Quarks: Realty and Fiction.
Part one: reality.
Quarks are a fundamental constituent of matter.
Quarks combine to form composite particle called* proton.
There are six types of quarks:
up, down, strange, charm, top, and bottom.
For every quark there is an anti-quark.
Quarks are the only elementary particles in the Standard Model of particle physics
to experience all four fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces
(electromagnetism, gravitation, strong interaction, and weak interaction),
Accelerator experiments have provided evidence for all six quarks.
Six of the particles in the Standard Model are quarks.
Standard Model* has demonstrated huge successes in providing experimental predictions.
But the Standard Model of particle physics is not a complete theory.
Part two: fiction.
There are six types of quarks:
'' up, down, strange, charm, top, and bottom.''
For every quark there is an anti-quark.
Six of the particles in the Standard Model are quarks.
Standard Model* has demonstrated huge successes.
But the Standard Model is not a complete theory.
Why SM is not complete?
In my opinion, it must be one more quark.
i will called him male- quark and his anti-quark
* -* female-quark.
Now i need to explain how to unite all quarks
in order to create proton.
To unite them i will use Occam's razor.
A ''strange male-quark'' makes sex with
''charm female-quark'' in a different positions
''up-top'' and ''down-bottom''
in this unity was created ''zygote -proton''
Accelerator experiments have provided evidence
for all six quarks but not mine male-quark.
The male-quark needs more powerful* LHC-machine
( exactly as a string-particle)
Pay attention, experiments have provided evidence
for all six quarks not at one observation, but one by
one quark-experiment* in different time on different
accelerators. Having different pictures scientists say:
''the proton looks as mathematicians predicted''
And my explanation shows natural (not mathematical)
picture of some scientific ideas.
By the way, ''where did quarks come from?''
Part one: reality.
Quarks are a fundamental constituent of matter.
Quarks combine to form composite particle called* proton.
There are six types of quarks:
up, down, strange, charm, top, and bottom.
For every quark there is an anti-quark.
Quarks are the only elementary particles in the Standard Model of particle physics
to experience all four fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces
(electromagnetism, gravitation, strong interaction, and weak interaction),
Accelerator experiments have provided evidence for all six quarks.
Six of the particles in the Standard Model are quarks.
Standard Model* has demonstrated huge successes in providing experimental predictions.
But the Standard Model of particle physics is not a complete theory.
Part two: fiction.
There are six types of quarks:
'' up, down, strange, charm, top, and bottom.''
For every quark there is an anti-quark.
Six of the particles in the Standard Model are quarks.
Standard Model* has demonstrated huge successes.
But the Standard Model is not a complete theory.
Why SM is not complete?
In my opinion, it must be one more quark.
i will called him male- quark and his anti-quark
* -* female-quark.
Now i need to explain how to unite all quarks
in order to create proton.
To unite them i will use Occam's razor.
A ''strange male-quark'' makes sex with
''charm female-quark'' in a different positions
''up-top'' and ''down-bottom''
in this unity was created ''zygote -proton''
Accelerator experiments have provided evidence
for all six quarks but not mine male-quark.
The male-quark needs more powerful* LHC-machine
( exactly as a string-particle)
Pay attention, experiments have provided evidence
for all six quarks not at one observation, but one by
one quark-experiment* in different time on different
accelerators. Having different pictures scientists say:
''the proton looks as mathematicians predicted''
And my explanation shows natural (not mathematical)
picture of some scientific ideas.
By the way, ''where did quarks come from?''