planets) will see that the speed of quantum of light
                  as constant, independently of who measures this speed and how fast the observers move
                  with respect to the absolute , infinite* ''space fabric'' .

                  c) All physical laws change when we try to unite inertial and absolute references frame.



                  • #10
                    "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" --- 2018
                    1 - One SRT postulate says: all laws (including laws of motion )
                    in all inertial systems ( it means in planets where Newton / Galileo /
                    Descartes laws work) are equal.

                    2 - Another postulate says: the speed of light in a vacuum is constant
                    regardless of the motion of the source of the light / - Michelson experiment /

                    3 - In all inertial systems the speed of objects / particles is relative and never
                    can reach the constant speed of light and therefore to compare one postulate
                    with another postulate is nonsense.

                    4 - But the fact of constant speed of quantum of light contradicts the idea of
                    “transformation theory”. Then it possible to say:
                    Lorentz transformation theory violates constant speed of light.
                    Lorentz transformation theory says: the light speed is not always constant.
                    The speed of quantum of light sometime can be c=1 and sometime cannot be equal 1.

                    5 - Maxwell introduced light as EM subject and Lorentz introduced
                    an electron in Maxwell's EM theory.
                    '' Could not an electron transfer a part of its energy to light ?''
                    ''What is connection between a quantum of light and an electron?''
                    '' What mechanism works between an electron and quantum of light ?''

                    6 - Just as electrons jump from one atomic orbital to another
                    (by emitting or absorbing light) in the Bohr model of the atom,
                    so also in electromagnetic events electrons can jump from event to event
                    by emitting or absorbing quantum of light

                    7- '' . . . the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" explains behavior
                    of quantum of light in the vacuum (in Minkowski an absolute space-time,
                    in the flat continuum without gravity-masses)
                    "One might still like to ask:
                    'How does it work?
                    What is the machinery behind the law?'
                    No one has found any machinery behind the law. . .
                    We have no ideas about a more basic mechanism from which these results can be deduced."
                    - Richard Feynman
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by socratus; 12-04-2018, 11:08 AM.


                    • #11
                      ''DUALITY'' of Quantum Particle.
                      a) Sometimes quantum of light's speed IS constant.
                      In this kind of movement quantum of light DOESN'T have EM waves.
                      b) Sometimes quantum of light's speed IS variable.
                      In this kind of movement quantum of light DOES have EM waves.
                      Maybe the problem of ''DUALITY'' of quantum particle is hidden here.


                      • #12
                        No known theory can be distorted so as to provide even
                        an approximate explanation [of wave-particle duality].
                        There must be some fact of which we are entirely ignorant and
                        whose discovery may revolutionize our views of the relations
                        between waves and ether and matter.
                        For the present we have to work on both theories.
                        On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we use the wave theory;
                        on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we think in streams
                        of flying energy quanta or corpuscles.
                        — Sir William Bragg
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by socratus View Post
                          No known theory can be distorted so as to provide even
                          an approximate explanation [of wave-particle duality].
                          There must be some fact of which we are entirely ignorant and
                          whose discovery may revolutionize our views of the relations
                          between waves and ether and matter.
                          For the present we have to work on both theories.
                          On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we use the wave theory;
                          on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we think in streams
                          of flying energy quanta or corpuscles.
                          — Sir William Bragg
                          Originally posted by socratus View Post
                          There must be some fact of which we are entirely ignorant
                          — Sir William Bragg
                          What is the '' fact of which we are entirely ignorant '' ?
                          * #
                          Planck / Einstein described* ''quantum of action'' as: E=hf
                          where ( h)* is a ''quantum of action'' of particle and (f) its frequency.
                          (wave / particle duality - simultaneously )
                          Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit described how this action is possible: E=h*f
                          ( h bar = h/2pi )

                          That means the fact of wave-particle duality
                          ''which we are entirely ignorant '' is hidden
                          in the movements / states of quantum particle.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Minkowski Light cone and an antique sand watch ( hourglass )
                            Minkowski explained the spacetime by using the ''Light cone'' scheme.
                            Minkowski light cone
                            ''Light cone in 2D space plus a time dimension.. . , .
                            A light cone is the path that a flash of light, . . . through spacetime''
                            (light travel from an enormous past light cone through a place
                            of the very tiny present to an enormous future light cone)
                            / look the scheme /
                            Antique sand watch ( hourglass )
                            Sand in hourglass flows from the upper vessel (place of a past)
                            through very tiny hole (place of the short present life) to the lower vessel
                            ( place of the future ) / look the picture /
                            We can turn over the hourglass and the time will flow vice versa.
                            Similar: . . . the light in an absolute Minkowski spacetime can travel
                            backward in time, according to ''The law of conservation and
                            transformation of energy-mass'' and the entropy principle.
                            The Minkowski scheme of Light cone has three systems
                            of coordinate: past, present, future . . . for light traveling
                            with constant speed the time is ''frozen'' . . . the present
                            state is the border between past and future . . . light takes
                            an important place in the present system . . . .
                            (from photosynthesis . . . to atoms, cells, living creatures . . .)
                            To go from past to future Light must change its parameters
                            in the present system according to ''The law of conservation
                            and transformation of energy-mass''. The concrete changes
                            of quantum of light in the present time were described
                            by the ''Lorentz laws of transformation''
                            Practically Minkowski ''cone'' is a flat, homogeneous, isotropic.
                            Mathematically Minkowski ''cone'' is an abstract construction.
                            Practically, according to the WMAP (2013 measurement) the
                            Cosmic Space is ''pretty flat'' to within 0,4% - 0,5%
                            Minkowski's kamuflage.
                            The ''time'' in Einstein's SRT was negative.
                            Minkoski saw that mathematically it is ''ugly'' and he
                            changed negative time into positive time by the beautiful
                            mathematical construction ''an absolute spacetime-4D.
                            Minkowski did not create a new theory, he only masked the negative
                            time problem, he only masked the reference frame for ''spacetime''.
                            Where can we see the negative time and spacetime in nature?
                            The unity of space and time we can see in the cold cosmic vacuum.
                            The structure of the cold cosmic vacuum doesn't have ''time''
                            My conclusion:
                            Einstein's SRT (1905) has only one absolute reference frame.
                            This absolute reference frame. is a cold , flat, homogeneous,
                            isotropic cosmic vacuum.
                            All other reference frames are relative systems.
                            Best wishes
                            Israel Sadovnik Socratus
                            ''You cannot be a physicist, if you don't understand
                            the beauty of the Minkowski mathematical construction.''
                            / a professor to the students /

